    Would You?

    Would you tell someone they have a dingily-dangily booger hanging from their nose?

    I was invited to  a luncheon with several women and the woman sitting across from me had an awesome boogerness hanging from her nostril.  I wanted to slip a napkin her way with a note on it explaining the situation, which she then  could have  used to wipe her nose.  I'm sure she must have noticed it later that day and she must have pondered the thought of how many people noticed her booger and did not say anything to her. 

    Should I have told her? WOULD YOU?

    +5  Views: 1115 Answers: 10 Posted: 10 years ago

    10 Answers

    Once at my school, a parent came in to meet with the guidance chairperson.  I escorted her to his office, as she asked me directions while I was in corridor.  I then went to a school phone and told him not to laugh or stare at the lipstick smeared across her teeth, just to bust him up.  He called me later and laughed and told me that he really had to restrain himself, and could not stop looking at her teeth the whole meeting, then swore at me!  We used to do things like that to each other, I am sure he paid me back appropriately... 

    country bumpkin

    Great story! Thanks for sharing it with us.

    I would have caught her attention and hand signaled to my nose (tap it) while looking them in the eye…….after that, I would  hope……..

    country bumpkin

    I really wanted to tell her because so many people were speaking to her. I guess I thought someone else would let her know.

    I would have slapped it off.
    Quite painless.
    country bumpkin

    This was no little boogie! It was a UFO ready for lift off and one deep breath with a long exhalation would have launched it directly on my plate.


    I wonder if this could be her husband? Is Mrs. Booger your new friend? Guess what you'll think of now, every time you see her?

    country bumpkin

    HA HA! I'm so scared.

    You'll probably laugh in her face when you see her next. LOL!!

    ....just reach across with a big wad of tissues for her....she'll get it.

    I have a neighbor who has the mentality of @ 15 years old and he needs a tissue or 5 once in a while...he has a zztop beard and really long hair and rides his bike all over and is over 6 feet tall...he just grins and says " Yah I know I'm leaking!"  LOL

    country bumpkin

    Oh how sweet! God bless him!

    Drip drip, drip dri

    Bit chewy huh?

    country bumpkin

    HA! Interesting choice of words knowing we were meeting for lunch. (EEEWWW)

    I'd be pretty straight-forward but especially discreet.  

    country bumpkin

    Definitely discreet.

    I think I would have to for fear of me heaving. How unpleasant for the guests having lunch.

    country bumpkin

    I have never had a problem before letting someone know if their fly is unzipped or they have toilet paper sticking to their shoe etc. It was just this one instance that I could not bring myself to say anything.


    I've told a couple of my friends on occasion , " You've got a little flake of food or something on your nose " They wipe their nose, and that takes care of the problem. Course, I realize, it's harder with someone you don't know, or you just met.

    Having a long tounge can help in these circumstances,

    country bumpkin

    This is one reason why I love cows.

    :-P My cats can lick their nose with their tongue .
    country bumpkin

    I can lick other peoples noses with my tongue. LOL

    the mind boogles,
    country bumpkin

    It does doesn't it!

    yes i would. i would tell the to go to bathroom and wipe their nose or face.  i would be diplomatic. things happen.  that's why i love a reflective looking glass.

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