    indian burial grounds.

    I have been exsperiencing the paranormal ever since i moved into this address of mobile homes in e mesa near Apache Jct. does any one possibly know or have heard of any stories in reguards to such a thing out here? signed "L.S.I"

    0  Views: 1117 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    Start by talking to your neighbors or check with your local newspaper for stories that may link to what you've been experiencing. Also, try the local church's. People may go to them for help if they experience paranormal type occurrences  You could check with the town also to see if you live on or near an old burial ground. They will have more information than we will. This is akaQA, we are a world wide question and answer forum. You might get lucky and have someone visit this forum who lives in your area but it may be faster if you check around yourself.


    we all have spoken to one another. i am a paranormal investigator for All Veterans Lost Souls Investigations i am the owner. i was outside last night and captured some stuff that leads me into this direction. i got a manifestation of a person on their hand and knees outside our drive way and a purple mist over our homes and one mist by my neighbors home. not to mention the house to my right also had a mist over its roof but more like an Orb.

    Well if you are an investigator, then you know all the tricks in investigating. Happy ghost hunting :)

    i dont claime to know everything thats why im here today, i need help.

    We are volunteers sitting in our homes answering random questions. No one here claims to be an expert in the paranormal. You should not call yourself an investigator until you learn how to investigate. Talk to people, talk to the local businesses, like the 7-11 or the local bar. Find out from the town if there was ever a burial ground in the area. There's not much we can help you with. You should take a course on what you think you're doing so you better know what to do.

    I have come across so many people saying that their house was built on an Indian Burial ground, just insisting on this. I am one who will go the extra mile to do actual research on the grounds, home & all previous owners I can actually trace.
    Haven't the Indians been thru enough without blaming the dead?


    check out,

    you know colleen, if you were not so mean and single minded you could see this was what i am doing. i got an answer from some one thank you. you have been little to no help at all. investigations begin with a question. what did i say to you 1st! 


    You need to stop commenting back to me as a new answer. Use the "comment this answer" link to reply back to me. Must I teach you everything? First I have to teach you how to investigate even though you claim to have 30 years experience in the paranormal and now I have to teach you how to answer comments. What else? My single mind does believe in spirits. It has a hard time however seeing a spirit in a purple blob on a photograph taken with your $50 digital camera. The law in the USA is that if a home is known to have strange occurrences going on in it, then that information MUST be disclosed by the seller. Had you investigated like you should, you would know this Mr. Professional Investigator. You spend a lot of time saying "I can't" when it comes to investigating don't you? Seems to me you just want people to give you their time freely and do your research for you. Go to that paranormal discussion forum that I gave you the link for. Have them teach you how to be an investigator. CHECK WITH THE TOWN TO FIND OUT IF YOUR TRAILER IS SITTING ON A BURIAL GROUND. I already gave you that professional advice but I think you missed it because you were too busy calling me mean.

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