    " The good old days". Do you remember any of these?

    <!--StartFragment-->Image result for curfew was lightning bugs<!--EndFragment-->

    +7  Views: 819 Answers: 6 Posted: 6 years ago
    Tags: curfew

    If I didn't eat what was on my plate, I couldn't go outside and play . I had to sit there and eat it.
    country bumpkin

    That wasn't uncommon for parents to make their kids eat before they could resume playing. Be grateful you had food to eat, MCM.

    6 Answers

    I often wonder what the kids of today will think about their childhood, I sure miss my childhood days, they weren't perfect but I still miss them, no going back though, forward, always forward!*&amp;output-format=auto&amp;output-quality=auto


    There was always vomit on that merry go 'round in our park. That picture looks like the Clampetts ;-)

    My curfew was the street lights coming on; I ate what Mom cooked; I played outside after I ate, as long as I "cleaned my plate"; we all went to the park or the school ground to play softball or kick the can; the boys and girls played together (even though we all hated each other); I don't think anyone had any idea that a kid might be snatched by an ex or assaulted by anyone. We came home at bed time, tired, dirty and happy. My how the world has changed!   

    country bumpkin

    We're a dying breed.

    Come to think of it, sometimes I still come home tired, dirty and happy. lol

    My mom would pinch her bottom lip and suck in. Loudest, shrillest, most recognizable sound throughout the entire  neighborhood. Other kids would pass on the message if somehow we missed it (selective hearing). And the oven somehow gave out the odors of whatever was cooking inside. Roast was the best smell. There was a school playground around the corner and a city park a few blocks over where we’d spend hours playing or fishing or exploring. Alone or with a few chums. And the parents never worried.....


    I envied females who could whistle like that. :)

    Yes i do,and life was a lot simpler back then,life has sadly gone down hill since then..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<..

    They were great days, and the summer seemed to last for ever.


    terryfossil 1

    Those were the days my friend..and a great song..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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