    is it healthier to eat fruit and vegetables from the area in which you were born

    0  Views: 627 Answers: 2 Posted: 10 years ago

    2 Answers

    It depends on how far away you LIVE from where you were BORN. You should try to buy from the area closest to your home. That ensures that it will be fresher since it hasn't had to travel for days by trucks. As Bob said, organic and no GMO. As far as the price though, that will depend on your location. Where I live, it's almost double on some items. Any food that is healthier, is much more costly. But as someone from a local farmer's market recently stated, "Pay the farmer now or pay the pharmacist later"

    Not necessarily.  I believe it is healthier to eat fruits and vegetables which are grown organically, with no genetic modification (GMO).   Look for THOSE labels when you are shopping for food.  It's easier than you think to find them.  AND, they shouldn't cost a lot more, if any at all. 

    If you have farmers' market, go there, but be sure to ask "How does your garden grow".

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