    WAS Jesus Christien?

    Jesus never preached christienity as amater of afact he said i did not come to change the LAWS but to fullfil the LAWS. SO Jesus followed the laws tat was given to MOSES.

    0  Views: 1277 Answers: 2 Posted: 10 years ago

    colling IF religion is personel and no one talks aout religion , tell me how come people got to be in such and such areligion if no one talk about religion?WHY did GOD send 124 000 prophets. THEY were sent to remind us at diffrent times that HE is to be worshiped ONLY HIM. with time people started to worship, sun moon and humans and so and so. I as a remainder am only duing what the prophets did , REMINDING to worship GOD pnly, Dont take prophets or anyone for that matter objeck of worship.OR saints or priest or rabbies oe imams ets..WHen you respeck other peoples religion they respeck yours.MOST people follow a religion geven to them from their parents, without questioning where there parents got their beleif.So to have a regligest descusion is not bad if you dont insult anyone. WE gain knowlege I think its good for the soul.

    Because people do talk about religions and wars happen because of it. One religion trying to force its beliefs over another religion is what causes these wars. Religion is personal to each person. It's what works best for them. Picking at their beliefs is what will cause an argument or hurt feelings or in the leadership level of governments, it is what causes wars between countries. The Qua'ran has a problem with other religions. It refers to followers of other religions as infidels. Radical followers of the Qua'ran see infidels as evil people and worthy of annihilation. People have worshiped the sun and moon since the dawn of man. They are not now just starting to do that. As free people containing a freedom that God gave them (free will) they have every right to worship who they want to worship. It is not your place to tell them they are wrong. You may have a religious discussion. Discuss YOUR religion, do not start one about a religion you do not follow just to pick at certain aspects of that religion. Do not ask others to question their religion based on your beliefs. Some people do not question what their religion says because they have Faith that even if they do not understand what is told to them, it is correct information. They have a right to that faith. Instead of consistently questioning another religion, ask the people to question your religion instead. Have a religious discussion that way. You do not sell your own religion by tearing apart another.

    SOME one told me to win an agument give them what they want. so colleen what ever you say is the right thing. thank you very munch for your observation HOpe to learn more from you SALAM PEACE

    Well someone is lazy about proving their own point then. I am not arguing. I am giving my opinion and perspective about you picking apart another religion and a better way to have religious discussions here. If you had better observation, you would see this rather than just walking away with a snide, "your right". That does not give you a win in anything. It just takes away your responsibility to prove your points or discuss your own religion.

    you right again. love you salam

    Do you understand what it means when you tell someone you do not know that you love them? It should be given as God's love is given, without conditions or bad spirit. I do not believe you use it that way. You use it in a lower manner that involves your emotions. Emotions are a physical thing, not a Godly thing. True love is not an emotion, it is a state of being. God only knows love because God is love. He is not the emotional love that is used to control however. You should understand this before you claim you love others while questioning their beliefs.

    WHEN i say love you ,i say it from my heart but its not a love charnel,its connected with sprituel love LIKE we are all in one way or an other sisters or brothers in humanity. love you .

    The heart is an organic organ. It remains here when you die. Had you said, love from the the state of being of Soul which is created of the essence of God, then I would believe that you understand God's love. You do not however. You are still stuck in emotion. Your love seeks to control. I do not accept your form of love.

    wether you accept my expanation of my love or not is your affair.YOU are the you. haha

    No, you are the loser. You accept the responsibility of breaking spiritual law. We had a Christian one time who would chase me around the forum telling me he loved me because he too was trying to control me and my spiritual beliefs. I told him the same as I told you. For 3 weeks, he ignored my feelings and pushed his unwelcome and controlling love at me, then one day he just disappeared, never to be seen again. I have said my piece. If you choose to cross a spiritual boundary and ignore what I've said then that's on you. You lose.

    Oh crum.. ... .. I saw this. How painful. Spirituality and "Law"? ... How can what naturally flows through one's soul be bound by law? How can the inherent natural connection to the Universe be bound by any law? The word "Law" sets boundaries on the connection to the spirit of the Universe ... which is God and every mortal being on this place which we refer to as Earth.

    Moreover, why judge anyone as to pertains to the connection to the Ultimate Spirit which connects all of mankind... Celebrate the differences. It is not as if we are not under enough pressure on this mortal plain... with everything we have to do to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table ... Open the newspaper on line or off, there is a seriously crazy person in power in North Korea who actually owns Nuclear Weapons.

    Praise God in all possible ways. Praise the People who love you. Praise your friends, the ones that are brave enough to tell you the truth and the ones that stand by ... and Praise love.

    Cupcakes... I don't care for the negative energy.

    Peace! The Fish!

    And by the way, you spelled Christian wrong.

    ... Have a bit of respect.

    2 Answers

    No, Jesus was a Jew and followed many different teachings. Christianity did not get created until after Jesus's death. Jesus actually changed some of the laws as given to Moses, supposedly to clarify them.


    than christianity is the religion that Paul preached to the romans and greeks.Should christiaty be called PAULINE?OR COLLEEN,HAHA I hope you dont mind a few jokes? THAY say dont life to seriesly you will not get out of it alive.

    Should be called neither. It is called Christianity. The religion of Christ's teachings. Last warning. Making fun of people or the beliefs of others is not allowed on akaQA.

    I see you edited your comment. I can take jokes well as long as they are not insulting. And by the way, you do get out of life alive. Soul does not die. It also does not get 72 virgins for killing people.

    coleen i dont know you but i like you. When i said it should be called Pauline its according to what you said that was created after Jesus PAUL is the one who went to preach. thats based aon facks? Iam sure you know that, by the way you answer questions,you seem very well infomed in all subjeks

    colleen i just notice your comments on killig people. i was surprise by your conclusion.i thouht you were more informed, In the islamic book called QURAN it stats ANYONE killig one innocense person is like killig all Hunanity,anyone saving one human is like saving all humanity.ISLAM is one thing AND MUSLIMs is an otther thing.YOU have to know more to be able to comment the way that you did . i still like you, i agree wth u soul lives on.

    I know exactly what I said. I did not apply it to your beliefs however. My point was that all religions have their beliefs, laws, rules, agendas, morals and doctrines. To selectively pick at ones in another religion is an attempt to weaken that religion based on your own beliefs which someone could come along and pick at too (pick at your beliefs I mean). Religion is personal. Keep your religion to yourself and let others be.

    Yasseen, The Quran tells muslims to kill all the infidels....which means anybody that's not muslim.

    Not all Muslims follow that belief mcm. I do not believe Yasseen follows that belief. Yasseen is all about the love the Qua'ran teaches. At least that's what I see in his words.

    THANK you Colleen for defending me .I appreciate it. TO answer the qwestion of infidels. First its not true the quran states such a thing. Second inthe quran GOD addrsses the christiens and Jews As people of the book not as infidels.People of the book means that to jews were given the oldtestement and the christiens were give the new testement.the infedels are those who dont beleive in GOD.People of the books beleive in GOD so they are not infedels.HOPE i cleared this subjeck of infedels.thanks again colleen lo

    Christianity is fairly simple. Jesus Christ is the son of God (the creator of the universe and everything in it). The purpose of Jesus being born to a virgin was to prove that His conception was by God, not man.  Jesus came to save the lives of sinners, which he did by being crucified. The Christians believe that by accepting that gift of salvation, acknowledging themselves as sinners (which MOST of us are, but not all), we can open the door to eternal life in Heaven. 

    I can't personally PROVE to you or anybody else this is the truth (although it is the "gospel" truth).  There have been many people who have taken time to research the contents of the Bible and have been able to prove much of what is written.  There are also those who feel they've been able to DIS-prove it.  In much the same way, I think you would be hard-pressed to give me a list of 124,000 prophets with documentation as to why I should believe that's what they are.  

    Faith is believing something without having it right under your nose.  If I told you I had a quarter in my pocket, but you couldn't see it, you have the choice of believing me (on faith that I'm telling you the truth), or not.  



    Bob, you touch on several issues of faith that are, to be sure, disputable. The virgin birth;eternal salvation;the selfless crucifiction.
    I'll only comment on your quarter-in-your pocket postulation.
    If you are hell bent on wanting me to believe you,and the consequences of me believing you are significant, all you need to do is show me the money. Now, I may choose to simply take your word for it. That's what believers do.No evidence,just a choice.
    The fact is,if you don't show me,I wouldn't bet my life on that quarter being there.So why,I ask, do believers stake their lives on believing something that has not (and will not) be proven?

    digger, My best guess is that God doesn't want me to believe in Him because He proves His promises, but because I have faith and trust Him. God isn't "hell bent" :D on us believing Him; it's our choice to believe what we want.
    We won't know for sure in this life that those promises are true or not, but I believe they are. It's OK if I'm wrong...I'm not losing out on anything HERE because of it, far as I can tell.

    Regretably, your best guess in incorrect.God DOES want you to believe.OR ELSE ! Don't take MY word for it.It's right in the bible.

    John 11:25, “Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.”
    John 14:6, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
    John 6:40, “And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.”
    Mark 1:15, “And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.”
    Romans 10:13, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
    1st Corinthians 3:11, "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”
    Galatians 3:26, “For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.”

    I didn't say God doesn't want you to believe; I said He wants you to have faith that what He promises is true. No one has to believe that I have a quarter in my pocket; there's no consequence. For the non-believer, there's no apparent consequence for not believing; there's no proof one way or the other until after one dies. I disagree. Who knows for sure? The Shadow!

    If you don't consider eternal damnation as severe enough punishment for choosing to not believe, I have to respectfully disagree with your assessment of God "not being hell bent".

    You call it punishment; I call it choice. If someone doesn't believe in God in the first place, it's moot.

    Meaning that, as a non-believer,Hell doesn't apply to me but is just an idle threat imposed on me by God and really isn't the place that I'll be spending my time once I'm done my time on planet Earth?

    If one really doesn't believe in God, it shouldn't matter at all...Empty threats from a figment of people's imaginations, or something like that. ???

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