    After dinner.....

    ....the meal has been enjoyed, the dishes are done, and you are kicking back for the evening, but suddenly you have a little hunger pang. 
    What's going to satisfy the late evening munchies for YOU!

    (I have a box of Truffles from See's.  One is my limit. And I have some "healthy" frozen fudge bars.  And I sometimes will have a cup of hot tea, or a small bag of Sun Chips.  Or a bowl of popcorn, or a home-made frappe,  a handful of almonds or peanuts.  NO, I don't have ALL of that; I'll pick ONE.  I just like having options.)

    +8  Views: 1465 Answers: 11 Posted: 10 years ago

    11 Answers

    Fudge swirled ice cream with Hershey's chocolate syrup is ONE of my favorite comfort foods...or "feel good food"...on occasion, I'll open a box of cheese cake flavored pudding mix and shake a bit over the top of the syrup...right now...I have everything except the ICE CREAM!!!...(sigh.)...


    LOL, that sounds like a diabetic coma waiting to happen, wonderer! :D

    Do you actually eat that or is it just put together for a picture in a magazine called "Foods to Die For"? LOL!!!

    Ducky, you mean "foods to die FROM".

    I wasn't sure the magazine would be so willing to admit that. lol

    Some of those are my favorite foods, except I know better than to indulge too much or too often. sigh

    I use to eat that kind of stuff ALMOST every night, would be my "mood food" for the day and helps me sleep at night...I felt incomplete without it...STILL do! I NEED SOME...NOW!!!!!!!!...My "fix"...!!

    Well, I was just sitting here reading along and suddenly I NEED SOMETHING YUMMY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHOCOLATE!!
    I'll go for what wonderer said.


    I like popcorn on the weekends especially if I'm watching a movie.

    I have some very juicy sweet oranges that I've been snacking on this past week when I feel like having a late night snack.

    On occasion I like a dark chocolate candy bar or ice cream, but I try to stay away from sweets. I bought some ice cream a few weeks ago and this was the first time I've had ice cream  in over  6 months.

    I prefer snacking on fresh fruit and raw vegetables in the summertime and  spicy foods in the wintertime such as my homemade salsa-not for anyone who can't handle spicy heat.




    Hot hot hot hot hot hot hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    country bumpkin

    Do you want to Salsa? (*~*)

    Do you have "tortilla chips" there? Do you use the vegetables for the salsa? (I am a serious salsa/chip fanatic)
    country bumpkin

    I've been to four major grocery store chains here and a couple of Convenience stores and only one has plain tortilla chips. I either have to go there or buy corn tortilla's and make my own. Don't look for Orville Redenbacher popcorn here either. :)

    Barbarians. Heathens. Cavedwellers. No chips, no OR popcorn...what kind of place is that???
    country bumpkin

    LOL....I plead the fifth!

    Let me speak here...OK?
    If you look there are a lot more varieties and facilities, you just got to get the boots on and go look for them girl!

    Hmmm, two differing opinions. Guess it's up to me to be the tiebreaker. As soon as I find my plaid macintosh and rubbers.....

    CB, slurp :-P . Dark chocolate in something or by itself gives me a buzz ! That's the only desert I can eat now, b/c dark choc supposedly does not raise blood sugar.

    A nice cup of coffee with a small piece of chocolate, and cuddle with my boy cat. By the time I've made the coffee and got the chocolate he's usually waiting on the arm of my chair.


    Cats are so funny. They can be independent and almost "snooty" and the next minute are curled up in your lap or by your side, purring like there's no tomorrow. My cat is a joy, even when she is a "pest" :D Much easier to have her in my lap than my 50 pound "puppy", who also insists on sitting in my lap if she hasn't literally jumped into my arms. :0

    I've heard boy cats are bigger cuddlers than girls. My boy, Tigger, sure is.He snuggles in my arms way more than his sisters do.

    It must depend on the cat him/herself. Peanut just planted herself in my lap and nearly pushed the computer onto the floor. She has her paw on my arm, her version of a hug.

    Our boy cat will always snuggle up on my lap, our little girl cat goes upstairs and keeps calling until my wife goes and lays on the bed with her, but she's not a lap cat.

    Maybe Peanut is a freak of nature. She was an outside "farm" cat for years. This morning she jumped from the bed to my back (I was in a "plank" position on the floor) and laid down immediately. Sadly for her, I only hold that position for one minute. :D

    I have this powder stuff that taste like chocolate, I mix with milk or water that tops off my post-dinner cravings.  Taste pretty good and it swells in the stomach but has no calories.  Keeps  me from snacking all night and the weight down.

    I used to snack on anything I could find, especially watching a movie.  I don't do that anymore.   But I do go outside and take about 5 puffs off a cigar a couple times a night. My wife hates it.   says I bring the stink back in with me.  I guess I could take up chew tobacco and a spitune next to my chair.  :)  


    Do they still sell spitunes? Ask your wife to buy you one for Christmas maybe? :)

    Maybe switch to a pipe? There is some wonderful aromatic pipe tobacco..

    Nah--- I'm gunna quit altogether (again) I come and go at this smoking thing.

    A friend of mine quite the cigarettes, but keeps a cigar around. My son has the electronic cigarettes and is doing really well with those. The strawberry-banana flavoring will get to him soon and he'll cut back even more. :D
    Good wishes for your next effort. It's not easy.

    At least you can blame the smell on the cigar, mine is digestive by-product gas!

    This is going to sound old hat but I usually pop a top after a meal……….


    jh, what do you drink with it, or should I ask ? I was thinking coffee,tea ?

    POP A TOP refers to a can of beer, generally.

    sorry, I thought you said something about pop corn.

    Salty potato chips & some Cadbury's milk chocolate if there is any around.

    A bowen mango or some beautiful fresh peaches that are in season now for dessert.

    The 6 o'clock news is usually on when all this is going down,then it's an episode or 2 of "Criminal minds" & off to bye bye land.

    country bumpkin

    You're spot on Tommyh, salty and sweet (and sour) makes a great combination. I like salty popcorn with peanut m&m's and a dill pickle.
    Geez, I think it's been about 5 years since I've had that combination.

    mARKS and SPENCER`S luxury truffles...We buy them for "Grandma"..BUT...she usually ends up with the nasty leftover ones!:-(


    Nothing like a really, really, really good truffle! Granny should get first pick once in while, though. :D

    Oooh yes Marks and Spencer truffles, lovely jubbly. Have you tried their chocolate puddings with custard ? Must take my mind off them, it's only10am .

    LOL sunny ..WE got her Waitrose ones to try yesterday!...I`ll review them later!!;-)

    Oh she does really Bob!!LOL..We get the leftovers really..all the ones with nuts! ;-) xx..I was just aiming for the sympathy vote!!;-) xx

    No sympathy from me on those leftovers, Millie. I love the nuts and chews more than the soft centers. (Some of those soft centers are seriously awful)

    Please pass me a Marks and Spencers please. I don't want any of the nasty left over ones.
    By the way, that's a nice haircut!

    after dinner i sleep 


    What`s sleep?..Sounds like a long and distant memory!..I usually need a get any sleep!;-)

    what's a G A ?

    Sorry mcm...abbreviation for General Anesthetic! xx

    raisin bran cereal in milk. just had it.

    I could never have one See's chocolate. I'd eat all of the contents and possibly try to eat the box. I'm a sweetaholic. I can't have just one. 

    Celery & carrots. That's what I would have........... One is enough.


    It was on John Tesh yesterday that carrots are bad for our teeth. Not as bad as peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but in the top 3, along with apples. :(

    I read (Enquirer again) that a little bit of peanut butter helps you to lose weight. I am not trying it. Carrots are bad for your teeth. Just a shocking report. It's always something.

    I read this about the name Phyllis as a name for your new baby. : )
    "The name Phyllis may be brought back as a popular name by the hipsters. It has a certain attractive ring to it."

    I'd never wish that name on anybody, especially a little boy :D

    Ice cream or carrots or pizza.

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