    hey how are you doing today please respond i want to know

    +1  Views: 871 Answers: 7 Posted: 11 years ago

    7 Answers

    I'm cold because my stupid roomie has the ac on! He's asleep, I'll turn it off before I go to bed real soon....

    It is very cold this morning. I just fed all the birds and squirrels and I love watching them. Nature is amazing and I feel so connected to its natural beauty. I feel extremely lucky.


    That`s lovely glad for you!

    Really? You have a cat and want a wild bird??? Give me a break!

    I was a minus 1 earlier in the week...but I`d say I`ve sprung back to an 8..thanks to a lot of help from my AKA friends!:-)


    Oh millie ... That makes me so proud of us. Sometime we play on here and sometimes we help people and sometimes we are helped. It’s a powerful tool.
    I have been to minus 1. I do know that dark place. xx

    Thanks its..(Proud you should be)!;-)..You all helped me tremendously!..Thank you again!XXx

    Pretty c**p to be trying to get even more help to help care for my kids and n and n`s..but I want to do it all myself..not possible atm!.Also trying to care for my sick failing fast...sorry but you did ask!:-(



    Millie, you need to take one day at a time. You sure have a big load to carry and stress will make you more sick. Perhaps other family members schould help you out. God bless you.

    Thanks Ann..but o family are working and we`re all trying to care for my mum in shifts 24/7...she is prone to one of us is there at all times...It`s just all a bit difficult sister buys her own expensive gifts..possibly to make up for not being there! kids are good re it..but I`m trying to treat all 6 all the same..I`ll get there..sorry am just feeling a bit acopic and low at the moment..I`LL bounce sorry for all this on here! XXX

    Millie, I truly feel for you. But you are so much better off, living where you are. Your healthcare system is far superior to that of the US. and you can get treated free of charge.
    I hope and pray, that the sun again will shine for you in the near future. God bless.

    Yes Ann..thanks you are right! much we take for granted..I know;-)!! XX

    Ann..please ignore me..just having a bad day!...i`m being selfish I trying to pull myself together...and I shall!...God bless you! XX

    Millie, you are the least selfish person I know. You are going through a very difficult time in your life and I hope we can help.
    Love and prayers, Ann.

    millie ~ I just read this conversation between you and Ann. I understand better now. Color crayons for the kids aren’t going to do it.
    There’s a lot of people who love you here. We will sometimes give stupid “advice” I sure did. I’ll be seeing you and maybe catching up.
    Six Kids! Take care, sweet girl. xxxitsmeexxx


    No its..not dumb advice!..The littlest still has crayons..I think the bigger ones would be happier with graffiti spray cans!lol:-0

    analee, How are you.   On a scale from 1-10 where are you. Ten would be wonderful, One would be yuck.

    I’m on the under five area. My back hurts, I twisted my ankle, and I just want to be alone. Maybe the week end will fix me. I’ll vegetate on the couch and by Monday maybe I’ll be ok. Hope so.



    I hope you are feeling better very soon sound like your in the wars:-( xxmillie...(Sending you a special millie hug)! xxx

    My mood just improved Millie. Our toilet got plugged up. Oh, I hate when that happens. Anyway, it’s all fixed. We didn’t have to call the plumber. My mood is a wee bit better. xx

    Oh no its....I just hate it when that happens!;-) XX

    Sometimes you make me smile with just a few words. I LOL’d when you said, “I just hate when that happens.” (That was regarding our stuffed up toilet) Maybe it was my mood. Whatever ... : )
    Yes, millie like you said I am in the wars - in the trenches -I could just screech.

    lol,poor its..Time to dig ourselves out huh?!...I`ll send you my spare shovel...(It may also come in use for those little toilet mishaps)!;-)lol xxxMills

    im probably a 8 1/2 right now and im sorry to hear about ur back and ankle feel better soon

    I`ve just up`d mine to a 10!!...Have been out to dinner with a great bunch of friends!..(My first evening out in ages and ages and ages)...I haven`t laughed so much for so stomach hurts..(I got drunk on Water);-)...So so much fun...can`t wait to do it again soon!...(from a minus 1 to a 10 in a few days..a bit!...Still high on it!:-)

    every day is goooooooooooooood for me  i have god in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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