    How do I be a singer if nobody likes my singing?

    +4  Views: 1974 Answers: 23 Posted: 11 years ago

    23 Answers

    Maybe you just weren`t cut out to be a singer?:?...I can sing brilliantly "In my head"....Just something bad happens when I try and transfer the tune to my voice!;-)


    I hear ya'. Oops.

    Tone deaf in our family!..Every last one of us!!:-Z lol!

    So I really wouldn't want to hear ya'? lol

    No ducky..take it from SO wouldn`t!!:-)..Britain`s Got Talent haven`t come knocking on my door!;-)..(Not even to ask me to be one of their rejects)!:Z

    Now THAT is really bad! LOL!

    Talk "sing" like Tom Petty or Bob Dylan.

    They are both awful and they made it big.


    Bob Dylan...worst singer ever and always looks like he's spaced out or nodding off.

    And needs a good scrub in the tub.

    Let's throw Bruce Springsteen in there too...can't sing either and always looks dirty. yuk

    Keith Richards...

    A beauty for sure. :)

    or Rex Harrison who talked thru all his songs in " My Fair Lady "

    Yeah true...but it's still one of my all time favourite movies.

    Wear outrageous clothes, strike a pose, grab a microphone and scream!

    Like this.....         (Katy Perry)




    Perhaps you should concentrate on performances in the shower???


    Hi Donnie! This 8-5 M-F and weekends with my mom have cut into akaQA time.
    How YOU doin'?
    A duet in the shower sounds like fun.

    If you can't hold a tune you can't be taught to hold a tune. Some people just can't do it despite popular belief.  However, someone mentioned join a punk band or alternate rock group, if you can't sing, you'll do well.  and loved by your peers that can't tell the difference between good music and 10 carpenters building a house.


    I agree...people either can sing or they can't. There's been plenty evidence of that over the years on American Idol. Those that can't are what's called the audience.

    Yeah, I've seen and heard some on stage that should be audience too.

    How about taking singing lessons ?


    Hmmmm .... that never crossed my mind!

    I thought about it...but then I came to the conclusion that I`ll quit when I`m ahead...Some of us just weren`t born to sing!!;-)

    If you love to sing. SING! Find a song you can "kinda" sing and practice it. Then practice it some more.  You don't have to sing to others who might be critical ... SING FOR YOU. It would help if you had a guitar, but those are hard to play and expensive. Do what you can.

    Take their advice...PLEASE.  I'd rather eat tofu than endure a wanna be Elvis or Piaf. Contain your urge within your shower stall. Better still, record your vocal skills ( a capella )  on tape, then press "stop",  "rewind" , "stop" and the "play" button. 


    I'm searching for my tape recorder right now.

    Pity your neighbours.

    Ha ha ha...that was my first thought...confine it to the shower or car.

    I sound the best in my car! I don't like it though, when the person in the next car, laughs at me. What do they know? lol

    I just love you, digger; you always know just the right thing to say. Tofu! TOFU! HA HA HA HA

    I would love to be a model but my bum is the wrong shape,


    Don’t you just hate it when that happens. : D

    friend, They don't take pictures of your bum.

    They would if I was modelling swim wear.


    its shape is great. The size in not. ha

    A singer should be able to sing could but you could also let your voice get edited in a recording program.


    Another good idea.

    Pitch adjust and processed effects where it will help makes the singer sound robotic and unreal. Like quantizing tempo, it takes the humanizing factor out of the edited piece. The difference between analog and digital, where analog has warmth and realism and digital is precise and accurate. problem is, we humans are not as perfect as digital. Despite 'digital humanizing' we humans are not predictable where digital is. Using such devices to make small adjustments in pitch or timbre is fine, doing an entire recording with it is comical. :) I have such a device, they are definitely fun to play with, I can change my voice from a frog to a 3 year old girl and all in between, harmonize with myself and even make my voice sound like monotone no pitch robot. lot's of fun and the kids love it! :) very effective with Halloween coming soon.

    I'd sure like one of those! Halloween or any day in between is good enough for meeeee.

    Vin, you're so multi talented :-)

    Maybe something along the lines of drawing or painting would better suit your artistic talents, or maybe songwriter.

    Sing practice, sing.  Get lessons if you can.  Have fun. Be yourself.  Like Bill Cosby the comedian said, "For 5 million that hate you, 5 million will love you." Something like that.   Do what you love and your life will be great or at least very  good.

    Well........ You know the old sayings....Don't give up your day job yet.  And if you can't sing good,SING LOUD!

    Join a choir,singing with others can help you to get in tune then you may be able to move onto solos.

    Try singing here, I'm sure no one will mind""

    I can't carry a tune in a tin bucket. At birthday parties, I just mouth the words............

    You can't please everybody  so please yourself    Sing !

    sing in the shower, or sing to your mom. Moms will usaully listen to their adult children sing.


    sing for your own :)

    ....sing at church

    ....God likes it

    Sing in a group with those who have louder voices than you. The bigger the group, the better.

    I am a singer because I practice and take the time to learn my songs well.  I don't need an audience to practice, and I sing because I love to, and not for the recognition it gets me.  Practice some tunes you like within your vocal range ( notes you can hit), and do it without the negative feedback.  If you know someone who is a good singer, ask them if they can maybe listen to your work, and give you some constructive criticism.Join choir or glee club at school.  Watch shows like the Voice and X Factor so you can see the difference between bad, good and WOW!!!  Open your mouth more when going for the high notes, and don't look at the sky.  Record yourself and hear yourself.  See what you would change, and use a bit of trial and error to do so.  And please sing you instead of YOW-  I hate when singers do that unless it is a rock song.  If you want to be better, you must be persistent and you will be if you truly love it.  Don't be afraid to strain your voice a little but rest it when it is strained.  In the meantime, as long as you are singing, you ARE a singer.  Good luck and God bless.

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