    What would you do if a robber broke in your house?

    +2  Views: 2567 Answers: 18 Posted: 11 years ago

    18 Answers


    I am a little painted fish... that would completely freak me out.



    This struck my funny bone. I keep moving along and a laugh erupts. I think my funny bone broke....a little painted fainting fish. Ha ha. Ha ha ha.

    Are you painted on the wall or on your scaly little body. (I hope I didn't offend you by saying 'scaly' )

    I would show him the video of him breaking in probably.I have a sign near the front door that says,"There are 5 cameras on the exterior perimeter of this house.One of them records digitally 24/7.Can you guess which one?



    The one by the toilet door,????????

    I'm not into voyeurism Den.The toilet is about the only place you can't see on video.Nice thought tho...thanks

    LOL you two!

    Ask him what in the heck he was expecting to find?



    yeah, there ain't nothing here either. His partner would prob say, " Where's all the goods ?" They'd do me a favor if they'd cart it away. ha ha

    ha ha ha. ha ha ha. The comedy team of fishnet and julie.

    I don't  own any guns guess I would get a heavy frying pan or pot and hit em over the head with it


    You'd be better off just complying.

    I messed up "Edit this comment"

    I always say get a baseball mitt. Nobody gets it. Oh well ...

    While you are there? Grab my gun and hold him till cops got there or shoot him if I deem that necessary.

    It depends on who is home when this happens! If it's my husband -I guess I will get out the biohazard kit because the robber won't be leaving!


    I don't understand the need for a bio hazard kit. ; /

    Blood is considered biohazard! Lots of nasty diseases in blood- fresh blood or 2week old blood! If I get threw the robbery I sure don't what hepatitus

    Yes, you are absolutely right in the need for a biohazard kit.

    Obviously I would be confused, not recognise the contents of my own house that I had broken into. But since there is nothing of value in my house, I would check out the refrigerator, make a sandwich   and take a shower. Wondering what time the owners could be expected to return ..I would check out their mail only to find mail with my name on it….Obviously this house belongs to the scoundrel who has been stealing my mail!  In that case, I know how to fix this Bozo…I’ll dump a box of tax in his bed…yea, that’ll teach him a thing or too about sneaking around stealing other peoples mail. Some one is at the door….quick hide….” Honey are you in here?” I recognise her voice and that I am in my own house. “ Yes, I’m here dear.” Only when I go to bed that night …”Tacks, who put tacks in my bed?”….and I remember.      

    Shoot the b*strd!  That's what i would do.. And if he dies in my front lawn, I will drag him back in and shoot him again.   But then, I'm just being nice about it.  Some people will shoot him, then set him on fire then hang the skeleton in the tree outside as a reminder to othe robbers.


    yeah. the skeleton would be a public service annoucement.

    I'd sue my alarm security provider.


    Sue your power company too. I see you're in the dark! :)

    We're ALL in the dark until the site administrators come up with a creative explanation to their "new and improved" rules.

    Use "Contact" at the bottom of the page. That's what I did.

    So did I. How's THAT working so far?

    I think I hear someone typing...

    I'm always afraid the security provider might be the intruder.

    Hide. My gun is tucked away in one place and clip in another. Long story. There really isn't anything in my home worth losing my life over except my family and pets 


    & U ?!

    Oh, yeah, me, too, I guess....

    Yes, U 2!

    Take one of my flying kicks at him, {at which im very rapid,} but it would be my luck that i would have left one of the windows open and l would land outside in the rose bed,


    I wish we were in video. I'd love to see one of your flying kicks that lands in the thornless roses.

    Ask, "What do you want on your TOMBSTONE",  BANG!!!

    Does everybody assume it would be a man ? Well for the most part you are correct. Most robberies are by men. Two words. CENTER MASS. Dont stop shooting, until the intruder stops movement from the commands you give. Even if that takes all 12 shots to accomplish. Better yet, buy a small hand held crossbow. Any intruder will be scared to be shot by that. Intense bleeding and pain.


    You had better not miss your shot, Robin Hood.

    No digger, you're talking to Zorro, not Robin your characters mixed up.

    I bought the cross bow and arrows, but it was too hard to set up and too hard to pull it back.So, I gave it away .

    Ducky, I think that's very funny ...'Zorro, not Robin Hood' Ha Ha.
    "Zorro, make the sign of the Z"

    I would treat it like a fire, adn get the heck out of there. I would first lock my bedroom door, then climb out one of the bedroom windows. ( it's on the ground floor, but the windows are up high off the floor. ) Hope I don't break an ankle. Then, I would go to a neighbor's house.( not right next door )  and ask them to call the police. Unless I had my cell ph with me. Then if I did, , I'd go a few houses down and call police. I want a hand gun, but they're kind of expensive. And I'd have to go to a shooting range adn practice. Hope they give lessons.



    I hope you don't break an ankle too. You are well planned, at least. "The true tales of mice and men often go awry" (I think that is really really misquoted. I may have made it up even)

    Defend my home by any means necessary. If he is armed, so am I. If he's not armed, I still am. If he is armed, I shoot first. If he is not armed, he better run or wait like a good boy for the cops to arrive. Those are his only choices.

    If a robber "broke in" my house, he's leaving the same way. I have nothing of value to steal. He'd leave on a stretcher, so he'll be broke(n) as well.

    Well hope he/she knows the language of Shot Gun.


    Yes, I've heard that crack makes 'em run. I think the shot gun is the only one that makes the real loud sound ... don't know for sure.

    I keep my mobile/cell my American friends!;-)..close to me at all times especially night times!...It`s hard to say exactly how you`d handle the situation as all differ...OBS call 999/911 my American friends and if you dont get a chance to speak to get aid..then leave your phone your conversation can be heard/call traced...Stay calm as possible...But I`d say be security locks on doors...lock all rooms which lead to other rooms/burglar alarms/lights on driveways and gardens...we have panic alarms..oops I shouldn`t have said that!!; each room and intercoms to other rooms..panic alarms go straight to police station...don`t skimp on security...and if in a real panic situation don`t risk lives..I`d hand over valuables..if I had any!!...They are almost are not!!! (Keep valuables in a secure place and often a good idea to have photographs taken of them as a your property and contents and remember nothing is worth risking your life over..or your families)!!


    30 years ag..before mobiles/.. Dad had fake land line wires for burglars to cut..the os were dug well below the house so not to be cut!..He was amazing re security
    !...AND ALL ELSE!!..O.K..So IM
    biased!!..but very proud of him!!;-))


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