    Ok! New one. I have 10 out of 12 symptoms of Hypothyroidism. ( inactive thyroid) Ok, I lloked around & found on >> & it said it all. But it said there is a deficientcy of Iodine/Iodide. Got a perscription for > ic Levothroxine 50MCG, I looked up ingridients & nothing mentioned about Iodine/Iodide.Sooo, any serious help on this. Can't handle much more living like this... THANKYOU!

    0  Views: 1129 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    The nutrient Iodine is used by the body to manufacture the hormone Thyroxin, which is done in a healthy Thyroid gland.  Since yours is not as efficient as need be, they are giving you medications which are synthetic (man-made) forms of Thyroxin.  So, you do not really need to see Iodine on the medication ingredients.  My grandson was born with a Thyroid which is present, but not functional, so he has Hypothyroidism, as you.  He, as an infant, up to his present age of 3 1/2 yrs. has been on Thyroid replacement medications, successfully.  Also, they get adjusted as he grows, and when they need that, my daughter sees some symptoms.  He has monthly blood work, to also insure that his levels are correct.  Take your meds, and stay in contact with your Dr. and report any symptoms, so they can adjust medications.  Do not be nervous that no Iodine is in the medication, you do not utilize the Iodine as a healthy Thyroid would, thus need the replacement hormone therapy.  Trust the professionals, and take their recommendations, education such as this, will allow you to understand the disease.  Good luck.


    The differential diagnosis of genetic Down's Syndrome is cretinism - Not many Doctors have seen this so rare nowadays was a child at Great Ormond Street misdiagnosed and had he been treated at birth with thyroxin he would have grown up normal - He was of about 4 years old and was a cretin - so sad. Nowadays all babies are screened.

    Exactly, that's how they found the problem with my grandson, they got the call to return to the children's hospital after leaving the birthing hospital. He was saved, with this testing! He had some motor skills delays, but has more than caught up, and at 3 1/2 yrs. old READS AND WRITES!!! Thank you medical research, and the animal models that promoted the studies!

    Great answer R.

    Bustione, My grandaughter, who is now 22 yrs. old, was born without a functional thyroid. She takes medication every day. She graduated from college ,has a job and is very smart.
    They found the deficiency when she was still an infant. The only other thing is, she is highly allergic to chocolate and causes mood swings. She does a good job staying away from it.

    Yes, Ann, the mood swings are one of the symptoms that my daughter reports and usually signals need for dose changes. Of course, he is growing and developing differently than your 22 yr. old. It is a miracle that they test, as before this most of these kids lacked development, and it produced mental retardation!

    I believe Iodine is used only for hyperthyroidism overactive thyroid but still not used generally only when absolutely necessary  as opposed to hypothyroidism underactive thyroid. You have been prescribed levothyroxine 50mcg as replacement therapy which is about the middle dose. Too simple to say your thyroid is inactive just not producing as much hormone as it should.  Make sure you have your levels checked when your Doctor requests, speak with him about the treatment, however if you are too worried ask him to refer you to an Endocrinologist. You can go to "Ask a Doctor on Line". You will feel much better once the replacement kicks in - the symtoms of hypothyroidism prior to treatment are awful - good luck feel better.

    You have been told that we do not have a medical staff here, correct? Even though someone else may have the same issues as you have, this does not mean they can professionally advise you when it comes to your health. You really need to keep seeking out professional medical help until you find  a doctor who can properly address your issues. We are a general question and answer forum and everyone is a volunteer and none can prove they have a legitimate degree in anything. We can not legally advise you about your medical issues. Please consult medical professionals. 


    OK! I got info from pharmacy BUT still would like to know why Iodine/Iodide supplement is recommended & it's not in perscription ingridients...

    Your pharmacist can answer your question about the medicine you are taking now.

    use the iodion anyway a small amount well not hurt you Its realy good for you to a point

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