    What values constitute a normal blood pressure?

    +1  Views: 617 Answers: 7 Posted: 11 years ago

    7 Answers

    Average is 120/80. That's what I learned in nursing school but, keep in mind: Normal is whats Normal for you. This is why they take your BP every time you see a doctor......

    See here>>

    JH, got it right.

    My pulse is ticking along at 61 thumps per min. When I get a blood pressure cuff out my pulse goes up to 72. When I turn it on to measure, my BP my pulse is clipping along at 85-90 and my veins are all up and tight. The BP machine tries to kill my arm by strangulation and I feel my adrenaline kicking in as the strangulation machine slowly eases the pressure off. 180/100….and the machine releases its grip and my pulse is 95 and declining slowly.  This method of measuring blood pressure is not acceptable to me.   


    Me neither, but I keep taking the meds, I don't fancy the alternative consequences.

    Yep, stantons, water pills, crestor and whatever else comes along. Maybe a stem cell rebuild job in a few years.

    Water release meds can affect your blood pressure readings from day to day as your body's need for the meds change. It's a tricky balance of meds but if you pay attention to your body, soon you will be able to monitor the doses much better as time goes on. Stay active, eat fresh foods not prepared foods (stay away from high sodium levels) and stay hydrated with water, but not too much water. Balance is always the key along with self-awareness. Also, normal pulse is between 60 - 100. Try asking your doctor to take your blood-pressure on your leg and see if that helps.

    As JH said it's not the same for everyone, my doctor says normal is about 120 to 130 over 70 to 80 but some people live with higher , low is dangerous as well as high  though.


    True that lower blood pressure is not good but there is no medication to bring it up.

    Like JH and sunnyB said, it's all relative.  If you are 98 years old, any pulse or blood pressure at all is deemed a miracle.

    The new guidlines are 110 / 70. It used to be 120 / 70. Normal is what's normal for you is not the right advice. High blood pressure should be monitored and your doctor will advise you on the proper care.

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