    Sports "heroes"  

    A brief article about Marion Jones, the Olympic medalist who FINALLY admitted she'd used performance enhancing drugs.  

    In my opinion, this is fraud in a class of its own. Athletes breaking records and earning millions and all the while, it's not on their own merit. 

    What do YOU think should be the consequence of an athlete who tests positive? 



    +6  Views: 1012 Answers: 11 Posted: 11 years ago

    11 Answers

    A lifetime ban on competing, the 1 strike, they are well aware of what drugs effect  performance, prescribed,illegal and over the counter, no excuses, no second chance, either fair play or no play

    Deleted User

    Do you think they should take Andrew John;s metals off him after he admitted that he smoked a joint , had cocaine and E ? ...

    It has to be justified across the board for it to actually mean anything wheather it be the olympics or the sports we watch on the weekend...

    None of those enhanced his athletic performance, though, did they?
    Deleted User

    No but they are still illeagal substances ...
    Silly isn't it ?

    Deleted User

    Yeah I know but the rules are the rules hey :/

    This guy, Dwayne Chambers is competing for Team GB at the 2012 Olympics, he was banned for 2yrs for drug offences yet our Olympic committee opted to select him.

    In my opinion it's cheating and he should have been banned for life.



    Were they sports performance related or substance abuse, not that they are that different? I mean, if my kid were to compete athletically and is drug free, I wouldn't ban him because he has a history of drug abuse outside of athletics. ( I mean, who uses cocaine, meth, pot, etc. to enhance sports performances? )

    Under British Olympic Association (BOA) regulations Chambers was banned for life from competing in the Olympic Games after testing positive for the banned substance THG in 2003.
    Cheating, in my opinion.

    banned for life or two years? someone was inconsistent in the penalties.

    It was reduced to two years because he took the BOA to the courts.

    Then, legally, he is entitled to compete. Ethically and morally, I agree with you. Since the consequences aren't consistent and severe, people will keep trying to "beat the system". This is where it should be "one strike and you are out".

    Agreed,most of his team mates dislike him,he'll win nothing anyway.

    This is revolting. Someone else could have taken that spot on the team. I'd be ashamed.

    These drug abusing athletes are being very unfair to their competitors who are NOT abusing drugs.  Imagine working and training so hard, only to be beaten by someone who couldn't do it on his/her own merit?  The cheaters should lose their medals and be banned from competing for life, and also from any opportunity that was or would have been reaped from their (unreal) win!



    Any athlete that uses drugs should be stripped of their medals. This includes Lance Armstrong though it hasn't been proven yet.....


    This is a tough one. If he wasn't tested for previous wins, but turns up positive at a later event, should he forfeit everything he won based on a test years later? I kind of think so; if you are "dirty" now, who's to say you weren't dirty before.

    I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. This has just started hitting the news. Drugs or not (cheating or not), achievement is remarkable.....

    yeah, but I despise holding up a cheater as a shining example

    She schould be stripped of all her medals. Unfortunately it is happening all the time and tragic, when they are caught. Such a waste of talent.


    Real talent doesn't need enhancing.


    R...maybe I should try "golf pills" since I have no real talent?

    Ducky, is that a new drug? If you cant beat them...join them!

    How many more out there, that havent been caught?

    I was so crushed Marion Jones admitted to using drugs.  She was one of my favorite Olympians.

    Stripping her of all her medals was very harsh but the correct course of action.




    It's a real pity so many have so little confidence in their natural abilities.
    Deleted User

    But she still go the pride of standing on that podium listen to her national anthem..

    Most of them end up selling there metals when they become poor LOL

    I am hopeful there's a bright future for Marion. She deserves a second chance.
    Deleted User

    Everyone deserves a second chance but these people are paid big dollars to be role models....

    Small price for the cash they make ...

    In the case of Roger Clemens the baseball great they should take away his balls..

    they all use steroids. If they don't, they can't keep up with the others, who are on steroids.- - - -not that I condone it.

    Deleted User

    LOL unless they are on superfoods :)))

    "Our" society is a mess...the standards that are set for athletes (movie stars, models, ballet dancers....) are crazy!  I don't agree with the enhancement drugs at all- but I can see how tempting it could be to use them along with all of the pressure these athletes are under.  It is no longer simple competition and the best 'man''s about $, endorcements, coaches, managers, the's nuts!


    Doo, sad, but true

    We have a famous footballer Andrew Johns who admits after his career about his drug antics he won't be the last and he certainly was not the first.


    Some just have the ability or the name to get away with it..

    Some they use as examples , I wonder if Marion was one of these people ?


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