
    just sending love n best wishes and thanks to on my way to hospital...haven`t been too great for a coupla weeks...kidney infection..don`t want to go but Gp INSISTING...HOPE NOT TO BE GONE FOR LONG!!...Shall miss you all...all the best to all of you

    +13  Views: 2037 Answers: 26 Posted: 11 years ago

    Millie get better my friend. Sending love with you. I expect to hear from you very soon! ((((((((great big hug for you))))))))))))).
    No goodbye! See you soon!


    I just spoke to Millie on the phone. She was released from the hospital on Sunday and is at her mum's house recovering. She was on intravenous antibiotics while in the hospital and is continuing the antibiotics in the pill form now. Her anti rejection drugs have been tweaked to work better (she had a kidney transplant some months ago) so hopefully this will stop further infections. She's doing fine but is still very weak. She does not have internet access at her mums so until she gets back to her own home, I will try to keep you updated on her progress as I make phone calls to her. She wants to thank everyone for the words, thoughts and prayers posted. You brought her to tears that night as she waited for a room at the hospital. She felt the outpouring of love and caring from all and this is what made her cry happy tears :) We all made her feel a little better and less scared. She will be back on akaQA as soon as she can be. Any messages now posted, I will read to her over the phone. Even though you may have answered this thread already, new messages (new posts by you) will be allowed because even though she is recovering, I think she could still use the support and the reassuring messages that all of you can give. She does consider the members of akaQA to be her friends.

    WOW couldn't have put it better myself! Tu Tu Tu!!!... U bin reading my med files again??!!!;))xxxlol....hired as my official spokes woman!!!:)))!

    Umm, I put it as you told me. LOL So you did put it as well as I did ;)

    @Miss C lol u still put it better than I ever could!!:)xx

    26 Answers

                    Hurry back     xoxo

    Hope you are feeling Well soon!  Love and Prayers!

    Millie, sweetie...take care of yourself and we'll

    try to hold down the fort, til you return! :) xxxx



    Thanks Dar!! I love the sparkle cheered me up a lot!

    Be good Millie, hope everything goes well for you, you'll be in my thoughts Darlin!


    Hey Millie: We'll just say so long and expect you back here before long, in good health!   :)



    All the best Millie. Waiting for your return. Love and prayers, Ann

    Hurry back, millie! We will miss you and hoping you are feeling better soon!


    Thanks you and awaiting a bed..Miss C can fill you all in..if you wish...Am sorry not to answer everyone but am in a bit of a panic here!!...ALL LV TO ONE N ALL!! xxxxmillie xxx

    Oh millie...we don't expect you to answer all of us individually right now. You just take care of you, take some deep breaths now and again and we'll see you soon. Take care.

    ""All the best Millie, i will be thinking of you.

    Millie, Best wishes for a speedy recovery, you will be up and back in the ranks before you know it!  Regards!

    I just spoke to Millie on the phone. She was released from the hospital on Sunday and is at her mum's house recovering. She was on intravenous antibiotics while in the hospital and is continuing the antibiotics in the pill form now. Her anti rejection drugs have been tweaked to work better (she had a kidney transplant some months ago) so hopefully this will stop further infections. She's doing fine but is still very weak. She does not have internet access at her mums so until she gets back to her own home, I will try to keep you updated on her progress as I make phone calls to her. She wants to thank everyone for the words, thoughts and prayers posted. You brought her to tears that night as she waited for a room at the hospital. She felt the outpouring of love and caring from all and this is what made her cry happy tears :) We all made her feel a little better and less scared. She will be back on akaQA as soon as she can be. Any messages now posted, I will read to her over the phone. Even though you may have answered this thread already, new messages (new posts by you) will be allowed because even though she is recovering, I think she could still use the support and the reassuring messages that all of you can give. She does consider the members of akaQA to be her friends. 


    Kidneys, widneys. What a pain and hope that's not literal. So glad you are out of the hospital and are somewhere good for you. Get back home and on the computer, a little akaqa is what you need now!

    We will miss her until she get's back,thanks for the update

    Damn kidneys! Get over it! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Get your butt back here......jhh


    Thanks Julie and ducky trying to answer n thank u all u amazing bunch! Just this phone is nu to me and NRA levels low...have only been up m outta bed for an hr today! lazy old me!!! Lol xxxmilliexx


    Millie-  I'm glad your at your Mum's ...continued prayers for increased strength and better health.  PS  My cat sends purrs and said if he were there he would gently cuddle beside you and keep you warm and loved!

    Good to hear she's improving.

    Thanks Colleen.

    Hurry up and get back ( In to the kitchen and rattle those pots and pans ) "OH second thoughts forget the "Pan`s The clattering sounds of them "Give me a headache ! Wish you a speedy recovery "MILLIE Haste ye back Lots of love .From "YOU TO ME " To shy to say it the Other way around



    wonder-bar lambshank really good

    Hoping you get well, and are back with us soon!

    Who loves you baby,xxxxx come back to us soon Millie,

    See God does listen. He got tired of hearing all the prayers going in your direction and probably said "All right already I'm making you better than before". Speedy recovery, see you soon.

    Glad to hear you are on the mend millie, thinking of you, come back soon, God Bless x

    Millie, I have a direct line to the One beyond the clouds and I will make that direct call to ask for your safe return home and to our site.  Take care, stay safe, and God bless!

    Glade to hear that you're out of the hospital and recovering at your mother's home. I hear you're still a little weak. But with your mother's love and support, I know you will get stronger and feeling better real soon. Take care and..................



    Glad you're on the mend!  Take it easy.


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    It do is a suitable pic !

    @Ducky...Uh Oh!!! was you who I TD'd in Total error!!! Off with my head;) Huge apologies...HUGE!!! I think I be put it right now??!!!! Xxx

    LOL...It was me all right but you fixed it I think. I might have questioned it, but since it was our "recuperating, experimenting millie", I was "pretty sure" that it wasn't intentional...not to worry. I'll getcha later. (kidding of course...hmmmm) Feel better ((millie)) :)
    Thank you all agen I miss u all soMuch can't wait to be on laptop ...if I tu n td someone in error this am pls let me k now as error!!! And shall sort it!!! A massive tu to all of you! Dowse have only had the nrg to wash a few pans do far...on th way to it lovely mrs n miss c!!!lol...Oh the irony I keep falling sleep...only wen I've bin I'll! Never at bite when I need to usually! Just thanks for all the fab mags m gorgeous pics really appreciate!!!i don't deserve such fab friends! All lv Millie xxx can't wait to be back on laPtop fAr easier! All love Millie xxx

    Missing you Millie, God Bless, hurry back asap.

    millie, take the time to heal well and come back to all of us as soon as you're able. Sending you hugs to help you heal well and heal quickly.""

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