
    Akaqa may not be a city, but what if it was? Who would be mayor, so on?

    +1  Views: 862 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    Colleen would be the mayor, doubling as Chief of Police; a lot of us would be professors with mostly empty classes, we'd have snake lovers, guys in kilts, fish, cat lovers, people lovers, translators, comics, high-rise apartments filled with stupid tenants, with many more under essence, your "typical city."


    And 4 or 5 Sasquatches, a dwarf, and a couple,or three in-house geniuses...not to mention the what a jamboree!!! Artists would have the downtown core splashed with amazing works and the "free advice/listening couches" would be loaded with laughter...and animals would be everywhere under and over foot....oh man I could go on and on..oh...I just did! ;D

    I think we did all this last year with everyone inputting their qualifications to make the city.


    In sh.t , lol

    I dunno if it came to a vote.. Mayor may end up the headless man.
    Treasure would be Clu
    Law enforcement would be Colleen
    Nature and environment ducky.
    Roads and traffic pythonlover
    Health lindylou and country bumpkin
    Spokes person and interperator Romo
    Woman in charge of stocks would be Ann , Sunny and itsme.

    I would be at the bottom of the good chain breeder of dogs wonderdyke

    Health!? wth? Random or what? I wanna be in charge of the Sasquatches...well..I MEAN I wanna sorta just keep following their trails and stuff...y'know..Yowie? Yeh, that'll be my'll find me out back in the out back areas near where I spy the 'signs' wonder...naw, I'm too whacky (intuitive) to be taken seriously when it comes to others' health esp. my own!! See? whack! (doncha remember I got tossed by that horse when I was like 12?) LOL 8D *!%@
    Deleted User

    Lol .. Oh sorry you can do some outback jack stuff, you get a pet kangaroo to ride and free housing I believe. I will get on to the town mayor and ask how he intends to fill the position of health then, lol..

    Lol a horse bucked you off. Oh no if it makes you feel better a goat chased me when I had my monthlys and bucked my bum, I have a hole to prove it.. Lol oh crikey that sounds shocking..

    Now where was I ? Oh yeah position of health.. This will be a hard position to fill I believe like yourself others will reject the job maybe the town aka will have to place an ad? Lol
    As I am on the bottom of the food chain.. I am happy o vote for anyone whom wants to throw a hand in to do the position of health, I hear you get heaps of kick backs or kicks or something lol :)))))

    Doolittle's a good dowsa says..a good for your "HEAD Doctor"LOL!
    As for me I hope my Kangyloo is a good Hopper mate elsewise I'll be stranded with Yowie...and they're BIG buggers with big um...FEET! LOL! That's why we call 'em "YOWIE!!" haha 8D

    ( a horse...he reached back, grabbed me by the right knee firmly between his teeth and gave me my very first flying lesson...knee is still buggered!)(yowie!) lol
    Deleted User

    Yowies hahahaha run like the wind if you see one of them , I suggest that we introduce over sized koala bears in a culling ...

    They won't go to wild , they sleep and fart most of t he day.
    Well the job is there's, they will need a good therapist though I think this towns going to be a big mess.

    I'm not paying taxes I'm happy to give bloody if i it myself, I am truly in with community spirit..
    I use to play with a kid when I was young he use to tell us about bloody yowies all the time. Thing is he actually believed it.. Lol so I told him if you bred horses and cows you get a donkey...
    From that he was totally confused with animals one day he said to me lions are males and tigers are females, I said no there not they are different breeds.. He actually did believe that.. Lol I wonder how he is getting on these days ?

    Who??? Yowie??? (blink blink) LOL! 8D
    Deleted User

    I found out he named his kid yowie lol .. Wink alright ..

    Colleen, Ducky, and pythonlover as police officers. Since they are moderators.


    Doc Doolittle doubles as undercover Officer G.T. Gripp and surfaces pretty much where there's trouble brewing here in 'paradise'...rather..cyberspace!! I'm pretty sure the good Officer has a spaceship to trip round in but one can never be 'sure' as it were. lol

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