    can I legally be evicted for prostituting out of my apartment?

    +3  Views: 827 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    Absolutely yes.  In many cases, when you rent a unit, you are not allowed to operate  a business of any kind!

    Yes. You can also be legally arrested. (USA)


    In British Columbia, Canada?

    I put (USA) because that's the law I know. We are a world wide forum. Adding the country you live in is helpful. I do not know Canadian law. The police could probably answer this if you want to give them a call and ask :)

    Hello Miss is the law in Canada regarding prostitution >>>> 

    Keeping a Common Bawdy House: section 210 (1): It is illegal for an owner, landlord, tenant, agent or property manager to knowingly allow their property or any part of the premises to be used as a place for prostitution (sex for money).

    Being an Inmate of Common Bawdy House section 210 (2): It is illegal to work or live in a space that is used as a space where sex for money takes place.

    Notice of Conviction of Keeping a Common Bawdy House section 210 (3) (4): When a person is convicted of keeping a common bawdy house [section 210 (1)], the court serves a notice to the landlord, property owner or manager saying that the tenant or occupier has been convicted of this offense. The landlord is then expected to take all reasonable steps to evict the person charged, and if he or she doesn't and the person gets charged again then the landlord or property owner will also be charged.

    Transportation of a Person to a Common Bawdy House section 211: It is illegal to take, offer to take, or direct anyone to a common bawdy house.

    Procuring section 212 (1): It is illegal to influence a person who is not a sex worker to become a sex worker, whether inside or outside Canada.

    Exercising Control, Direction or Influence section 212 (1) (h): It is illegal to control the movements of a sex worker or force a sex worker to work for gain or profit.

    Living on the avails section 212 (1) (J): It is illegal for anyone who lives with or who is habitually in the company of a sex worker to live partly or wholly on the income made from a sex worker. The purpose of this law is to target pimps who receive a portion of a sex worker’s earnings.

    An escort service is guilty of section 212 if it profits from the prostitution (most escort agencies say they only charge for the companionship and time) of its employees.

    Communication for the purposes of prostitution section 213: It is illegal for a sex worker and client to talk openly in public about exchanging money for sex. Public places include vehicles, parking lots, restaurants/bars, hotel lobbies, streets, or any place that the public has access to or that the public can view. A non-public place would be a hotel room, apartment or house (apartments and homes can be at risk through the bawdy house laws). It is also illegal to stop or attempt to stop or impede motor or pedestrian traffic.

    Indecent act -- section 173 (1): also called exposure. Most people think this only applies to flashers or other perverts, but if a john and a prostitute are engaging in a sex act in a public place they can both be charged with this offense if they intended to offend passerby, or if the act takes place in the presence of other persons. Other offenses that might apply are sexual interference (section 151) and even sexual assault (section 271) if the prostitute is under 14; invitation to sexual touching (section 152); sexual exploitation (section 153); anal intercourse (section 159); and, child pornography provisions (section 163.1).

    Loitering: Loitering is not illegal. In the past, prostitutes could be arrested under vagrancy laws if they were standing for some time on a street corner. These laws were repealed some time ago. Police can only encourage prostitutes to move from a certain location. They cannot arrest them unless they are doing something illegal. >>>>


    Moderator get out!

    Zackly my thoughts...when the fog clears !! lol

    Get some support to sort yourself out and stop putting yourself in such danger!...That`s not a criticism of you..people have their reasons for things they do..but it makes me are selling your pride..being used and abused and life`s not meant to be like that!...Take a step and get some social many people don`t realize how many people are out to help people who have fallen on bad just need to want the help!..Good Luck.millie x

    @lindi That's precisely what I meant to say.

    Poor Millie. The morphine has you clouded, lol. You posted to the wrong spot. You make it look like Lindilou had issues. LOL

    I do ! I do have issues dang it all....why else would I be here if do I have issues...old ones...gads I'm beginning to sound like Dr. Suess fer cryin' out loud...but oh I have issues issuing out of me consistently or what ??? eeeks... 8D

    p.s. digger ! bratty brat brat ! lol

    Oi Vey! And, I thought my issues were large this morning... Should I choose the Maracas or the Tambourine? Choices, choices! Oh!... Mrs. Potato head needs earrings!

    Pick the purple and blue dangly ones with the Mother of Pearl sequence....oh she'll look divine for LOL

    I realize that you are seeking a legal opinion but if the volume of customers is moderate and you are the sole employee and the noise level is contained to your apartment, I don't see how this can become an issue with the landlord or your neighbours. However, if your operation is one that includes several employees, a waiting area and steady customer traffic, you will certainly be issued an eviction notice.

    The same would apply if your place of business was a self-contained home instead of an apartment.


    Apparently, you've never been a landlord. I have. Don't encourage these people. They do not own the home and CANNOT do whatever they please, even though some, think they can.

    Actually,I have and still am. Not my ideal tenant profile but a question deserves an un-biased answer. My point being: discretion.
    In the words of your favourite ex-Prime Minister, "The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation"

    So how IS the traffic? :)

    Very quiet and peaceful. Should I install a hidden camera or two just to be sure ?

    Check with your lawyer first.

    Now THERE'S a shady profession that you should be leery of !

    So when will you retire from it?

    There was a time when I would have considered that a compliment.;-)

    I hear ya'. I do, however, know a couple of lawyers, who do not fit todays sterotype...old school...both retirement age.

    digger ... brat !

    ducky ... can WE see the tape ?

    Not on this forum you can't ;)
    lindilou meant duck tape (uh-oh..not this again!) LOL 8D

    Duct :)

    Who duct? 8D

    Who Dat?

    I can't...I just can't...roflmho! I'm too

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