    How do you load the dvd player in the tv


    0  Views: 835 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Turn on the Tv, and put it on DVD.  This is very important. DVD player won't do anything unless tv is on correct input.           Then you You just push the dvd disk  into the slot. Some players the label to the front, and some to the rear. You've got a 50/50 chance of getting it right. It probably won't go in unless you get it right. The disc should start playing automatically. Sometimes a menu comes up on the screen, and you have to choose what you want, then press ok. There should be a row of buttons near the dvd slot for the various functions, like play, FF, rewind, eject etc. These will also be on the remote except maybe eject. You don't have to be Einstein to operate it. Good luck. John B. PS. If you don't have an instruction book, there's a good chance you can google one. If you find the site with all the technical stuff, it's highly likely you'll find a code you can punch in using the remote to make the DVD player all region. Most of them are set to the region where you bought it. I think there are 5 regions. Cheers, John B.

    Do you need a code number ? I dont get what you mean load, dont you plug it in?

    Turn on the Tv, and put it on DVD.  This is very important. DVD player won't do anything unless tv is on correct input.           Then you You just push the dvd disk  into the slot. Some players the label to the front, and some to the rear. You've got a 50/50 chance of getting it right. It probably won't go in unless you get it right. The disc should start playing automatically. Sometimes a menu comes up on the screen, and you have to choose what you want, then press ok. There should be a row of buttons near the dvd slot for the various functions, like play, FF, rewind, eject etc. These will also be on the remote except maybe eject. You don't have to be Einstein to operate it. Good luck. John B. PS. If you don't have an instruction book, there's a good chance you can google one. If you find the site with all the technical stuff, it's highly likely you'll find a code you can punch in using the remote to make the DVD player all region. Most of them are set to the region where you bought it. I think there are 5 regions. Cheers, John B.

    Turn on the Tv, and put it on DVD.  This is very important. DVD player won't do anything unless tv is on correct input.           Then you You just push the dvd disk  into the slot. Some players the label to the front, and some to the rear. You've got a 50/50 chance of getting it right. It probably won't go in unless you get it right. The disc should start playing automatically. Sometimes a menu comes up on the screen, and you have to choose what you want, then press ok. There should be a row of buttons near the dvd slot for the various functions, like play, FF, rewind, eject etc. These will also be on the remote except maybe eject. You don't have to be Einstein to operate it. Good luck. John B. PS. If you don't have an instruction book, there's a good chance you can google one. If you find the site with all the technical stuff, it's highly likely you'll find a code you can punch in using the remote to make the DVD player all region. Most of them are set to the region where you bought it. I think there are 5 regions. Cheers, John B.

    I brought the tv second hand the DVD is built into the TV itself i push the open on the remote and doen't open proply i'm not sure how to put the DVD in

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