    what is the weather like where you live.

    My home town of Adelaide recorded a scorching 45c ( 113 F ), it was very warm, ideal weather for Mad Dogs and Englishmen, as i'm typing this, 10 pm it is a cool 26c ( 80 F ) , Thank god for airconditioning, just thought you 'may' like to know. :-)

    +10  Views: 1142 Answers: 17 Posted: 11 years ago

    17 Answers

    Time is 7am and it's .........23 (F)      -5 (C)    .....with about 4 inches of snow on the ground.

    It will get colder, as the winter progesses and we'll get more snow.  Oh Canada!


    I hate the cold but love the snow, especially fresh fall.

    Believe it or not, it feels warmer when there is snow on the ground.

    I have heard that, Ducky.:-)

    We got 4 inches too, in Mich. just after Christmas. It's been in the 20s till today . I was " warm " here today.... 35F degrees.

    Mycarsmom, if 35f which is 1.7 c, is warm i think i will give Michigan a miss, too cold. BBBBrrrrr. :-)

    Oh come on bulletman...I told feels warmer when there is snow on the ground! lol

    In NH. -US, we have about 10 inches of snow on the ground and at 8 am- it is 15 degrees. Your weather is too hot for me, I much rather have the snow.


    Ann i like both, heat and fresh snow.

    Bullet, what state or country is Adelaide in ?

    MY catsmom, Adelaide is the capital of South Australia, Australia. ( Down Under).

    Bulletman, I think Australia is a interesting country. You are lucky to live there.

    Thanks, Ann, i think so, but i haven't been to New Hampshire.:-)

    bulletman, NH,. is in the Northcountry of the US. Short spring, short summers, short fall, but long winter.

    The snow has melted away again.  It is raining again.  The temperature is 2 degrees Celcius again.  The chances of rain are 97% for tomorrow again.


    I could do with rain and plenty of it.:-)

    Same ol', same ol'

    Welcome to the Aquarium ... Bobette!
    Bulletman if you received as much rain as we receive you wouldn't live in one of the coolest and most unique places on the planet. However, we do have Sasquatches and they are a protected species! I guess you can't beat that! :)

    Fish, you honestly don't expect me to believe Sasquatches actually exist?:-)

    Well, I have never personally seen a Sasquatch but I do know that I will go to jail if I ever shoot one. I think that particualar law is one of British Columbia's finer laws. :)
    Sasquatches are on higher ground at the moment ... you know ... all that hair and all this rain. They prefer the snow. Much easier to just brush off.

    It was a beautiful day in Sydney today,  33°C. Not looking forward to next week though.We are in for a heat wave, with scorching temperatures.


    Pyth, are you going to get our weather, which was passed on from Perth, the biggest problem with it is BushFires, we were put in Catastrophic Alert, you can't get any higher than that, we did have few fires--- under control. i don't think pet owners realise they should be inside with the Air- Con llike i did, Sam the Cat was really feeling the heat so he came through the Doggy Door and just flaked., the Dog just sleeps all day inside, she rarely goes out side.

    I got caught on the F3 coming home from work a few years ago, the whole of the Hawksbury was on fire, I spent the night squished up in my car in a clearing with several others

    Better that than being burnt or worse, i see on the news 80 homes lost in fires down in Tassie; S.A. have been lucky so far.

    Pyth, what is that in farenheit ?

    @MCM 91.4° Fahrenheit.

    It's about 10c here in sunny Essex today, a bit mild for this time of year. We have some relatives in Adelaide , they love the heat, I think thats one reason they moved there about 40 years ago.

    We havn't had much snow here yet this winter, apart from one day in early December, we had about 1 inch of snow, and the whole town came to a standstill.


    Sunny, i'm sure your relatives would be enjoying this warm weather.:-)

    Its not raining in Merton,and warm for this time of year,about 12degrees C,


    I might stick with my weather, yours is too cold for me, [Hector.:-)

    Hector, it is rare, sometimes it actually snows here , only in the hills, like i said very rare, in winter of course, our winters can be incredibly biting, down to the bones.

    Not Again!

    (OOPS. wrong place, sorry. I can't get edit the picture out :).



    I think it's cute anyway

    too cute. He/she looks like my little cat, Willow ♥. She always looks and acts like a kitten , even tho' she's 5.

    My cat looked like this when he was a baby!


    My first cat looked just like this and slept like this as well. So cute.

    I just want to pick this little one up and cuddle!!

    Me too. :)

    I'll get in before Don sees this.Awwwwwwwwwwwww!

    @Tommy- too funny!

    I think its adorable.

    'Chick Magnet' cat and then some. :)

    It's 7:30pm and it's 48 F., was a sunny day after waking up to RAIN!!!!!!!!in TEXAS!

    1/6/13  9:11 A.M.  Fresno California:  It is overcast, but should be partly sunny today.  It rained yesterday.  One thing we've not experienced much this winter is fog. There's snow in the mountains, and looks beautiful from my vantage point of FAR AWAY. 
    Take care of yourself in that heat, Kent.  We lose people every year from heat exposure and dehydration here. 


    Don't worry Ms. Bob, i have fridge outside in my garage shaped like a beer can, it is well stocked so i don't Dehydrate.:-)

    have you got any 4x??

    Sorry Hec, i don't drink that lolly water, either Pure Blonde or Cooper's Pale Ale, the real stuff.:-)

    I had forgotten about that real thick fog we get! It’s usually really bad at Christmas time.

    It's very overcast, 32%c but very humid here on the far north coast NSW, no cane fires thank goodness, Adelaide and SA are renowned for the extreme heat in the summer, still haven't been there, but am looking forward to going. Any tips bulletman? I like wine and adore good food, I believe your state has a lot to offer


    Lamb, you have achoice of three main wine making areas, McLaren Vale, Clare and the renown Barossa Valley, if you do wine tasting at most of the wineries in each area, i would not recommend driving, as far as restauants and food venues, i have heard Adelaide boasts more restaurants per head of population than any where else in Australia, certainly have variety of cuisine to choose from, remember Adelaide is just a big country town, nothing like Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne or the beautiful city of Perth. If you have the time a visit to Kangaroo Island is highly recommended.:-) P.S. how is your health?

    bullet, I'm surprized it's that warm there, b/c the average temp of some parts of California , even, are 50F  during the daytime.   Here in S.E. Michigan, it's been cccccold for weeks. Average temp during the day is  in the 20s F.  Had 4 in of snow last week. That's not that much.Supposed to get  1/2 in or  1 in . tonight.


    Mycatsmom, i don't know if you are aware, down here it is our summer, our seasons are opposite to yours.:-)

    No, bullet, I didn't know your seasons are the opposite of ours.This international site is quite an education
    So, what are you winters like ?

    Mycatsmom, the winters even thou we don't have snow can be really biting, even the poms say our winter is a diffent type of cold, goes right to the bones, i hate winter. Of course in Queensland and the North Western Austalia being in the tropics the temp remains approx. the same all year, mid thirties centregrade, only two seasons wet and dry, when i was in Edinburgh, Scotland in winter i never thought it was as cold as Down Under which the Scots did not believe, the Scots living here certainly do, ask my partner!

    40's windy snow.  113 is hot!  I'm glad you have ac!!


    Believe me, LittleDoo so am i -- air-con. At least it is getting a try out, it was only fitted in November, ducted to each room, it is brilliant.

    Ahhhhh That's what I say on a Hot hot day when I walk into ac!!!

    Northern NM, this morning -12  this weekend colder expecting more snow Wed.

    Ah! Queensland! Beautiful one day,Perfect the next!

    37 deg C here today.Not a cloud in sight.


    Tom, ah, South Australia, perferct one day, absolutely pefect the next. Cloudless skies, no wind and a perfect 24c, not too hot, not too cold, ha ha ha . :-) Wed 9th arvo.

    bush fires bush fires and more bush fires


    I see o the news again it is now 100 homes destroyed by the bush fires there.

    Nice and Rainy.

    North of Mt Shasta, Yreka, California…snow tonight and tomorrow. The temp has gone just above 32 F on most afternoons. Six inches of snow here three weeks ago, is still here but reduced  in  ground cover.

    Some of my friends go to Tahiti in the winter. I would like to have November - March in Australia. The heat is easier to take than the cold although 113 F is hazardous.



    Robert if you want to go to a similar climate to Tahiti, then i suggest Queensland, but you would have to go between june to august, as that is the dry season,if want to go the months you suggested, have a real holiday in the Festival State of South Australia , Gateway to the Outback. Beautiful silken pure white sandy beaches, some of the world greatest wines, or go to a nudist beach and end up with Melanomas.:-)

    Sounds great, I should study this more.

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