    Do you think more money would make you happier?

    Honesty counts.

    +4  Views: 1125 Answers: 10 Posted: 10 years ago

    10 Answers

    I just got more money and I’m less stressed. It helps………….


    Oh, I agree. I got some money not long ago and it goes soooo fast. It's gone gone gone. : ( . Keep track of every penny. That's my advice.

    Yes! But please make it worthwhile, okay?



    Yes, that's a very Ducky answer. I agree. It doesn't even have to be "worthwhile"

    Money,money,money. Is THAT all you ever think of?



    Some days.

    Honest golfer.

    Yep. I'm only competitive with ME.

    Money is not a source of happiness.  It is a source of security and stuff.  I just received a very large sum of money from the life insurance policy my sister and I shared.  VERY large.  
    I am not happier. I don't have my mom.  Most of the money will be invested and supplement my income for the rest of my life.  I may be using some to repair and upgrade my home a little, buy that sewing machine and motorcycle, and take a trip to Italy.  I may get that Taboo bowling ball I've wanted for three years.  My kids don't need my help, if they use their inheritance wisely.
    Am I  happier?  No.  Will I have a nicer home, more stuff, and a memorable trip?  Probably.


    Oooooh la la ... more stuff. "Stuff" is my middle name. A trip to Italy would make me happier if I could go by car. Several hours at Macy's would make me happier. Lots and lots of "stuff" at Sephora would make me ecstatic. Just a simple little move to the North coast would make me happy. I wouldn't even need a big house - just a little cottage where I can see, hear, and smell the Pacific. I'd like to have a NEW Mercedes so I'd have adequate and reliable transportation to come to Fresno once a month.
    Bob, I'm sorry about your mom. It took me quite awhile to recover from my mom's death. Too long. In fact, I'll never totally recover but it's a situation that I can live with now.
    Go on a spree ~ you deserve it : )

    "Me thinks the lady doth protest tooo much"

    Bob...although your mom is gone, you now have a great "stress reliever" in having a financial cushion. Happy for you. :)

    Thank you, Ducky.
    Itsmee, don't get me wrong; the money is appreciated. When I look at your list, I just see it growing. You may get temporary pleasure in acquiring stuff, and true happiness doesn't hinge on stuff. I'm happier when my kids and grandchildren are healthy...mind, body, soul. No amount of money can assure that.

    Bob, I want my kids to be healthy, wealthy, and wise too! Fortunately, so far so good. My shopping would always involve them. Especially the little kids and my daughter. I like the holidays. All my shopping is complete. We got our tree up today. Tomorrow I'll finish the decorations. Pretty.
    As far as trips go, we're trying to figure out a way for everyone to go to Australia in about 6 months to see our son and brother. We're saving up for it now. (I'm not holding my breath) Antianxiety pills might help me. I know that Whoopie took a plane trip not long ago. I have Fear of Flying.
    I think our kids always need our help - maybe not financially but emotionally. And we need them.
    Tommy ... Did you hear that? Australia. Maybe.
    itsmee, the spree girl.
    My brother told me it would take about 6 months to somewhat recover from my mother leaving. He was kinda right. Hope you're well. My mom was 71 when she had the stroke that totally incapacitated her. I was blown away and couldn't even speak for about 4 months. (psychotherapy helped me)

    itsmee, I'm really OK; some things my mother did are hard to understand. I really hope you get your trip to Australia (there are knock out pills for flying). Spending time with your son and seeing a beautiful place in our amazing world would be awesome. Don't let anything stand in your way! (Haven't even made a gift list yet...just put away the TG decorations yesterday).

    There is an absolutely BEAUTIFUL decorated tree at Costco. It's 130.00 and is by far the most gorgeous tree we've ever ever had. It's magic looking. If you go to costco just look up where they have the decorations. You'll see it. It will lift your spirits. You've been through one of the most difficult life situations you'll ever face.

    I'll check on that. Need to get some dog food and both like the Healthy Weight.

    I consider money woes a bane to happiness. Avoiding the stress associated with money by letting others, who relish such a tactless, tasteless ploy befuddle themselves in its amusement seems charitable and wise…but is also my pet form of sporting revenge.

    befuddle |bi?f?dl|
    verb [ with obj. ] (usu. as adj. befuddled)
    make (someone) unable to think clearly: he has an air of befuddled unworthiness.

    More money would give me greater opportunity to exploit those who see themselves as worthless human beings  due to their lack of finance. The oxymoron of this is obvious to me. Your value far exceeds stacks of green paper slips and piles of metal disks.  



    I'm going to have to read this again. Yes. Hmmmm?

    Fun to run the subject around a bit.

    Is it slavery to work at what you don’t like or want in order to get what you do want and by doing that compromise not gain the experience needed to produce the thing you actually want so you have to continue to work at what you don’t like or want to replace the thing you want but can’t produce or repair. The money-for work-for junk(made to fail soon) endless cycle leaves your experience lacking a path into eternal life…only eternal slavery in the circular way of slavery.

    No.But it sure helps if you can suffer in comfort.Having enough money to generate stability in your life certainly helps.Never take your money for granted.The GFC taught a lot of people some lessons.(Me included).


    Should I know the GFC? I too would like to suffer in lavish stability. : ) Take care.

    the GFC ?

    GFC.... Global Financial Crisis

    Thanks for explaining PL.I was so focused on it at the time i thought everybody was aware of it.

    heres the truth........if money could buy happiness, then why are all these movie and TV stars doing drugs, drinking excessively, seeing psychiatrists, having drugs over doses, committing suicide , getting divorces.?


    Unfortunately, money doesn't make a person "smart". Sometimes, it takes discipline, to make good life decisions.

    T U for that,Ducky.

    Sad but true. :(

    I want to go to Heaven, so I intend on giving away all my money to charity as soon as possible....uh...maybe next week.


    Dig, I’m sorry, passing the buck does not make you less responsible so that you may get into Heaven. You are responsible for how you earned it, and how those whose who receive it, use it as well. That’s like attempting to deserve a lessor penalty by spreading guilt around to those you give it to. I tried that and it didn’t work either. Burning money certainly stopped the on-going chain of involvement for me. But that was an accidental discovery that I am grateful for.

    OK,OK. You've convinced me. I'll keep it all instead! Besides,heaven (I'm told)is full of religious people. That just doesn't sound like...Heaven, to me.

    : ) Digger, you have a sly sense of humor.

    @digger...You might like some of "them". :)

    Maybe during the occasional short visit. But being stuck with them for eternity ? That would be HELL, wouldn't it? ;-)

    Only if "they" were lacking in sarcastic humor. :)

    And they DO. Sadly,they do.

    A few...not all.

    no because money cant buy happiness...  


    I think lack of money can make you unhappy. If you're in the position of having too much money, you can always give it away to someone who doesn't have a home. That would make them happy. : )
    Welcome to akaQA. We're glad you're here, dindin.

    but it can sure help with unhappiness. You can afford to go to the spa, or see a psychiatrist, or relocate, or go to the French Rivieria.or get retail therapy. When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping.

    Absolutely! it removes all the day to day rubbish that causes stress and gives you time to do what actually makes you happy. sad but true! ;-) 

    In a word...YES!!!;-)lol.xx

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