    Who is President of the United States of America?

    0  Views: 1362 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    Barack Obama



    You know your Presidents eh?

    He's been around for a while and will be for 4 more years!

    Watch America fall into despair and deep depression once the tax cuts go away in December and Obama begins imposing new taxes on everyone. Be happy you do not have to live this. Be excited that he has another 4 years to complete the task of destroying the USA.

    You never know, four years isn't really a long time to get things right... maybe he had an eight year plan to begin with.

    There is no bright side and his plan was never to help America. Watch, see and learn.

    The great smug one known as Barack Hussein Obama. 




    It could be worse... That could be a picture of Donald Trump.

    No, it can't be worse. This is as bad as it gets. You can not understand.

    America voted. There is nothing you can do but live your life and hope for the best.
    "This" is not as bad as it gets just ask a grandmother in South Africa who is raising her grandchildren and a few other children from the villiage because the parents have died due to complications from Aids.

    Yes, America voted.....this is what America voted:
    <br/><a href="" target="_blank">View Raw Image</a>

    The states with the most college votes decided however. Not the majority of the American people.

    I was answering a question. America voted. It is your system. Effect change if you don't like it. Bye!

    I tried to effect change. An outdated system that only politicians can change overrode it. It's so easy to sit on the outside looking in, isn't it? So easy to just say, effect change without understanding the road blocks in the way of that change. See ya.

    I actually do understand and have read the history. You don't have to worry about getting the last word. I will give it to you and a whole bunch more. I am not an idiot and I do research before I write.

    No, my guest. I leave the last word to you. You know America's politics better than I. I concede to your president. I'm sure he will do better for you than he will me. I'm off to work to earn more money for him. See ya.

    I think that The Donald would definitely be an improvement to a high degree, no question!

    I answered a question and now I have been belittled by the moderator. You know everything and I know nothing. How, did I miss that part?
    And, by the way, I answered the question first. If there is a rule that only Americans can answer questions pertaining to American politics can you have the admin post it on the page with the rules and regulations.
    You are clearly unhappy with the election results and are taking it out on me.
    The results on the popular vote are: Obama 69,456,897 and Romney 59,934,814.

    You were not belittled by a moderator. I was not moderating you. I was speaking as a person, a US citizen who is not excited like you are that Obama was re-elected. You know quite well there is no rule as to who can comment about American politics but there is also no rule stating I can not comment back to a non American who uses an exclamation point that he will be president for 4 more years like his being president is a good thing and wonderful to you who do not have to live under his dictatorship.
    Where did you get those numbers? You are searching the wrong sites or your media is lying again. Obama trailed Romney until the last hours when western USA gave him the slim margin lead. Final count, OBAMA 61,907,639 ROMNEY 58,648,640 a difference of 3,258,999 million or the difference of the illegal aliens who voted for Obama. America did not vote Obama in again, less than 50% of actual Americans voted for him, the rest were illegals who Obama gave permission to vote by not enforcing voter ID cards. 59.1 percent of Californians voted for him, most illegals live in California. California gave Obama 55 electoral votes and the win.

    Yep.... my new name is Randy Palmer. That's what friends are for.
    I wasn't excited by the way... but, I certainly would not vote for a man who strapped his dog in a box to the top of a vehicle for a lovely family vacation either.
    Based upon how your government actually works Obama leans toward Socialism and can not ever become a Dictator. It is completely impossible. He could not change your political system that much in 8 years... It would take a coup of sorts and a lot of blood shed. He would have to deal with Monsanto for goodness sakes. And, those guys own America's food chain. It takes many, many, many years to aquire that kind angry militant support. Even if a coup actually is a sudden event, it only appears to be that on the outside. Obama would have far too many offices to bombard and buildings to conquer. Nope. Not a dictator. Think about it. While you are at it stop eating GMOs because big business is really running your country.

    Hey C- Give Fishy a break here she lives right 'next door' and what happens in America will Impact her (Canada). She's given some facts and her opinion opinion that was shared by slightly more than 1/2 of the American's that voted.
    We had 2 shitty choices and people decided to give Obama 4 more years. We will never know if Romney would have helped or further hurt our country.
    Hopefully Obama and the Rep's in the House will grow up and learn how to compromise. Without this we Are doomed.

    I wasn't picking on her. I'm still not. She knows more than I do. I concede to her superior knowledge. I'm just a stupid American. What do I know? I should live in Canada. Canadians know more about the US than US citizens do. Just ask digger and Facebook, they are Canadians and know what is best for America too. Obamacare is illegal according to the Constitution. He forced it on us like a true dictator. His supreme Court bypassed the Constitution by calling it a tax rather than a forced healthcare. But I know nothing. Obama will never affect Canada the way he has affected and will affect the USA.

    "an opinion that was shared by slightly more than 1/2 of the American's that voted."

    Not true. Some voted for him because he's "black". That's all the reason they needed. Some voted for him for the free stuff he once again promised but will not deliver. Some voted because he has a nice voice and speaks well. Some voted for him because they think he's good looking. Some voted for him because they like the idea of socialism. Some voted for him because they are afraid of change and what it brings and figured, "well at least we know him and what he is about". All these things, I've actually read on Facebook as to why people voted for him. It has nothing to do with whether they think he can fix the economy, or save businesses or take care of any of the important issues. I'm sure some agree with her opinion. I know there are those who still believe he is the messiah. I still say, we are screwed. It won't take all 4 years to prove it either.

    Sadly, Barack Obama. At least now I can move to Poland, avoiding everything horrible he will do (or rather not do) in the next four years!


    I have to be honest. I am seriously considering leaving the country myself. I dread what these next four years will bring. He had 4 years to set up his plans to take over this country and force it into his new style government. I sense civil uprising and civil war looming. This is why Hillary is so determined to get the gun ban in place. American citizens with no guns are so much more easily herded off to FEMA camps (prisons).

    Although I think even Hillary would've been a better president than him.

    No,she's just as evil as he is. They are both part of the Illuminati.

    True, but at least she could have gotten more things done rather than kick the can down the road and wait for the next president to do it.

      When you look at the figures yes Obama did win by a majority but look again nearly half voted against him, its not just your voting system that stinks its the same all across the world.  Your choice of leader affects the whole world as America is the No1 "Superpower" it even affects me and I live in the UK.


    Explain how Obama could get 108% of the votes in Ohio? 108% is not a typo, that is what is recorded. Where did the 8% come from? It came from illegals who Obama gave amnesty to and told them and the states that voter ID cards would not be required to vote. This is how the illegals voted for him. He promised them all kinds of things he can not give them just to get their votes. This election was rigged from the start. The majority of American people did not vote him in. Romney got no votes from the millions of illegals here in the USA. The system has been broken for a long time. What the people of the USA do not realize or understand is that our votes no longer matter. The elections are manipulated and controlled in such a manner that millions of votes are made not to matter. Obama was declared the winner before all the states had finished voting or finished counting the votes. California made the difference having most of the illegals living there. Ohio made the difference. Obama won California and Ohio and was declared re-elected. Ohio and 108% percent, meaning every last man and woman in Ohio voted for Obama? I doubt it but this too will get buried and not investigated because the powers that be who want their puppet Obama will make sure that happens.

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