    Which car is considered to be the most reliable one in the market today?

    +1  Views: 871 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    Toyota anything. They don't die. My wifes has 260+K on it and runs as good as new.


    Yes i agree, i just bought a Toyota Rav4.What a little beauty,so cheap to run on petrol too.
    ed shank

    My brother bought a Rav4 also. He also loves it. It's his commuter car.

    The 10 most reliable cars according to Warranty Direct:

    1. Honda Accord - A classy package, well put together and feels more special than the average family car. Superb engines and value for money.
    2. Subaru Forester - Not quite an off roader, much more than an estate with a sporty edge, making it the perfect combination. Great all round buy.
    3. Mazda MX-5 - Blueprint for the modern roadster with sweet handling and engines to match. Extremely easy to live with.
    4. Mitsubishi Carisma - Despite the name, not that interesting to look at or drive, but that's not the point. Here is a no-nonsense hatchback that won't let you down.
    5. Toyota Yaris - Superminis don't come better. Bags of room and perky engines. Probably the best small car buy.
    6. Honda Civic - Solid build quality and good engines are just part of the appeal, the Civic is one of the most spacious small cars around. Great value.
    7. Nissan Almera - A dull package, but that's no reason to dismiss the Almera which is practical and perfect for the smaller family who need a big boot and utter reliability.
    8. Honda CR-V - Proof that you don't need an XXXL 4x4. Here is a four-wheel drive estate that is flexible, easy to drive and own.
    9. Toyota RAV4 - So few four-wheel drives are fun to drive. This car is suitably sporty, but very practical. Expensive used buy but worth it.
    10. Nissan Micra - The driving school favourite. Tough, fairly roomy, but with its light controls is easy to steer around town.

    Many cars are great, but no matter what type you buy, it must be maintained and driven reasonably or it will not last.  I had a VW bug, a 1974, which I put 250,000 miles on.  They were the cheapest cars made available in the US at the time.  I changed oil every 3,000 mi. like clockwork, and did all the needed maintenance as required.  I traded it, and the new owner ran it for several more years.  

    ed shank

    I've owned many through the years because the wife loved them. I can tell you what NOT to buy. A newer Mustang, a Mercedes, two pieces of garbage. Sold two M-B this year, never again.

    I have never owned a Mercedes, I think that they are too high maintenance for me... And too expensive to own and operate. I am frugal, and could not justify that outlay of money for a car...

    MY  personel pick is  1. Toyota 2. Honda  3. VW

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