    What can school community do about bullying?

    what is school bullying? 

    What can teachers do about classroom bullying?

    What can student do about school bullying? 

    What can parents of teen do about school bullying? 

    What can parents of young child do about school bullying?

    +1  Views: 1415 Answers: 2 Posted: 10 years ago

    2 Answers

    School bullying is horrible. Bullies are usually being bullied and so are accustomed to 'passing it on' so to speak. At our schools bullying is taken very seriously. A bully is reprimanded as soon as possible along with his/her caregivers. Both sides of a story are heard separately and then a meeting between parties is instigated in an effort to resolve the conflict and to educate the bully that the behaviour will not, under any circumstance be tolerated otherwise there will be rock-solid consequences such as suspension, detentions, in-school suspension where the bully must meet school criteria isolated from others, as well as permanently expelled and/or possible criminal charges depending upon harm done.

    Bullying can not ever be 'let go'. It must be confronted immediately and with consequences at whatever age. My child has been targeted by bullies her whole school life and is now a public speaker against such behaviour. You can not imagine my dismay and anger at such behaviours from other people's children toward my child...because she is so different than others....

    My child is the littlest one in this photo....


    Can you imagine someone picking on her???


    She's the littlest one in the photo but still bigger than a lot of people in this world. Everyone can learn so much from her. Be proud momma, you did good and she is doing great because of your love and guidance (and her incredible spirit).

    xox LL & Storm! ;)

    Super Storm :) Mother Nature has nothing on her ;)

    She is a mighty force...she's out mini-golfing with her big sis and after will be attending the 'Light up the Night' fireworks display at the bay....I love this life! xo

    Oh, Lindilou, what a cutie. I absolutely love her face. She looks like she is a total kick, very intelligent and way past witty. I would love to know her! Give her a big high 5 and hug from me.

    I will so! ;)

    Sounds like you are doing a great job parenting lindilou, good for you.

    What is school bullying?   School bullying isn't much different than any other type of bullying, which I say most closely matches "intimidation".....verbal threats of physical injury. 

    Teachers can, on the first day of school (and repeatedly throughout the year), during the "welcome" speech, let the students know that intimidating other students for any reason will not be tolerated under any circumstances.  The consequence should be clear. Allow plenty of time for discussion. Lessons about bullies are easy to find or create.  

    Students can be aware of situations where bullying occurs and report them immediately (knowing they can do so anonymously).   A good program of "peer counselors" can be a big help in staving off bullying.  Maybe there can be an assembly about bullying, with skits, speeches, songs, etc.  Students can have "secret pals". Not knowing WHO is your "pal", you are nicer to everyone, plus you have someone to whom you will be (secretly) extra nice.

    Parents of ANY child need to be good examples. They need to establish good communication, and their kids need to trust them to listen!  Parents should never automatically believe their kid is either perfect or incorrigible.  When a parent feels the need to report a problem, it should be done discreetly.  School administration needs to follow up IMMEDIATELY.

    One day I was substitute teaching a third grade class at my son's school. (Alan was in another classroom).  After recess, one of my students told me that an older kid had been teasing him.  MY son had come over and pushed the "meanie".  Then the mean kid had chased my son.  "And you know what?" he concluded, "Alan runs really fast".

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