    what can you use for bags under your eyes

    +2  Views: 1415 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    Ice cold, used tea bags applied to eye and/or cucumber slices.......

    How to get rid of eye bags

    1. Eat whole foods as much as possible. Leave processed foods untouched in their shelves when doing your grocery. Consume watery fruits and veggies such as watermelon, cucumbers, apples, cranberry, asparagus and grapes.

    Coconut water and green tea are good natural diuretics. Potassium-rich foods such as bananas, strawberries, cantaloupe, tomatoes, papaya and yogurt help keep your body (and face) from retaining water.

    Getting lots of vitamins A, C and E from natural food sources such as carrots and dark leafy greens, citrus fruits, bell peppers, nuts, seeds and cold-pressed oils would also be highly beneficial. Vitamin C and B6 supplements also assist in the body’s expulsion of extra fluids.

    2. Keep yourself well hydrated by drinking enough water each day. Raw fruits and vegetables also contain high amounts of quality, mineral-rich water that your body will need to purge itself of toxins and impurities that can lead to the formation of eye bags.

    3. Avoid foods and beverages that encourage fluid retention such as alcohol, coffee, white sugar, cheese, fried foods, carbonated drinks, white flour, gravy, salt, soy sauce and foods that contain monosodium glutamate.

    Steer away from food toxins such as artificial preservatives, chemical additives and pesticides present in inorganic produce. Don’t go crazy over carbohydrate laden foods as these can also lead to facial edema.

    4. Obtain extra iron by eating spinach, broccoli, dried fruits such as raisins, and sea vegetables such as kelp, dulse and laver. You can also take an iron supplement as an insurance policy.

    5. Keep your sodium intake under tight control. The common rule is not to exceed 2,000 milligrams of sodium each day.

    But since you are conscious of your rather pronounced eye bags then you might as well not go over 1,000 milligrams of sodium a day, which would entail mandatory label reading and sodium intake monitoring.

    6. To reduce the appearance of bags under eyes, place both of your index fingers on the sides of your outer nostrils and apply gentle pressure on the two areas for ten seconds.

    You can either steadily press these points or move your fingers in tiny circular motions. Repeat five times. Pressing on these acupressure points will initiate release of toxins that can manifest as under eye bags.

    7. Fix your body clock and follow a facial exercise regime. Going to bed on time, sleeping for seven to eight hours, keeping stress in check and doing facial exercises that minimize under eye bags will not only tighten the eye ring muscles.

    These will also improve circulation in the eye area, which can help lighten the appearance of dark circles. Face exercises for the muscle ring around the eyes ring also smoothen crow’s feet and other wrinkles in the periorbital area.

    Upper eyelid bags or hooded lids will also get their treatment through the practice of face exercises.

    8. The cold cucumber remedy has the reputation of being merely anecdotal but those who put cold cucumber slices regularly swear by its efficacy. Slice a cucumber and freeze 2 slices for half an hour.

    Meanwhile munch on the remaining slices with a freshly made low sodium dip or a simple raw apple cider vinegar and black pepper dip. Apple cider vinegar is another all-natural remedy for water retention due to its high potassium content.

    After thirty minutes have elapsed get the 2 cucumber slices from the freezer. Lie down and place both on closed eyes for fifteen minutes.

    Don’t let eye bags steal the spotlight from your eyes. Let your peepers shine by effectively treating bags under eyes as outlined in this article.

    Stop carrying those eye bags around with the amazing Flawless Eye Formula Program.
    In this program John Socratous teaches you how to ditch these useless bags that can carry nothing but excess fat and fluids through diet tricks and exercise tips.
    Blame e genetics

    Raw potato slices will help tighten baggy, puffy eyes.

    Slice a 1/4 of potato to fit over your eyes. Two slices for each eye.

     Or If you perfer 5 to 10 very thin slices of potato, servel over each eye. Either methad will work,

     First, splash your eyes with water,, lying down, place potato slices over your eye lids and leave in place for at least ten minuits for best results.


    What type of potatoes,King Edwards,??

    Heard Roosters are good.

    - Grate raw potato, squeeze the juice and apply the juice under your eyes for 10 minutes. Alternatively, you can also place thin slices of potato on your eyes (with them closed) every night before you retire. This is one of the most popular and time-tested home remedies for dark circles.

    - Include a lot of green leafy veggies in your diet. Also include food rich in Vitamin A and E.

    - Indulge in some kind of exercise like walking, jogging. Yoga, especially pranayama is known to improve skin health.

    - Take two thin slices of cucumber and place them on your eyes. This removes the puffiness and cools the eyes - Dip cotton in rose water and place them on your eyes.

    - Reduce salt intake in your food. Excess salt encourages fluid retention and leads to puffy eyes.

    - The area under your eyes has very sensitive skin, so never use chemical bleach.

    - You can also place used tea bag (cold) on your eyes which helps lessen the darkness - Avoid exposing your skin to harsh rays of the sun. Especially for the eyes, wear sunglasses whenever you step out in the sun.

    - Apply any best eye cream for dark circles containing vitamin K and argiline. Dark circles may be caused by a deficiency of vitamin K. Regardless of the cause, however, skin creams containing these two ingredients reduce puffiness and discoloration significantly in many people. Long-term daily use seems to have the greatest effect.

    An early night with 8 hours  of sleep might help.

    Try some natural remedies to remove bags under your eyes.

    • Teaspoons – Help reduce swelling in the eyes.
    • Ice-milk cotton pads – This tip, said to brighten the whites of your eyes, is very popular in Europe. First, soak cotton pads in a dish of ice-cold milk and squeeze most of the liquid out. Then, place the pads on your eyes. As they warm, repeat this process (for about 20 minutes).
    • Aloe vera the wonder remedy for a genre of disease is a good natural remedy.
    • Sour cream and parsley pillows – These magic pillows may give your eyes the rest they need! Mix two teaspoons of sour cream and mix well with a teaspoon of finely chopped parsley. Take two squares of cheesecloth, put a dollop of the mix on each and fold them into little “pillows.” Put one on each eye for 10 – 15 minutes, and they may help reduce puffiness and increase circulation.
    • Cucumber slices – Cucumber slices aren't just for salads. They can also make a soothing treatment for puffy eyes.

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