    How can i tell if the Americans are hacking my phone,??

    Yes, that's right.

    +5  Views: 1055 Answers: 5 Posted: 10 years ago

    You mean the US Government Hector, not Americans in general. I'm pretty sure the American citizens have zero interest in your phone calls. You can submit a complaint to Eric Holder and voice your concerns about your phone calls being listened in on if you want.
    Click here >


    O/K I will tell Angelia Colleen not to worry,

    Well if you truly want to be safe here are some suggestions. Get off the internet because more than just the US monitors internet usage. Free e-mail accounts are easily hacked and checked. Social sites like Facebook are monitored. Skype is monitored a lot. Your every move on the internet is tracked. As for phones, if you have a mobile phone, do not use it. They are the easiest to tap into. Get a land line and use only a corded phone. Even your TV is monitored so choose the programs you watch carefully. Send all postal mail as confidential and secured (must be signed for). This way you will know if it has been opened before it got to the addressee. That's all I can think of for now.

    I well belive you Colleen,

    You know, every time I Google to find an answer to a question here, I kind of smile on the inside because if any government agency is tracking me, I have to believe they are confused as heck at the amount of information I am searching daily on the internet. There might even be a special team put together just to try and make sense out of the multitude of topics I search on the internet. I'm sure I'm job security for someone :)

    Keep an eye on Bama,Colleen,

    I always know right where to find him.....on the golf course.

    I think Hector was just bs ing about that to be funny and to yank our chain.
    But, it that why the gov switched us all to digital TV , so they can monitor which programs we watch ? This is getting to be a dictatorship .

    I really laughed out loud to think of the government checking out what YOU are up to. The strange places you research, the unusual ideas, just the amount of time you google. It makes their eye balls spin and their head ache & even their hair hurt. Keep up the good work, Colleen. The government needs something to hold their interest and YOU ARE IT. ; D

    Nah, I was just kidding. I'm sure they've already traced me to here and know why I google search so much. Now my political statements, those they may find interesting if they are Obama fans. ;)

    Well, hmmm ... You've got a following of folks who will defend you if it comes to that. And, of course, I'm kidding. It won't come to that. My husband just said, "What are you writing, itsmee? You're smiling again?" Yes, he does call me itsmee.

    His approval rating just sank to 42%. I think most of American would defend me, if not stand with me if it came to that ;)

    42% do approve of Obama
    58% don't approve of Obama
    Have I got that right?

    5 Answers

    They wont be bothering about you Dougal, they're really only wanting to find out what this woman is up to.  



    She looked on the TV as if she was giving Obama a good dressing down, shou vil not hacks mine telephone again.

    Yep, not a happy woman.

    Miss Kitty would not appove,

    They can hack mine anytime, they would not find it very interesting, but they would probably spend a few hours deciphering my accent.


    hahah.Yeah, Sunny. They can hack mine too,if they want to hear the mindless, wandering conversations my BFF and I have . LOL

    They could find out some information on how to get the kids to sleep all night and how to hide vegetables in cakes. (Stuff like that)
    They might find out who is having an affair and with whom? Who got their lips botoxed?
    How to make a decent meatloaf. Hey they could gather information from my phone calls and write a book. There would be two chapters on how to lose weight.

    How do we know that Americans' conversations aren't being recorded? """Just checking to see if you're wearing a wire, Angie."


    O,M,G,Clonge i belive she is wired,

    Do you think hes feeling for wires, or her br- straps, noughty boy.

    I am shocked at what goes on at the top of thease summit meetings,

    Uh, what kind of straps could you possibly mean, sunnyB?

    Hector, they aren't. Where did you get this idea?


    They seem to have thier big nose in to everthing ,its mee,

    The German Chancellor, as well as 34 other leaders, and the Americans wonder why they are so disliked in Europe.

    I think they have over played thier hand a bit this time around,

    Anyone who really knows how intelligence is gathered on the phone lines and internet would also know how limited these methods are. If there are objections to surveillance it is like standing up in church and yelling “Don’t look at me! Don’t listen in on my calls! Don’t call the cops on me! I am just an ordinary person! I have a gun! Don’t be afraid of me! I don’t want to hurt anyone! So please stop yelling and pointing at me!”…..right……I often think lots of folk are a little slow in their thinking. Whenever someone raises the “surveillance alarm” it usually involves the FBI or CIA doing the snooping. Why would they be interested in raising the issue?  

    Personally I don’t care if I am watched like a bug from space on everything I do. I am glad someone is interested in my life besides me. In fact I think I’m being watched all the time, so if you have a secret don’t tell me or the whole world will know about it. Yep…I’ve got bugs already and I don’t care who knows it too. I’m bugged. I feel so honored and protected! Wow! I’m not in jail so I’m bugged. I’m so honored and protected being bugged 24-7.   


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