    I feel like I'm a failure, my grades are C's and D's, and I'm thinking about giving up in life.

    I don't know what to do. I'm 13 and very confused. I just really need some advise. Thanks.

    +1  Views: 2035 Answers: 10 Posted: 11 years ago

    Based on your other questions, does this also have to do with Jadon? Again, talk to your parents!

    10 Answers

    It is not good to be feeling like this.  I am a mom, and a person who has spent a lifetime feeling like I am not quite good enough.  I have recently found it that a lot of what I was feeling was linked to depression and I didn't even know it.  I am not saying that is what is going on with you, but it never hurts to talk with your doctor - in my case, if I had known about it in my teens, things would have been MUCH better.  Grades aren't everything.  You need to talk to a parent, teacher or another adult that you feel you can trust and talk about what is going on.  My brother is an extremely bright person - as in he was professionally tested and had a crazy high IQ.  He went through school with a nice solid C average.  He bummed around in waiter and retail jobs for a long time before figuring out what he wanted to do and how to go and get it.  He is just starting a job that he is actually liking that provides on the job training - he is 32.  There is a lot of pressure for you to walk out of high school know what you want to do, what schooling you want to do etc. etc.  The only thing you need to worry about is knowing if you did the best job YOU can do.  Don't compare yourself to others - every one has strengths and weaknesses, it doesn't mean anything.  If you know that when you got those grades you had done the best you could do then don't worry about.  If you know that you could have done better, than do it.  You need to be able to live you life according to your own measure - not other people's.  You are young, you have a long time to figure out where you want to go in this world.  Take your own path, know what you want.  You will be much happier than if you are trying to make other people happy.  Please don't do anything permanent.  I hated being 13, but it truly does get better.  There are people all around that can help you through this.  Go and find them.  Don't give up.


    You are a lifesaver. I thank you.

    please don't give up. just try harder in school. get a tutor if you do not undrstand the subject

    Never give up!`ve got your whole life ahead of you!...Work hard..and it will pay off in time!...Don`t be afraid to ask your teachers for extra help...or to admit that you don`t understand some of the work you`ve been set!...It`s the people who don`t ask for the help that don`t always do well with their grades...Be positive..You sound like you are on the right track by admitting that you`re struggling a bit!..That`s brave in itself...get extra help...If you really put your mind to wanting to up your grades,and confidence..I`m sure you will!..Good Luck!

    The only failures are the quitters.Just do your best.That's as much as anyone can ask of you.If you know you have done the best you can you will get some satisfaction.We can't all be geniuses.The world needs us plodders too ya know.

    Don't give up ! You're taking the first step by seeking help.......talking to us about it.  Talk to your school councelor and tell him / her that your classes are not right for you.........if you're really trying and can't get the material. Sometimes, they'll take you out of a class, adn put you in a different one that you can do ok in. Or, ask her / him where you can get a tutor for a low cost, or no cost at all. 

       Keep us posted .

    no dont think that !!! u are not a failure . dont give up ! try ur best . and study hard . well i dont study 

    Cs and Ds,are not that easy to get ,go on from here and dont give up,you have time to achive more i and im sure you will,

    Fear is the result of the unknown. i certainly can empathize with your problems for I also found 13 an awkward age. I was compared to my two elder brothers that were much smarter both at home by my parents and at school by tearchers that taught my brothers. We are all social beings and especially at thirteen we seek social acceptance and understanding. One of the hardest lessons I had to personally learn in life was to learn from others mistakes. Being smart can very from subject to subject. Very few people are smart at everthing in life but perhaps excel at more things than ourselves. Subsequently  we assume they are better because they appear so. If we lack at a few subjects we cannot generalize and assume we are a failure at everything. Everything at this age or point in time is usually an exaggeration a matter of life and death. But you know what I think you are smart. Why? because you were having troubles and reached for help. Personally I find this ultra mature for a 13 yr.old and I can see you helping others. How? by relating your personal life experiences to someone else that is experiencing difficulty. You first of all identified the problem reached out for help and explained what was going on and how you felt? Thats awesome! Sometimes in life we stumble,get off track or seemingly get lost. We cannot let life's misgivings, comments or others expectations determine who we are or will be. As I grew, I learned by helping others I could learn and help myself. I never knew what I wanted to be but I stayed in the game why? because of my family, friends and the others that were like me that needed a guide to bring them home. So, yeah others are going to need you along the way and reach to them as you have to us. There is hope! You are strong mature and I believe a leader. Hold on your smart enough to find your way. Often people that need help are the last to know but you been there and can show them the way. A friend of mine took his life at 15 when his Mom and Dad announced they were divorcing. It crushed him he couldn't recover and gave up. I was devestated He never reached out we all carried that entire lives that was 49 yrs ago. I made a promise to him to seek others and be sensitve to reach out and help and not let anyone go without hope. I plead to you now in Mikes name to save yourself so you can save others. Talk to your counselor at school and your parents at home and let us know your okay?  Promise?

    hi im sommer kittens and i get f's all the time but dont give up


    Never give up!

    Fight to the end!

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