
    0  Views: 509 Answers: 2 Posted: 10 years ago

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    Blood Brothers is a musical with music, lyrics and a book by Willy Russell, based loosely on the 1844 novella The Corsican Brothers by Alexandre Dumas. The story is a contemporary nature and nurture plot, revolving around fraternal twins who were separated at birth. The twins' different backgrounds take them to opposite ends of the social spectrum, one becoming a councilor and the other unemployed and in prison. They both fall in love with the same girl, causing a tear in their friendship and leading to the tragic deaths of both brothers.

    Originally developed as a school play, Blood Brothers debuted in Liverpool before Russell transferred it to West End for a short run in 1983. The musical won the Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Musical and went on to a year-long national tour before returning for a revival in the West End in 1988 where it stayed at the Noel Coward Theater for 3 years.

    After transferring to the Phoenix Theater in 1991, Blood Brothers spent more than 24 years in the West End, and played more than 10,000 performances, becoming the third longest-running musical production in West End history. The West End revival closed in November 2012. The musical has been produced with success on tour, on Broadway and elsewhere, and it has developed a cult following.


    The Blood Brothers were an American post-hardcore band formed in the Eastside suburbs of Seattle in 1997. The quintet released five albums during their 10 year existence and spawned numerous side-projects along the way. All of the band members have gone on to professional careers with other bands. They officially broke up in November 2007.

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