    Guys heres a update on my Dad

    He is still lucid but he is starting to lose a lot of Waite I do know not how spell that sorry he was told he has congested heart they have put on water pills he hardly has any appatite we have bought that ensure protien viatim drink this helps again please keep praying for us:) xx""

    +16  Views: 1739 Answers: 21 Posted: 11 years ago

    21 Answers

    Bless you all whovin...



    Thank you lindilou:)xxx

    Take care of yourself and your family, Whovin. 



    Thank you:)

    Stand by him, whovin.  We all pray for your dad to be comfortable and to have as little pain as possible.  Thanks for the update. 


    Thank you:)

    Thinking of you and your dad with love and prayers. God bless.


    Thank you Ann:)

    God Bless you and your family whovin. Thinking of you.


    Thank you:)

    ""God Bless


    Thank you pythonlover:)

    My thoughts and hopes are with you and your family


    Thank you lambshank:)




    Thanks a bunch Colleen:)

    It's good to see you smile for a moment. ;)

    Whovin . words have already been said by the guys on the form I add my feelings as well fine friend I hope your dad is not in great pain. look after your mum .bless you .


    Thank you dowsa:) he not much pain tylonal helps so far but we have hyocodone hope I spelt it right I am trying to help her by being here with her and Dad

    your mum will be glad you are with her bless you both.

    Maybe you can try something like this. Best wishes for you and your Dad.

    Foods Rich in Fiber & Potassium

    Dietary fiber and potassium are nutrients required by the human body to maintain optimal health. Fiber comes from the parts of plant foods that are not digested by enzymes in the intestines. Instead, fiber adds bulk to the stool, and helps move solid waste easily from the body. Potassium helps conduct electricity in the body, plays a role in skeletal and muscle function, and maintains heart and lung function. Many foods contain one nutrient or the other, but only a few are rich in both fiber and potassium. Fruits, vegetables and a few legumes and grains are the best sources of the two nutrients in single foods.
    Read more:

    Foods Rich in Fiber & Potassium


    Best thing to eat when on water pills.

    Thank you:)

    Ed I am so happy you share that information. I was sick years ago. A diet of only raw foods is what got me well. I used a book, under the direction of my chiropractor, at the time, Dr. Flynn in San Mateo, California. I followed his direction and used the died from a book called, "How To Get Well" by Pavlo Airola. I have share this info with sick people & people that just want to be heathier, for years. It's one of my family's bibles. It's even got a good rejuvenation diet in it. It made me 20 years younger. But I got off of it and got the 20 years back. That's funny huh. LOL

    Whovin- Sometimes ensure tastes better as a milk shake..if you Dad likes shakes add some icecream to the ensure and blend it. (don't add milk).  If your dad has trouble swallowing thick liquids add just a bit of ice cream.  I will be praying for all of you!  


    Thank you:)

    What a situation for you, @Whovin. Patients and time. Do as @doolittle suggest and try ice cream. It's palatable when one is sick. Thinking of you in your time.....................jhh


    Thank you:)

    Hi Whovin,

    This are heavy times, be sure the Lord is with you to help.

    I have a strong prayer, even listen to it will help.

    This is the music:


    This is the text with explanation:

    I will be there spiritual to support with my love and light.


    O Lord, lead me from the false, deluding earthly joys and pleasures to the Eternal Truth of Bliss

    (Ananda) of the Divine within.


    O Lord, lead me from the darkness of ignorance binding me to this perishable body into the Eternal Light of the Soul Divine within.


    O Lord, lead me from death to the Eternal Life, Divine, of oneness with you, within and all around forever and make me immortal.

    Keep in touch here for help if you need it, don't worry about day or night, don't worry that it might be to much: That's where friends are for. 

    Greetings Puran,



    What a lovely Prayer! Thanks for sharing it with all of us!

    Thank you so much for this is most beautiful and most encouraging to know that you have extended your gentleness and love to this forum...xoxox

    Dear Doolittle and Lindilou,
    I'm just a humble person that try in love to do his best to use what he has got from his Lord. It is not what I do or wish, it are people like you that do something good with the things that are given and the love in your hearts, that make the difference, because if you are not reading and use it and praying I was just a caller in the dessert.

    Thank you for caring:)

    Comforting thoughts, and prayers for healing accompany this cyber-hug for you and your family, Whovin. 
    Know you are not alone.  


    Thank you ((HUGS)) right back:)

    ""Hi whovin my thoughts and preyers are with you and you family I am soooo sorry to hear this be strong for him the bananas are good idea as long as he dose sufer being  epilectic (lke you I cant spell either) god bless you all xxx


    Do you see the little Duck in the upper left corner. Cool.

    I see the duck :)

    Unforntally he ca not eat bannas he has to watch his potsaim levels if they go to high he may have a heartache a big drag

    Thank you:) melandrurupert a very pretty picture:)

    Ed1530 I was waiting for one to spot the duck! well done xxx

    doolittle I was exspecting you to get the duck first (your slipping) ha xxx

    whovin your welcome yes your right about the potasiem it will be far to much for him still wishing you all my thoughts and preyers xxx

    I am sorry whovin to hear that. It's to bad that nothing can be simple, always something or another.

    Sending thoughts and prayers to you and your family, whovin, at a very difficult time.  


    Thank you:)

    I feel you are blessed in many ways Whovin.  The love you have for your father is very special.  I am sure that he knows how much you love him and feels that strong love for you as well.  You will carry that love for the rest of your days.  That gift of love will fill you up and bring you strength.

    Your father must be a lovely man as it reflects clearly in you.

    My thoughts are with you, xo Fishie.


    Thank you Fishie:)

    im soo sorry for your dad. i know hes in good hands. i will keep all of you in my prayers. God be  with you all. love: velma.


    Thank you:)

    Whovin, it's called congestive heart failure. It's something that  almost every elderly person has. But, sometimes, people develope it as young as 50,or even 45, if they smoke / drink heavily .  Some people can live for years with it on the proper medication .


    He has an incurable pneumonia pulmonary disease this is slowing killing him along with the congestive heart failure he in hospice the oxygen is only going to his heart kidney and brain they said six months to a or a little more so pray for Mom the family and me everyone really really needs it!! thank you mycatsmom:)

    God bless your dad!  Imagine him well  (hold that picture in your mind about him.) Don't imagine him sick.  & look at some of the advice on this page.  Love to you & yours!


    Thank you:)


    I'm very busy with a project in the Netherlands so I will be less here, but my prayers are still with all that needed it.

    Something to listen to when help is needed:

    Take good care of yourself,

    Blessings Puran

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