    Did you know that the DANGER from Fukushima Is greater Than Chernobyl? Anyone for more nuclear energy?

    +2  Views: 2128 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: science

    7 Answers

    This is why we have begun glowing in the dark... I can see my neighbours from miles away.


    Over here Fishy....WAAAAAY over here- I glow green Can you See me?????? I'm waving!!!

    Wave! Wave Wave!! Wave Wave Wave!!!

    ...... Ooops! Gotta run!!

    Cold fusion is the way to go. Not nuclear energy.


    do you mean " confusion"?

    cold fusion was hailed as the new safe energy when in1989 stanley pons did some experiments to find an alternative to nuclear fission.when the results where reviewed they where found to be very unreliable and interest wained.there are still groups looking into (lenr) low energy nuclear reactions but as yet it`s not looking good .fingers crossed.

    They've revisited cold fusion and found the errors in the first study. It will work. We just need the government to back it and stop trying to hide it in favor of oil or the failed solar and wind idea.

    Hopes about cold fusion have been raised once again by two Italian researcher who claim to have fused atomic nuclei at room temperature.

    Cold fusion has been a holy grail of physics for decades. If it could be achieved, it would be a cheap, clean, and limitless energy source.

    It would put big oil virtually out of business. This is why the government will not back research into it. They make too much money off of oil right now.

    True- not enough but some energy...a lot of farmers in my State have applied for wind turbines to help lower their energy costs...I will have to research cold fusion - don't know much about it.

    hope your right,crude wont last for ever and sustainable energy is only a " top up"and wont meet our needs .

    I can just imagine the number of jokes to come out of this...............

    I saw a programme recently about Chernobyl. The exclusion zone is teeming with wildlife; foxes, wolves, bears, feral cats etc, and none were found with any defects that had been caused by radiation. I wonder if the dangers of radiation have been overstated.

    I agree What you say EGGY .To a point ? we have no alternative .Back to "Coal for heating  In Scotland WE have "Wind "Fans I don't think that will be enough ! GAS for heating alright ."Lighting!! WE need a lot of energy " Nuclear required ! UK. Computers will shut down automatically.If things go wrong.( unless engineers intervene with in a set time ) Chernobyl they did not have a "Sophistic system.When they overode the "System the did not have. Reactor overheated .Melted.The excessive pressure "Blew. The Containment system they could not "stop Coulant "Gone" Serious fire.With AGR.Reactors common in the UK Additional safety system.Flooding the Reactor with Nitrogen or "water. Water option ! means reactor can never be Restarted!! Our "Worry is "Waste the say small buried deep down for how long ?? 


    Cold fusion. It's safe and can be controlled. More energy than nuclear power too.

    Colleen .Its "Bloody cold enough here just now I need heat!!lol

    Cold fusion can generate heat too.

    I think nuclear Energy is too dangerous as we have seen in Japan. Germany will take down theire Nuclear Engery plants in the future. Like Colleen said, Cold Fusion could be the answer to our energy ploblems.No one knows why the Patent office of the US is not granting a patent to a valid Technology for industrial use. It is not radioactive and is very inexpensive.

    Doo be Doo....Wind,  running water, the Sun...WOWWY....we've discovered natural power again!!!!!!!


    Unfortunately we can never harness enough power from the wind, sun and water to make it economically feasible. This is why the idea of solar powered houses is a dying idea and why we do not have wind turbines in every backyard and why we no longer use water to power mills. Not enough energy.

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