    Is anyone voting for Ron Paul?

    He is the only one for the constitution, citizens rights, and for America.

    Mitt Romney hides his millions in other countries so he doesn't pay taxes on it, yet he wants to tax SS checks for the elderly to support our military. He told a dying young man who weighs 80lbs. if he smokes the pot the doctor prescribed him to ease his pain, he'd arrest them both. I want nothing to do with a man that has no mercy, empathy, or compassion. His heart is a stone. All he wants is money and war!

    +1  Views: 747 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    9 Answers

    Even though he so far is still "on leave" from the race, I will be adding his name come election day. 


    I know a lot of people don't give him a chance in heck of making it. The fact that the news refuses to report anything on him does help. He has been very active. He has had to fight Mitt Romney and Obama every step of the way! They are playing very dirty!

    I am but don't tell my friends or family.....

    I agree with Flip. Any vote for Ron Paul, would be another vote for Obama. It is very sad for so many of us, who would like to see something good happen in our country. There are 14000 Lobbyists in Washington and they lobby for special favors in exchange for campaign contributions. Ron Paul would never participate in such a corrupt way. Therefore he does not get the coverage he needs, nor the money to run for president. I know, I dont want Obama for another 4 years. We dont have much of a choice. It is very frustrating.


    I think it's sad that we are afraid to stand our ground and let them know what we want. We're screwed either way no matter who goes in, be it Romney or Obama. I'm still going to write in Ron Paul.

    Colleen, why do you think, people run for congress? At the end of theire term, they all become lobbists to get rich. It is all about money and not the people. The only way to achieve a Government for the people would be through an Uprising or Revolution. It may just come to that.

    I'd go for an uprising whether Obama gets in or Romney. I'm sick of having my voice not heard because stupid people in America just follow what the media tells them to do.

    I agree with you 100%

    Hey Daisy,  I was thinking about you,,, hope all is well,  Ron Paul should be seriously considered at this point

    A vote for Ron Paul is a vote for Barack Obama. I am voting against Barack Obama.


    They are nothing alike, Mitt Romney is Obama's clone. Ron Paul is nothing like those losers. I'm very happy you see Obama for who he really is, and isn't.

    He will be another Ross Perot, and will get Obama back in, I agree with Flip! Since I do not want Obama, I will not vote Paul.

    but Daisy, if Paul doesn't win, he splits vote so Obama gets it...

    You're voting for Obama if you vote Romney. Same, same. There is no difference in having either on on capitol hill. Sometime it's just time to throw down the gauntlet. I'm still writing in Ron Paul.

    i'm voting for Ru Paul

    I have actually seen him on tv :) yeah he looks like he could be a president :) ..

    It will be interesting to see whom becomes your next leader ..

    Of course. Ron Paul is!  Mrs. Paul too! ""

    His stand on cutting back on the military is what kicked his  a**. He will never go anywhere in this election. I hope.


    Just to be clear, due to the title of this question, you are not speaking of Ron Paul are you?
    ed shank

    My comment was in regards to Ron Paul. I liked the guy till he said he would cut back the military to a point where this country could be at risk by one of the nuts in sandland. I liked his flat tax proposal, and many other issues he stood up for. No would not vote fo him.

    Are you sure you're not confusing him with Obama? Obama is cutting back the military. Paul has said, no more wars over seas and that we need to let them take care of themselves.
    ed shank

    Yes, I do remember his comment on getting out of Afghanistan and some other ghetto's on the planet and I totally agree. But he did say he would cut defense spending across the board. Until we know exactly who can destroy us with a nuke we need to maintain what we have. Several high ranking service members have said it would be suicide to cut back now.

    Revisit his cuts. I do not believe they include downsizing the military. Just wasteful spending. Obama wants to down size the military by almost 1/2.

    Ed, you are wrong.
    He would make security of our borders a top priority.
    Avoid long and expensive wars that bankrupt our country.
    Revitalize the military for the 21st century, by eliminating waste in trillion dollars defense budget.
    Stop taking money from the middle class and the poor to give to rich dictators through foreign aide.
    He cbelieves the natinal defense is the most important responsibility the Constitution entrusts to federal government
    Beeing the worlds policeman and nation-building, weakens our country, put troops in harms way and sends precious recources to other nations in the midst of an economic crisis.
    Taxpayers are forced to to spend billions of dollars each year to protect the borders of other countries, while Washington refuses to deal with our own security needs.
    There is more on the Ron Paul Website on National Defense.
    ed shank

    Ladies, I have been wrong in the past (Once). I will examine him a little closer. You both make valid arguments to support him. Let me see what I can see.

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