    why does pulse rate stay high

    +1  Views: 582 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    High resting heart rates may be due to activity, fever, stress, an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), anemia, stimulants (caffeine, amphetamines, decongestants, asthma medications, diet pills, and cigarettes), and various forms of heart disease.

    In general, people who do a lot of cardio exercise will have lower resting heart rates. Most likely, you haven't exercised enough during your life. You really should try to do more cardio exercise to see if that lowers your resting heart rate.

    I've read several articles that suggest that people with low resting heart rates live longer. So even though you probably do not have an immediate cause for concern, in the long term you're probably going to be better off if you do more cardio exercise.

    Always best to ask your doctors advice though.

    It's a sign you have a problem, your heart is having to work harder to pump yopur blood around your body. Best see your doctor.

    Info here.....

    Do you have other symptoms too? Maybe love's got a hold on you.


    LOL...knew you'd have a song...some of his newer stuff is not bad at all...this one is very CW :)

    it's not high. . . . .it's fast.  Maybe you were born with a fast pulse. I was . Mine normally runs 85---95 when I'm just sitting still. It used to run as fast as 100--110 when I was a young adult......just lying in bed.

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