    Saw a good movie yesterday (Part 2 of The Hunger Games) and

    I wanted to scream at some of the other moviegoers.  The man and kid to my right got up at least 5 times EACH, crossing between the screen and me going and coming. The gal who came with them was up and across 3-4 times independently of her buddies. There were at least 2 babies and 1 toddler crying every ten-fifteen minutes. The idiot next to MY friend had her cell phone lit up, and gave my pal a snotty response when she asked her to turn it off, PLEASE.  

    I blew up and wasted a lot of time getting "security" to come to the theater to tell that bimbo to get out.  "Oh, no, I can't eject her.  I just give her a warning".  
    WHAT??? We got warned and asked REPEATEDLY on the screen before the movie started.  That should be warning and request enough.  I turned my whole phone off BEFORE I even walked into the theater. 

    Do any of YOU keep your phone on when you are at the theater, out to dinner, at church, wedding/funeral, or  social function?  What's your cutoff point, if you have one?  

    (My friend complained to management about the phone and the crying....why do people bring infants to the theater in the first place...and was given two ticket vouchers.  We'll go again, and hope for the best next time)

    +5  Views: 797 Answers: 6 Posted: 10 years ago

    If you don't like the talking and babies crying, cell phones, etc., do what i do. wait for it to come out on D.V.D., and watch it at your leisure on a big screen tv with home theatre you will enjoy it more, besides you will have one thing the cinema hasn't got --- Pause button -- enjoy.:)

    Generally don't have this problem EXCEPT at this particular theater. I would have chosen a different venue, but the friend I went with lives out of town and that was more convenient.
    I enjoy going to a movie once in while. Usually the weekday afternoons provide an almost empty theatre, which is how I like it. My big screen TV isn't big... My new refrigerator is, though!

    6 Answers

    Mine is always on vibrate mode.


    Do you always respond to it when you are "out"?

    Never when I choose not to. When appropriate,I'll check the call display and decide.People that know me and need to reach me,know that I will return the call promptly if they leave a remotely-detailed enough voice message.

    :D Would you take a call in a theatre during a movie or performance? The bimbo was in text mode; the glare is really distracting.

    Never take a call in a theater,funeral or business meeting. In fact, I set it on mute in such situations. When I said I always have it on vibrate, I meant that I never have it on ring mode.Never.

    That's very considerate of you! Classy

    @Bob...Classy? He never, ever returns MY calls!!!

    It's frustrating and exactly why we don't go to the cinemas any more.Our last experience at a theatre was similar to yours.What a waste of money.The entertainment value..ZIPPO!

    It's happened to me (cell phone ringing) in the movie theatre and even at a stage play. Unbelievable! In both cases, there was an announcement about phones, right at the beginning.

    (I don't even own a cell phone. Who needs me?   lol)

    nice, nice

    wow that's funny! but did u own a phone at the time!

    We ALL need you, Ducky, but not during a movie or stage play. Those people should have been escorted out by their hair and thrown to the curb. Really, no patience with that kind of deliberately rudeness.

    @ nice....Someone else's phone was ringing...not mine.
    nice, nice

    okay nice talking to u! want to talk some more!

    Moderator enforcement, as seems to be the norm.

    I’m sure I will enjoy the movie when I can buy it on DVD. I’ve not been in a theater in many years.

    Nobody knows my cell phone number (including me) so it never rings. I remember “crying rooms” from my early days as well as intermissions………...


    "Crying rooms"???

    Yes, a room for moms to take their crying children to (or children period). It was a room with a thick pane of glass so they could still watch the movie. I’m gonna ask who remembers them………..

    Good question. I don't think I remember that but it sure seems like a good idea.

    I know your number unless you've changed it! The babies and toddlers shouldn't even BE in a movie theater where the film is anything other than G rated. I blame the theater personnel for selling tickets to people with underage appropriate people with them.
    I have been in theaters where the parents actually let their kids run up and down the aisles DURING the movie, laughing and screaming. Maybe Robert G is right....

    It’s the teens now, I have a cell phone, too……...

    jh, we had the crying room too in the theater in town that I went to as a kid. It was upstairs.....near the ladies room .Had regular theater seats in there.....about 6 of them.Audio was piped in . Too bad they phased them out.

    MCM, then why didn’t you answer my question about “‘crying rooms”? Ducky was the only one……...

    I'm sorry that happened to you. I've been looking forward to going to the movies but now I'm not so sure. I guess it would be ok but there's: the crowd, the expense of the ticket, no pause, the timing, the expense of the treats, can't turn it off if you don't like it. We were going to go on Christmas day but there were no good shows playing. We could have gone to an area where it was, uh, unsafe. We decided against it.


    The $3 movie house in Clovis is not bad, and Sierra Vista in Clovis has never let me down. The senior rate is under $7 each. The snacks are prohibitive (popcorn costs are inflated 1000% I read recently, nationwide). Edwards is where I consistently have problems with other moviegoers. There is a nice theatre on Shaw, west of Marks, I think. I've only been there once or twice because it is so inconvenient to where I live. Give it a try...take a big purse and put your water/soda and treats inside. You won't be the only one. Just turn off the cell phone :D

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