    How is suede made and can it be faked

    0  Views: 584 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    Suede leather is made from the underside of the skin, primarily lamb, although goat, calf and deer are commonly used. Splits from thick hides of cow and deer are also sueded, but, due to the fibre content, have a shaggy nap. Because suede does not include the tough exterior skin layer, suede is less durable but softer than standard ("full-grain") leather. Its softness, thinness, and pliability make it suitable for clothing and delicate uses; suede was originally used for women's gloves. Suede leather is also popular in upholstery, shoes, bags, and other accessories, and as a lining for other leather products. Due to its textured nature and open pores, suede may become dirty and quickly absorb liquids. 

    Faux (fake) suede is a man-made fabric used in clothing, footwear, and upholstery. It is designed to mimic the look of regular suede, which is a leather product made from the undersides of animal skins. Faux versions are not usually as durable, but they are often much less expensive and are also easier to clean and maintain.

    Fake suede is called faux

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