    Bill Cosby found guilty of sexual assault. Thoughts?

    +8  Views: 1109 Answers: 10 Posted: 6 years ago

    10 Answers

    .... I feel sorry for the women

    Good. It’s encouraging that women can be heard and simply by being male (and rich and famous) he cannot escape with the all too familiar standby. Boys will be boys, but he’s so nice, he makes me laugh, I won’t be believe.....  Turn about is fair play. Oh! You were asking if I thought he was guilty all along? I’m just not surprised, his freckles gave me the creeps......


    jh, they're warty spots and old age spots. You'd think with all his money, he would go to a derm and get them fixed

    It's good to see even so called celebrities are not above the law.

    terryfossil 1

    Never as cut and dried as it sounds Kent..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    @terry.....dozens and dozens of women were drugged and raped. In your mind, they're all lying??????
    terryfossil 1

    @.Duck,of cause not Quacker,and i have no idea who is or who is not ..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<..

    Logic can tell you that at least ONE of them is telling the truth. Rape is a crime.
    terryfossil 1

    I would hope at least more than 1 is telling the whole truth Quacker..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    @terry......Would you be convinced that he is a sexual predator if 300 women came forward. Doubtful. You can't judge. Phhhhttttttttttt.....
    terryfossil 1

    Quacker,if 300 people came forward,i could promise you,there would be more than 1 that would not be telling the whole truth..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    bad to drug people and lie on them afterwards.

    terryfossil 1

    Lie on them or lay on them Tabb.?????.:):).>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    terryfossil 1, both

    Time wounds all heels.


    that was a good one.

    very good!!!

    It is time that men realized that women are people too! This has gone on for centuries! Praise to the women who opened their souls to put down abusing men! We are all humans! PLEASE act like one!



    Some men still seem to be on the side of the rapists, no matter what the situation. (Welcome to the 'good ol' boys club.) I can only assume that they treat their own women with disdain and disrespect!

    I think they should put the SOB in jail.

    If they are 100 per cent sure, then  I would chop his bits off.

    I really dont know all the facts, but if he did it , life in prison . Not much else to say. Rape is all about abuse. 

    I am not in a position to judge,nor do i have any evidence,i only know what the papers say,,2 trials later and both jury's had problems coming to a decision,,it seems to be his word against them and their word against him..i believe there was never more than 2 people in the room at a only those two know the answer..i have a story,i knew a girl once who had 3 maybe 4 guys jailed for rape before the cops finally twigged to the fact something was not quite right..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<.. 


    Terry, do you always need to rush to the defense of the most horrible criminals? It wasn't just a few women. Open your mind a bit. Sometimes people actually deserve to go to prison!
    terryfossil 1

    Of cause there are those who deserve to be locked up,and there are those who have been locked up for the wrong crime,especially in USA..and i am not defending anybody,and i know not everybody is charged correctly..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Do you actually know the number of accusers who have come forward? You sound as though you think it's only 2 or 3 and that is not enough for you?
    terryfossil 1

    No Quacker,there are a lot of accusers,but common sense says the number of accusers does not make anybody guilty,,just because somebody says so,does not make it so....>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Okay terry. According to YOUR logic, he's very likely an innocent man but I have to believe you're playing a part here. I'll react to it now. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!
    terryfossil 1

    Quacker.only an idiot would say he is an innocent man,and i am not an idiot,,and only an idiot would say he was guilty of all charges without knowing the circumstances of the charges..>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Now, now terry, mustn't ever judge who might be an idiot.
    terryfossil 1

    Maybe idiot was a bit harsh Quacker,however i just seen and heard an interview with one of the jurors, and he said the decision,"was not as cut and dried as you might think"..i would like to know more about that quote..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I'd like to hear from the additional dozens of women who were too traumatized to come forward at all. I'd also like to hear from his smiling wife. Guess she doesn't believe the women either.

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