    Pointless terrorism ..... It is Canada's turn. ... Check the news. :(

    +9  Views: 1689 Answers: 6 Posted: 9 years ago

    6 Answers

    I'm watching it. More sadness. Everyday, someone is gunned down somewhere it seems. What a world.    :(




    Ridiculous and for what?

    ....craziness abounds, glad the Duck and Fish are ok !

    Thanks Ben.

    Canada changed today.
    I imagine our innocent nature as a country has now ended.
    We did have a great thing going.
    It only takes one seriously messed up nut.

    Thanks Ben.

    I feel saddened,angry & frustrated for you & Canada & that young bloke who was kiled senselessly.As I said in my own post on this subject Canada has always been a safe peace loving country in the minds of most people.I hope they can catch this nutcase & make an example of him.But then the mounties always get their man.Let's hope they do.Take care Ducky.

    People of a violent and dark nature seem to need to stand behind a cause, that should not be confused with religion.

    This is a very sad day.
    Unfortunately, this day has changed our nation. Unfortunately there are people who use religion to kill.
    Unfortunately, they are wrong. However, these people kill, "in the name".
    I am fairly certain that is not God's will. .... Just a wild guess. ..... No God has ever asked me to kill thy neighbour. Not silently or out loud.

    Well I'm glad they shot the terrorist,  that's one less.




    Sadly, for every terrorist that is killed, there seem to be thirty more being "trained" in North America and elsewhere. It seems they are unaware that there are other projects to be involved in throughout their lives. I guess ignorance is bliss. :(

    Yes it's a very sad state of affairs ducky. The police arrested 4 suspect s here last week, they think they were planning to kill another soldier or a policeman on the streets. Luckily they caught them first, where will it all end.

    It's a new world for sure. :(

    A horrible, dark part of me wonders what those terrorists would do if there were YouTube videos showing their terrorist buddy being strung up and torched, or having HIS head removed, posthumously and waved around like a prize. Maybe, like was done with Franco (?), hoist his dead body in the town square....

    These people sadly, don't value human lfe. Murder is their drama. It is insanely sick.

    Has terrorism increased? Or is the news media just getting better? I feel for Canada, just a nice place in my eyes and from what I’ve learned from the two swimmers. Sure, they celebrate Thanksgiving on the wrong day but that’s no reason to share the madness………...

    country bumpkin

    You got me curious about Thanksgiving being held during a different month in Canada so I looked it up. Here's what I found:

    Canada has been celebrating the holiday a lot longer than our southern neighbours.

    Thanksgiving in Canada actually goes back to 1578 in Newfoundland, when explorer Martin Frobisher held a ceremony of gratitude for surviving the journey from Europe.

    Americans, led by the Puritans and the Mayflower, didn’t begin their annual tradition until 1621 – 43 years later.

    Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks and is not based on a historical date like Christmas. So, the entire world does not celebrate Thanksgiving and even those that do frequently celebrate on different dates than the United States. Canada is a perfect example.

    Canadas Thanksgiving is based on a bountiful harvest and not on the Pilgrims and the New World like the Unites States holiday. The reason it occurs earlier than the US Thanksgiving is that Canada is north of the United States and because of this the harvest season occurs earlier during the year. So, it only makes sense for Canada to celebrate its fall harvest during their fall and harvest time!

    This is why I love aka because we learn so much.

    Thanks for the read and the education. That does it! NO SHOOTING ALLOWED IN CANADA!

    The killing of a soldier of at a monument respecting The Unkown Soldier has nothing to do with the fact that Thanksgiving is respected on two different days in two different countries.
    country bumpkin

    You are correct Kay, it doesn't have anything to do with your question. I noticed the comment about Thanksgiving in Julie's answer and as I've mentioned above I came became curious as to why so I looked it up and shared it with Julie because I thought it was interesting. I'm sorry if I offended you.

    You are right, of course. My sarcasm betrays me at times. I meant no less than respect for what your country is going through. Perhaps I’m growing calloused….

    My husband served in the military. Our Sargent At Arms was amazing today. A soldier died as a civilian tried to save him on television in real time. He was shot basically, point blank.
    Our parliament was in caucus, which means the building was filled with our elected leaders.

    Please note I am not upset with either one of you.
    My words may have come across in the wrong context.
    country bumpkin

    You know you are dear to me Kay. I love you bunches!
    country bumpkin

    Where did your comment go, Julie? :(

    I had typed it in the wrong place……..see Bob’s answer.

    It's hard to accept the beautiful world where you and your beloved family live is now experiencing something I hoped would never reach your borders....that goes for Ducky, Digger, and our other Canadian friends.  

    BUT, I believe YOUR leaders WILL take action on your shores, whereas the big shots HERE are busy playing golf.  :(


    Get over it, Bob. My wonderful, greatest dad played golf and deserved every stroke……..

    Thanks Bob.

    That is part of the problem in the US, Julie; we are expected to "get over it" and "let it go". Maybe YOU need to "get WITH it".
    Your dad earned his golf game. He paid his own greens fees and didn't have Secret Service trailing after him, sending the bill to me.
    How often did your father blow off his patients so he could get in 18 holes. C'mon, Julie, ever hear of apples and oranges.


    Ducky and FISH-O: Truly hope the terrorism in Canada can be curtailed with prompt, effective action.

    I'm afraid that it will "spread" here, just as it has in the States and elsewhere. :(

    Let's hope those who have the ability to make the changes to prevent it - better security at borders, better enforcement of gun control laws, for example, do their jobs.

    Bob, I was only insinuating that the man needs some “alone time” & never gets it what with security, kids, wife, public, etc. A game of gold helps the mind (makes it work), thought process, etc. The secret service will always be there be it democrat or republican in office, that’s a given expense. As a democrat I don’t begrudge the man, he inherited a bunch of crap……….
    Bob/PKB did each of his predecessors, Julie. He's not unique, special, more intelligent, charismatic, insightful, sympathetic, empathetic, progressive, fair, honest,or effective. His popularity rating is as low as or lower than most other presidents have experienced, and the number of questionable courses of action he's taken (or not) increases on a near-daily basis.
    Tell me something he's accomplished in his tenure that has benefited the majority of legal citizens of the U.S.
    Defending this guy is as unacceptable as thinking every Muslim is a terrorist.
    As a citizen of the United States, I do begrudge him, 6 years and counting, of ineffective leadership.
    Finally, do you honestly believe his mind is on anything but how to play the next shot? Golf is a selfish game; it is all about an individual score. Not a problem for me, but a good massage can help relax your body and clear your mind without all the hoopla and expense.
    The president of the United States isn't entitled to "slack".


    n his first week in office, Barack Obama did the following:
    Froze the salaries for top White House staff members. This is a largely symbolic act, but might be an important one.

    Set a deadline for the closing of Guantanamo Bay. Some of his supporters would say this is a great thing because they believe it operates as something from the Dark Ages. Others believe this characterization to not be true, and that no plan will be put place to determine what to do with the prisoners. Time will tell.

    Fast-tracked the process to apply new fuel standards to 2011 car models AND initiated steps to allow California to set its own standards for auto emissions that are stricter than that of the Federal government. Again, this is a measure that some of his supporters hail as a grand step forward, while his detractors (or flamers) point out that it could provide an additional severe drag on the economy, especially in car manufacturing areas.

    Signed a detailed executive order to ban torture and inhumane treatment of prisoners.

    Asked the military leadership to engage in additional planning necessary to execute a responsible military draw down from Iraq.

    Released the interrogation memos without consulting the Bush staff and/or Bush about it. And they were only partially released some of the information in the memos were not made public.

    Signed an executive order that restored a 30-day time frame for former presidents to review records before they are released. It also eliminated the right for the vice president or family members of former presidents to do the reviews.

    Signed an executive order that requires that appointees sign forms saying that they were not hired because of political affiliations or contributions. This is far from an unbeatable measure, but is an important early step towards cleaning up governmental hiring policies. It is easier to prove someone lied when their signature is right next to the statement in question.

    Signed an order banning gifts from lobbyists and banning anyone from working in an agency they had lobbied in previous years. Promptly made the order toothless by immediately granting a waiver to a former defense lobbyist.

    Lifted a ban on giving federal money to international groups that perform abortions or provide abortion information.

    Granted his first TV interview as president to Al-Arabiya, a channel described as a "voice of moderation" to the Middle East. His supporters call this a very smart move to help angered nations and groups feel a bit less cast aside, and let them know that they need not resort to violence to be made a part of the world discussion. Detractors point out that this is the type of thing Neville Chamberlain would have done, though a TV interview and "the Munch Agreement" are leagues apart.


    Tell me something he's accomplished in his tenure that has benefited the majority of legal citizens of the U.S.
    You copied a list you got from somewhere, and posted it twice.

    How many hours of the week does yor president play golf? It must be astronomical.
    I wonder if that information can be Googled.
    Thanks for your sentiments Bobbette. The reservist who was shot in the back and died was a single father. Every single person these radical extremists murder is an important and well loved person to someone else ... A person who is equally important. These tainted human beings must be completely out of touch and devoid of love. Taking a life for the sake of doing just that, is beyond comprehension.

    Sorry for the double post, didn’t realize I did it. Thanks for letting me know….I can’t (won’t) argue with you Bob, I love you too much. Thanks, Fish. Single father, huh? What a bitch…….

    Back at you, Julie. I just checked on this and found that Barack is ranked just slightly below GW as the worst prez since WWII. They both have been disappointing.
    Love you, too. Politics isn't one of the many things upon which we see eye to eye.

    FISH-O..I can't justify any death by a terrorist. Knowing your young soldier was also a single dad makes this more heartbreaking.

    Over here, your president does not look bad. I imagine how many hits a web site gets puts that website on the top of the lists for things to look at first.
    Personally, I like to be completely informed rather than be swayed.
    The man has managed to handle this newest Middle East conflict with dignity and aligning countries behind him with very little effort. That has to count for something.
    .... Just saying.

    The Canadian War Memorial where the tragic event took place.


    A touching editorial cartoon tribute

    Bruce MacKinnon


    Leaving two answers as exception to the rule. (How are you doing?) :(((
    country bumpkin

    He's ignoring you again. :(

    We're using Canadian mental telepathy.
    country bumpkin

    Yeah,the silence is deafening! :)

    I told you.....we're "mental"'s "mental" telepathy! lol

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