    How are your teeth ?

    I can't understand why I've had more problems with my teeth lately . I always took care of my teeth. But, when my mom got older, she had some pulled too; and she always took care of her teeth too. Is this part of aging ? My brother's teeth are fine and he's close to 72. A lot of us here are in the same age group.......60s. 

    +5  Views: 1287 Answers: 10 Posted: 6 years ago

    10 Answers

    I'm almost 76 and my teeth, which are 'the originals' are fine, except for a few which were (wrongly) pulled when I was a teenager. The dentist that I've been seeing for about 30 years, does not believe in pulling teeth. She will repair them instead.




    my dentist was that way too, but he retired a few years ago. I think the two teeth I had pulled recently were pulled needlessly >:-O

    I have not had real teeth for years!  Mine are like stars! They come out at night! LOL



    I wonder if young people even understand what or why in regard to false teeth? Even I don't understand why so many people over (about) 60, have false teeth.

    Ducky, I used to wonder that too and a black lady I asked that of at work said, " I think it's all that smokin' " That could have something to do with it.

    So eighty years ago, more people smoked?

    I asked her the question about younger people......namely my husband. I wondered why he had a full set of dentures when i met him. I never asked him b/c I didn't want to embarrass him .And actually, fewer people smoke now than 80s years ago. Or let's say that more people are quitting.
    country bumpkin

    @MCM...Why do you have to mention "black" lady?
    Example: If you are giving a detailed description to the police because the lady has been abducted or she has committed some heinous crime then it would probably be a good idea to mention she is black. In a typical comment here on aka or conversation elsewhere, what is the point of mentioning her colour!

    ((Ducky, I used to wonder that too and a "white" lady I asked that of at work said, " I think it's all that smokin' " That could have something to do with it.))??

    @CB....I asked an "oriental lady" the same question and guess what she said? "I think it's all that smokin'". I guess that must be the reason for sure! :)
    country bumpkin

    Oh Geezo, I give up! LOL

    @mcm....Seriously? You were married for years and you didn't ask your husband about his dentures because that's an embarrassing topic?! Really???

    I remember having bad teeth since I was very young. We lived in the country so no floride in the water. My teeth were the worse of all the children and I didn't smoke when I was ten

    Eleven? :)

    CB: It all started with Tom T. Hall: "...this old gray black gentleman, was cleaning up the lounge..."

    ....still have all of them 

    ....see the dentist every six months for cleaning/inspection 

    I'm 51 and I still have all my teeth.

    I did receive 13 fillings when I was around the age of 10 because   I was not made to brush my teeth when I was a youngster.  I don't like having all the fillings because they are ugly, but I would rather have fillings than have false teeth or no teeth.


    I like that fillings done now are the same color as your teeth....can't even see them.
    country bumpkin

    One of my fillings cracked a few years ago and the dentist replaced it with a white filling. It is less noticeable. :)

    As you age, your teeth get whiter and whiter. Why, you ask? Cracked and broken old fillings being replaced. lol

    What teeth?


    jh, what happened to your teeth ?

    Lost them all years ago to make room for dental post.

    My 31 teeth include lots of fillings and gold crowns. I exercise them frequently. :D


    mine have that too.

     full dentures since the age of 40..i lost teeth for a variety of reasons..but mainly a mispent youth..i am in the middle of getting a new full set now..not bad for $1800..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..


    gee, it cost me that much for just one crown or tooth pulling job. Dental work where I go is very expensive. And I don' t have dental insurance.

    @MCM you paid 1800 dollars to have a tooth pulled? Really??
    terryfossil 1

    I get $850 back from my health fund MCM..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    If you're paying $1800.00 to have one tooth pulled, you had better shop around! I know that you pay less for dental services than we do in Canada, so that sounds ridiculous to me.

    This white man is 75 and has all teeth except two wisdom teeth. Smoking does not affect tooth decay but can make gum disease ( periodontitis) worse.


    Says an ex dentist, bet you've seen some horrors?

    that's why a lot of people lost their teeth, b/c of gum disease . My 4th cousin had all his teeth removed when he was only about 50 b/c there was so much infection in there......his mother said. He smokes like a chimney. It also gave him a heart attack.. I used to smoke too, so don' t everybody send me nasty replys.

    Great.  All there and they help me speak the truth.  


    you're lucky . Years ago, the dentist said my dad " had soft teeth " I guess I've got them too. The front of one of my teeth broke off last week :-(

    My teeth are fine, but my gums are falling out!

    terryfossil 1

    Are you a bit of a gummy shark old mate..????..

    That's a face only a mother could love
    terryfossil 1

    A mother would disown it MCM..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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