    Interesting reading here.......

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    +3  Views: 669 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    Justin still has 4 days left though!


    jh, did you cat come back ? Did he wander off, or what ? I saw that you said you miss him. I got a couple that you can have   ;-)


    How old? We want another cat but want to start with a kitten this time.....Yep, he just went away, we have no idea of what happened to him...

    Honest reporting of facts was the pride of the news medias when I was a child. Wall Street Journal and Washington Post make an effort to uphold this standard. does well in telling facts from folly. Some folk don’t seem to care if they are dining on cow sewage as long as it’s high-lighted sensationally. Sensational News is fabricated to inspire a reaction…like dying from a stroke or committing suicide. It is more like murder by lies. “Gossip" is the old name of sensationalism:

    sationalism |sen?s?SH?nl?iz?m|
    1 (esp. in journalism) the use of exciting or shocking stories or language at the expense of accuracy, in order to provoke public interest or excitement: media sensationalism.
    2 Philosophy another term for phenomenalism.



    I think that the problem is technology, at least, to a degree. It has enabled the media to cover an enormous number of news stories to the point where there simply isn't enough time to do in depth coverage. There are quite a few really good media outlets, but we have reached the point where its up to the individual to be decerning and do his homework to find out the truth.In the past we simply had more time due to slower coverage. I'm not saying there isn't a load of chaff out there, but that there are reasons.

    The communications technology we have progressed into, from its humble beginnings to today, reveals a progression of cultural trends that continues to surprise us in its effects on our global family. Sensationalism in news teaches our culture that news and honesty are often oxymorons. Thus news is trusted much less than in Walter Cronkite’s day and although we may be displeased with the dishonesty we see, we are also more likely to dig into the stories to get the facts more closely aligned with reality because we treasure honesty. So it appears that we agree in some of this. But the technology has become little more than a carrot hanging from a stick with its ongoing progress. I expect this to continue to bring us closer into news events while economically charging the overall system of exchange. Where it is to go from now is anyone’s guess.

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