    Bullied people committing suicide

    What's the answer to this growing tragedy.  

    +4  Views: 826 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    It`s one difficult problem!..And hugely troubling!...More schools and local facilities are adopting  zero tolerance polices..and everyone needs to raise awareness as to the signs and consequences of bullying..something to be aware of is a change in a child`s/any target`s behavio(u)r has your child become withdrawn/reluctant to join in with activities..moody/mood changes,(difficult to tell with kids /teens etc)!...The list is endless!...Encourage your child to communicate and discuss worries try to keep the channels of communication well and truly open.

    Discuss bullying and anti-social behavio(u)r with them..and other parents and teachers if you have any concerns...Adopt a Zero tolerance approach to such behavio(u)r within your home environment...and ensure that kids are aware of the seriousness of such consequences!..Get kids involved in watching out for any of their peers well-being and encourage them to report any witnessed incidents/fears with teachers  or an adult.

    Maintain awareness to cyber-bullying..bullying via technology eg computers and mobile phones etc.(Not just kids,but adults too are being taunted and undermined on websites..(Twitter has shown an increase in bullying/trolling on-line)...

    I so don`t know the answer to this any better than the next I`ll stick with Zero tolerance and education and awareness!...It is one shocking problem!

    Better laws need to be put in place so we can prevent this from happening. I am deeply saddened about this as well as many others but this should be the time that we now push for better laws to protect kids in school. This is happening to much and it needs to stop.

    I agree with Millie. Zero tolerance. The Parents, School and Police Department all have to work together to stop this madness. The youngest ever to commit suicide was 7 years old.
    !60 000 Children are staying home from school everyday, because of fear of beeing bullied.
    This did not happen when my children attented school 30 yrs. ago.

    Having read the report in question I could see no convincing evidence of bullying but, be that as it may, every case should be investigated and scrutinised with the utmost thoroughness before coming to any conclusions. There is and always will be bullying in schools and a concerted effort by those involved i.e., teachers, parents  and scholars, can go a long way in alleviating this problem. By educating and making the scholars aware of the possible consequences of bullying will, I believe, be a positive step in the right direction.



    Good answer. It seems the girl was the object of ridicule and name-calling.

    Thanks WB

    Get rid of public schools and have all children home schooled. Not only would they be safe from bullying but they would turn out smarter too. 


    Hardly practical except for the super-rich parents who can afford 1:1 pupil/teacher ratio.
    Even with computer teaching you need parents who are motivated to keep their kids learning not just playing.
    And how do kids learn social skills if they don't meet other kids at school?

    Oh, Colleen, there are so many parents who aren't literate, don't care, or haven't the time to home school their kids to simply make change for a dollar.

    They are illiterate because the government took over our schools in the 70's and began systematical dumbing down America. What kids are learning in the 6th grade, my mother learned in the 3rd grade. Home schooling works and parents learn at the same time their kids do. We have a lot of parents opting for homeschooling now and no, they are not rich, they just do not believe in a government controlled school system.

    Noooooooooooooooooooooo!....NO NO NO to home schooling!:-Z...Extend school hours/boarding school..or borstal imho!(There you go..lots of choices)!lol!;-)

    I think that bullied people should bully the bully.  If they are unable to do this, then they should hire a hit man to do the job.  If they cannot afford it, then the parents should hire a hit man.  If you turn the other cheek, you will continue to be a doormat.  GET A HIT MAN!!!


    There really must be something a little more intelligent than murder to combat ignorance.

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