    Has anyone received a breast augmentation for Dr Poonsak in Phuket?

    Has anyone received a breast augmentation from Dr Poonsak in Phuket?

    +1  Views: 2860 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: breast

    2 Answers

    Not me, but then I am a fish.  What the heck would I do with one or two breast augmentations?  Is is one augmentation for two breasts or two augmentations for two breasts? ... And, why would I receive a breast augmentaion for Dr. Poonsak?  Did they send the gel packs to the wrong address?


    Thanks for absolutely no help what so ever...

    This is a world wide web forum. The odds of someone receiving a breast augmentation for someone else are extremely slim. I haven't even received a breast augmentation for myself in the country that I actually live in.

    No but I can bet you there is a high percentage that go to Thailand...

    Read your question out loud to yourself, Ubetcha. Why would anyone receive a plastic surgery procedure 'for' someone else?

    Actually, you are wrong. After the USA, more people go to Brazil for augmentations. Ahhh, the power of the internet.

    Thank you, Noted.

    I found this useful site... it says things such as this:
    Travel combined with surgery significantly increases risk of complications. Individually, long flights or surgery can increase the potential risk of developing pulmonary embolism and blood clots. Traveling combined with surgery further increase the risk of developing these potentially fatal complications, in addition to, swelling and infection. Before flying, the ASPS suggests waiting five to seven days after body procedures such as liposuction and breast augmentation and seven to 10 days after cosmetic procedures of the face including facelifts, eyelid surgery, nose jobs, and laser treatments.
    Click on the link >
    I also found that Canadians travel to Argentina and Brazil for plastic surgery more than Thailand. Thailand for people in my neck of the woods is a bit sketchy based on how people who have travelled there talk of their experiences.

    I watched the TV show, "1000 ways to die", one night. On it was a story about a woman who had just recently had her breast augmented with implants. At the high altitude, it was too much for the implants and they exploded and poisoned her blood stream. She was dead in minutes. Gotta love these people who feel the need to mess with what God and genetics gave them :)

    LOL Thanks for caring... I'm there for 2 weeks so should be fine, If there was a risk of them exploding or whatever I'm sure they wouldnt do these trips daily... Just putting it out there ;)

    You do realise that you will be having them done again in about 10 years. What is the point? Take care of the ones you have. A far more painful way to go... under the knife ... Yeee-ooowwww!. Fake Boobs look like fake boobs. You can't even call them, "The Girls" anymore. They will now be, "The Plastics".

    Depends on the doctor and what cheap implants he uses. You might want to click the link I gave you and read up on the doctor and his accreditation. I would trust that more than testimonials from his male family members who got their breasts augmented. Have you even investigated Thailand's board of medicine to see how strict they are as far as medical licenses go? Might be a lot of fly by night doctors there.

    Why would anyone answer a complete stranger on the internet about something as personal as breast augmentation?  

    Read about the doctor here > 


    Well obviously it would be someone that felt okay talking about there bodies.... It's a question that I would like to talk with someone who can help me, so please don't read or answer if you have nothing of substance to add...
    Tank you for the link but if you looked there are no testimonials nor gallery photos... NOT MUCH HELP!

    You will not find someone like that on an open forum seen around the world. Please do not tell me what I can and can not answer. You post a question here, you open yourself to all kinds of answers. We have children here. Should they know about your body too?

    You use the same internet I do. GOOGLE IT! :)

    Riiiight Thanks for the pep talk...

    By the way, the link I gave you has a "chat with us live" button. I'm sure they can pull up all the testimonials you need for this doctor so the link IS HELPFUL! Testimonials however usually come from friends and family members. You can trust them about as much as you trust us.

    look at the time to call...your not very onto it are you? if you want an argument your points need to be valid... as for the "Friend and family" if they got cosmetic surgery they would probably get it off there relative and they would most likely get a discount. Smart family members, Yep I think I would listen to them...

    Time zones. You live in Au, you want to go to a doctor in Thailand. The time to contact him would be set to Thai time not yours. If time is such an issue, go to a doctor in your country. I think bigger breast is the least of your concerns. You need some brain power. Use the internet and increase your intelligence level. Go ahead, believe the friends and family. They are all probably male.

    Thailand has some of the most renound cosmetic surgeons in the world so yes the internet would be a great start to get information hence the reason why I'm on it. Also never once mentioned time being a problem and since you are on the internet sharing your wisdom please look up Australia and then you might realize that where I live in Australia it is the same time zone but thanks for the heads up! Unsure of the amount of males that get breast implants either but each to there own...

    I just know you are an Aussie based on your abrasive "in your face" style of communicating that we see from visiting Aussies. Too bad you all can't be nice and agreeable like the Aussie members we have here. I do not know which town or what time zone you are in. I wasn't that interested. I'm still not. Using the internet is more in depth than clicking an ask a question button. There's also such a thing as a search engine. Hopefully you know how to use it and can waste your own time searching testimonials.

    I asked a question, you got upset. I'm sorry you felt I was abrasive, I saw it as explaining something simple, but I'm always here to help if/When you get lost again :)

    I never got upset about the question. I was merely curious as to why someone would discuss this with total strangers and trust the word of total strangers. You are mistaken, I am always here. You are here only for as long as I allow you to be here. You took a wrong turn and ended up here. It is you who are lost as no members here have had their breasts augmented by this doctor. Shall I send you a GPS so you can find your search engine?

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