    My mommy makes me sad all the time. My mommy makes me cry.

    So said my 3 year old granddaughter to the pastor during "Children's Message" this morning.  She was looking  pix of her daddy (my son), kissing each one, hugging it to her and saying, "I love my daddy", which leads me to believe HE doesn't make her sad and cry. Daddy isn't doing well financially, and Mommy is a meth addict/alcoholic.  I've separated myself from them because (1) I really loathe HER, and; (2) My son  keeps tangling up his life with her. (It's hard to believe they love each other, but I'll pass on the gory details). Now he's gone and done something which could put him in serious trouble and I'm even more NOT wanting to be around them (although I'll always love my son, I really am disgusted with how stupid he is). 
    I would like both of them, and her parents, to know how the little girl feels. She is a lovable, inquisitive, amazing little girl, but even if she were a spoiled brat, no child should ever feel like this. 
    (I took them to the dollar store, 3 things each. She picked out something for her brother with her third choice.)  
    OK, I'm rambling.  What would you do in a situation like this, where you don't want to stick your nose into "it" anymore. (HER mother is very opinionated; I've avoided confrontations with her and the alcoholic, even when she stood in the middle of my living room and hollered at my son, accusing him of things I know were untrue)
    Helpful contributions only, please. Anything else is abusive. 

    +5  Views: 1309 Answers: 12 Posted: 10 years ago

    12 Answers

    Bob, this situation is way over your head and I'm not saying that as an insult to you. It's just too complicated, deep, involved, problematic. They need some serious intervention by the professionals....psychiatrists, psychologists, addiction counsellors, CPS (perhaps) and maybe the pastor is the starting point. Some professionals are obligated to report these matters to the appropriate place, once they are made aware. Perhaps the pastor is such a person and could help you with this? YOU cannot handle all of this.


    I thought of the pastor too, Ducky. I'm not sure the little girl reported abuse to him but if Bob filled in the details, he might be a mandated reporter the same as teachers and medics. Then it would probably go to CPS.

    Yes, my thought too. Professional help is needed, as it is just way too much for the average person to handle. :(

    I've got to get a lot more information from my GD; just a comment without some validity isn't going to take us far. It really is my son's responsibility to provide a safe home for his children. I have been avoiding him, but realize I need to make some surprise visits. I will.

    What about taking a little gift with you? A fancy bottle of hand lotion, a toy or two. You willl do well with those "friendly" visits. : ) I'm thinking of you and your situation. I guess we ALL are. It's a good group. Sometimes I actually think akaQA is better counsel than relatives. Ha. Don't tell anyone I said that!

    Before posting this, I thought more than once, and felt the same; we have and are friends here. As far as a gift, I wouldn't put two quarters in a gumball machine for my son or her. For the kids, they need my time more than anything.

    It would be much simpler if I could just issue orders. :( I will be contacting someone I can trust who is wise.

    I don’t know, Phil. I’d say call my arch enemies CPS but i hate them.  Call someone though. This matter needs some attention of some sort……...

    If there are social services in your area who actually care about their community it's time for them to get involved, my son works in this service in Scotland and they can really make a difference,my heart feels for you in this situation, I'm an old fart with quick solutions,one punch solves all, I know that doesn't always work,as I say, I'm an old fart!


    I`d personally be a bit cautious of involving social services before exploring other options as it sounds like there`s a possible case to take the little girl into care!..Would they agree to someone responsible in the family taking guardianship of her while they seek help and advice to try and sort themselves out?..This would also be so much less stressful for the little girl...Can you talk to a GP or Counselor to get help and support and to fight your case if needbe?..very good luck so sorry to hear more problems. xxx

    I'm thinking of a situation that might work well for the kids...will keep you posted.

    Phyllis,That is one of the saddest things I have ever read.Heartbreaking.


    As usual, we agree. :(

    I know first hand what damage can be done to innocent children by their selfish parents behavior.If you feel your granddaughter is showing signs of emotional abuse, some authority figure has to intervene for the childs sake.The child protection services does not have to be viewed as the enemy, they are there to help. It is sad and unfair that some kids are born into dysfunctional families.


    PL, I sure agree with you. Some think of Child Protection Service as the enemy. But the truth is that they save children from an extremely difficult and dangerous life. It's so hard to report - to make the first call. I know Bob will do the right thing at the right time. Right now she is really going through it and I'm glad that we're here to give her a little bit of support and caring. xx

    Thank you for you thoughts PL. As your grandchild's guardian, I think you may have had some experience with CPS and your suggestion be taken very seriously. I'll hope my friend gives my son the advice he needs to make the right choice (CPS)

    Bob, you may not have to do anything, if the clergy is a true professional, he will do what the law requires.  As public officials, school teachers, clergy, etc. are "mandated reporters" they are required to contact the proper authorities.  If needed, he may be whispered to which could insure that he does his job...  That is if you want that kind of involvement...


    It was the first time the kids went to this church (or any church). I will be seeing the pastor again and will discuss in more detail what he can do and the consequences. I will follow through; someone needs to advocate for the children. Some people get married and divorced or go through relationships without looking back. You don't do that with your children. They are yours forever; mess with me and I'll defend myself...mess with my kids (or grandkids) and you have a war.

    I am right with you on that!

    Bob, Are you in a position where you could take care of your grandchildren while their parents regain their health? Could you share responsibility with the other grandparents?

    I have a feeling that if you let Mom know what her little girl said at church, it could cause a real firestorm. (She wouldn't want to hear it)    : (      Stay safe. 


    I let my son know how she treated his pictures and what she said about her mom, which HE said surprised him. I have no clue where this will all end, but I don't see it happy for anybody. I'll keep you posted.

    Please do keep us posted. Who hollered at your son? His wife or his wife's mother?

    "HER" mother (maternal grandmother) has treated my son deplorably, including physically assaulting him. HE is the one who has to bring all this to an end. I stand ready if/when that day truly comes, but he's gone back into the lion's den so often, it seems hopeless. The only thing that MAY wake him up is one of the kids being hurt (God forbid) when "Mommy Dearest" is in a drunken stupor or drug-induced rage. :( My son apparently doesn't let the children out of his sight, unless they are with grandparents (my ex has the kids over regularly with his wife; her parents are often with them; my sister and/or I not often enough).

    It's dangerous for the kids. It's dangerous for your son with people who spread false reports.
    You are doing your best. The ball is in your court, it seems.
    It sounds like "Mommy Dearest" is just gone. Gone. Sad.

    It's 2:30 AM. Our power has been off for over an hour. It was sooo dark. So scary. Always have your flashlights ready for that kind of thing.I wondered if the power grid had been sabotaged and the lights would never come on again. We have relatives nearby who are preppers. They have the food, the artillery, a way to escape ...They are set for such an attack,$$$

    yea u are right! even if she was spoiled and naughty NO child should feel the way this child felt!

    Your son really ought to be the one to ask for professional help, I would think if the request comes from him, the CPS or whoever he decides to contact will be able to see his side of things. You and your sister would be able to help him , if the authorities can see that the three of you have the childs best interests at heart that must be a good thing. Sounds like the daughter-in-law needs something to shake her senses a bit. Thinking of you, keep a good eye on things, as you always do.


    Bob: Are you there? I'm going to kind of answer sunnyB's comment. I hope you don't mind.
    Bob's son may be in denial when she told him what the little girl said at church. she also mentioned that her son was SURPRISED. That's not saying anything against him it's just that when personal problems are so extreme sometimes we humans push them to the back of our minds. That would be my best guess. Bob will be here soon, I believe.

    You have provided the definitive answer, sunnyB; my son needs to be the one to take action. The pathetic thing is he won't follow good advice; it's got to be his own idea. :(

    Bob I'm praying for you and the younger folks and the little ones. Thank God akaqa people are such great spiritual friends to be able to talk and share with. I love em all.


    Thank you, Friend. I agree with you completely and we certainly can't have too many prayers!

    I agree with you that no child should ever feel like this, ever. Possibly Child Service should be involved, if all else seems to have failed. I know it is not pleasant to get a third party involved but maybe it is the best recourse for the child. My heart goes out to you as the Grandmother of such a loving little girl. I know it's difficult for you, as far as your son is concerned, and maybe it's time for him to hear how much you love him and that you don't like what he's doing right now. Which are two very separate issues. If he doesn't understand that, then maybe it's time for you to walk away from your son right now. I did. It took my son about 10 years to straighten out. I never had contact with him for all that time, even though he lived in our small town. He had to hit bottom before he could turn his life around. He's now married to a lovely woman and I see him all the time. They were here and stayed over for Christmas. Sometimes the best gift we give others is the gift of saying no. Best of luck. E-mail me if you would like to.


    "Sometimes the best gift we give others is the gift of saying no".
    So right you are and how difficult (but beneficial) that can be. Nice to hear of a happy ending. :)

    You always have an intelligent and reasonably easy answer of what can be done. It isn't rocket science; it's dealing with people, and family, so it can be hard and hurtful. I did "write him off" when he got back with her in November, days after a HUGE blowup where he promised "all of us" he was done with her forever. I do need to talk with him one:one and let him know where I stand. As for walking away, I pretty much have, save for keeping lines open for the children's sakes. I haven't a dime for him (have even removed him from beneficiary status) while his choices are so poor.
    I am glad to hear your son got his act together and that you have lived long enough to enjoy him (and his family). At my age, I don't know what 10 years will do to me, but I know I can't let his "stuff" age me faster.
    If you tell "admin" that your email can be given to me, I will write to you. I can't ask them; you have to tell them. Thank you, witchway.

    hey Bob,unless the kids are in serious danger from their parents,maybe you have to have hands off,,,i dont know about everyone else out here in AKA,,i can only hear one side of the story,and that is how it should be,but to give a truly informed opinion  on a highly explosive situation,,from my position,could be dangerous.i do wish you and your's the best,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


    This is definitely one of those situations where going in with both guns firing is the wrong thing to do. She is 3, and has an imagination. I'll keep my eyes and ears open and my mouth shut for a little while. I expect the sh*t to hit the fan with the parents before long.

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