    Morons should not be allowed to vote......

    Can anyone write a law that would pass with all the morons in Washington.....

    +2  Views: 986 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    8 Answers

    I thought that said Mormons lol at first..
    Headless Man

    LOL... no, no ,no

    That's what I read too. I thought, oh no, here we go again.
    Deleted User

    I'm glad it wasn't just my eyes then lol

    Great idea, but who would decide who is a moron?

    Headless Man

    A test....not a person.

    One moron might think another moron is pretty smart. lol

    Tests should apply as well, to prospective jurors serving, political jobs, civil service employment....Just imagine the increase in unemployment (lol)! Who would write the test(s)? Probably another moron!
    Headless Man

    It would almost need to be like an IQ test.

    The whole world is just one big moron-go-round.

    Ducky: Thank heavens for akaqa. The last bastion of intelligence.

    Funny how we all gathered in one spot. It must be the fascinating questions that stirred our collective intellect and brought us all together...duh yuh think?
    Headless Man


    Yes. Before akaqa, it was like the Jews wandering the desert for 40 years. Then Ducky, Colleen and pythonlover led us to the "Promised Land", parting the "Sea of Stupidity" along the way!

    Sadly, a few members drowned in that sea because they just couldn't swim with the rest of us!

    Glad the moderators didn't. They "walk on water."

    Finally, you noticed! LOL!!!

    yea,and another yea,that we should be allowed to lift up our eyes,and be so priverledge,to gaze and feast our eyes on a Moderator,

    Yes you lucky duck. Oh no, that's me! :)

    One man's "Moron" is another man's "Genius".  ... and, everyone is a critic.  The place to start is the lobbyists and special interest groups... Then move on to the gigantic companies ... the problem that you see is far bigger than a group of Morons passing a law ... there is all sorts of rallying going on in the background.  You need a really big shovel.

    In this country voting is compulsory. So the morons are forced to vote along with us geniuses.

    Fortunately most of the morons will just cast a donkey vote or an invalid one anyway.

    Maybe they should enforce voting over there just to see what comes up.:)

    If you wind up with a morons of a Goverment,What does that say of the nations peoples,?????

    Headless Man

    Too many morons voting........

    I so agree with you!!  I think there should be a mandatory test at the polling booth, 5 simple questions about current events, multiple choice-- If you can answer at least 3 of the 5, you vote, if you cant, a popup in the machine says--- 'Sorry, you are not capable of voting, you're too stupid-- next person please"

    I would be very happy with this,  As the last two presidential elections have proved, it was a race thing, and if you didn't vote for him, you were a racist, although those that did vote for him based on race, they were not racist. also, I would say that if you are not working for 99 + weeks and you have no signed proof that you have looked for a job, you can not vote either.  i don't want some lazy cluck voting for my future and their food stamps because they are too lazy.. This excludes those that are on disability and other honest reasons-- You don't contribute, you don't vote, simple and clear.  regardless of your color!

    Headless Man

    I like the way you think, run for office.......

    I wouldn't get elected because I look at things with common sense in mind and I'm not too savvy to those that pollute the system with their demands and base these demands on PC standards that they have themselves created making the rest of us miserable. If I were elected I would be impeached within a month. But man would I love to get my hands on the situation.
    Headless Man


    Why not we allow them to lead it don't we?

    Headless Man

    That's the problem......

    us morons like to vote........

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