    Who needs a gun?  

    Here's a couple of teenagers who apparently decided to beat an 88 year old man to death for what little he had in his wallet.  I encourage you to watch the video, but be ready to cry. 

    The suspects are both teens, one in custody and the other at large. The police have released a photo and the name of the other teen. When you read the text, you'll find the police chief's thoughts, which I feel EVERYONE should endorse. 

    I know there are problems worldwide; my question is what you think could actually reduce this kind of senseless violence. 

    I'm going to give this a lot of thought. My dad was accosted in a casino restroom when he was in his mid-80's. He handed over his wallet and wasn't hurt. I realize now how lucky my dad was on that unlucky day.  

    +5  Views: 1064 Answers: 5 Posted: 10 years ago

    5 Answers

    This absolutely sickens me, this happens in the UK too, these kids have no respect for anything or anyone, they are the scum of the society we are living in these days, they will probably enjoy themselves in jail, scum is what scum does.


    I'd like to see them have the same chance their victim had...none.

    Can't watch it Bob sorry, it's too upsetting. It was only Thursday we had something similar here in Australia at my local shopping centre. A 78 year old Grandfather was bashed to death in the mall on a busy street. Lucky there was cctv footage of the attacker running away. Police later arrested and charged a 17 year old youth with the mans murder. Apparently it was a senseless and unprovoked attack. How this can be reduced, I don't know. Maybe more police presence ?


    I'm really sorry to hear this, PL. If your justice system is as unjust as ours, it will be years before this kids goes to trial and the cost will be ridiculous. With the video, what's the point of a trial. What happened to reverence for the elderly. What happened to reverence for life in general.

    Oh, pl ... I didn't read your post before I wrote that non-violent citizens did not need protection in Australia. Our son is new in Australia and to this point he has seen it safer than the U.S. I am sorry for the grandfather who was bashed to death -- makes me sick.
    I will advise our son to open his eyes.

    To this point, I have always been against peace-loving citizens having guns I have always been against the death penalty. As things change all over the globe, I have changed my mind. We who are peaceful need protection. The police are just too busy to provide protection for all of us. We need to protect ourselves and we need to know how to do it. My US family is sure learning.

    sunnyB, I agree maybe the death penalty would help along with qualified citizen arming themselves. Peace

    That was an terrible thing to happen to such a nice old boy. It happens far too often these days, and I think part of the reason is the lack of punishment for the crime. I believe in the death penalty as I have said on here before, it would be a deterant against this sort  of thing. I take it when you say who needs a gun you mean that this man could have defended himself, yes you have a good point Bob. here in the UK you can't carry a gun or knife to defend yourself, you have to rely on the law to protect you, but it doesn't always, that's why I believe that the death penalty would protect us.


    Thank you, SunnyB. I think the death penalty has its place, too, and the time elapse from sentence to execution should have limits. Texas is the lone (star) state that follows through. Here in California, we have been supporting prisoners for 40 years (Charles Manson, for instance). That money must total tens of millions. He was convicted and sentenced when we had no death penalty option

    I'm answering this late but I want to answer NOW. I'm sorry for the violence. Terrible. Why does this happen? Any answers?

    You asked "Who needs a gun?" I read this and until my husband purchased ours, went through the waiting period and brought it home about a week ago I wouldn't even look at it. But now I'm glad. I've been watching the news and even reading the paper. I went to the range with him and just observed. Next time I'll be more active. 

    Who needs a gun?      We all do!  (Unless we live in Australia)                                                                



    Good for you and your hubby! Using a gun successfully requires practice, so definitely learn. You have your grandchildren with you, so remember to store it safely. Pray you never need it for protection.

    There is strength in numbers. It is always safer to not be alone.

    I wouldn't like to 'have- to' always be with someone else. But it

    sure may be worth it to the one's who love us.


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