    my husband travels overseas on holidays on his own Always takes viagra with him

    always hides it.  have found it and he just makes lame excuses, this time found it again in bathroom bag. once he gave it back to me, but when I joined him found new Viagra again.  Tells me that I am confusing him with ex

    +3  Views: 1479 Answers: 10 Posted: 10 years ago

    Did he cheat on his 1st wife ?

    10 Answers

    Trust your instinct!

    Always prepared or is that the boy scouts?

    Maybe is afraid of bedbugs biting his privates, and uses it to keep sheets away from him...   Not likely, huh, then he has a friend, either a boy friend, or a girl friend.  At least for the night, or week away.  No other reason! 

    maybe he gets a bad sunburn and uses the Viagra to keep the sheets off his legs    ;-)

    Not to worry. They're simply breath mints for that important business meeting.

    Maybe he likes to "Ci alis"?


    Touche. Brilliant answer!

    Simple...he's a Cheetah who is running around....see?


    Well that is a shocker, but what is good for the goose is also good for the gander bye condoms and keep them in your handbag in a prominent place and surreptitiously bring his attention to them just before he leaves next time, maybe he will get the message, if not actively seek out a wearer of the condoms there are millions of willing men who would be happy to test them out for you,

    hope this could help best of luck. 


    Nice. This is an excellent idea! I hope she does it and it sticks in his craw!

    "Tells me that I am confusing him with ex"   ????????????????????????
    Tells ME it's confusing why he ISN'T your ex.  

    I would like to be a fly on the wall when her husband discovers the condoms the look on the face would tell it all, thanks for the compliment have a fab day cheers

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