    Would you stop and pick up a hitch hicker ?

    Similar  to a question i posted about a penny , but obviously their is a big difference..

    +7  Views: 1779 Answers: 22 Posted: 12 years ago

    Me too!I wasn't afraid...just very confident and conciously-turned-psycho! I think I may have scared them can only hope...they were long gone by the time the Queens' Henchmen arrived!

    22 Answers

    Always did when I was driving, never had any problems.

    Wouldn't be too sure now though, times and attitudes have changed.

     In one word NO!


    So were they as far as I was concerned!I do not to this day understand how I was able to respond with such speed and accuracy! I was madder than hell at these two criminals and even more so at my own's Live and learn not die and learn!!!I learned!!!

    It's illegal to pick up hitchikers in NSW.

    Dogs wandering, yes.  People thumbing a ride, no.

    It is illegal to pick up hitch hikers in this part of the globe for your own darn good.


    Outside of Duncan!!!

    Damned thang sure gits around eh?

    I also pick up lost or injured animals, just not the human variety

    Not on your life or mine! I made this mistake many years ago...a couple that I presumed was safe...he pulled a knife on me from the back seat..a huge Bowie!She sat up front next to me in my '69 Super I whipped that weapon right out of that buggers' hand as I simultaneously pulled over slamming to a stop...threw that weapon down on the floor on my side and swiftly reached cross her and opened the door,shoving her clean out of the car...he was immediately compelled to follow her as at that point they realized they were picking on the wrong Wildcat!!I hopped out my side while screaming profanities and offering to dice them both up as I reached for that knife and swiftly launched it into the swamp there and then hopped back into my car and blasted down the road...and the car door slammed shut on it's own!!So NO I do not ever pick up a stranger hitching a ride...ever!!!""


    Enough said you did the right thing, thank GOD it could have gone the wrong way, either way I'm glad your here to talk about it..

    You were very lucky, Lindilou!!

    Oh my goodness... Was this in Whalley?

    Oh my goodness again. I used to live in Duncan!
    I had my car thieved and this is similar to the knife the police gave me as a prize when they found my car which was used for drug runs!

    That was some COOL moves ! You must have got it from watching a lot of James Bond movies!.....the ones with Sean Connery in it.

    Lindilou: Thank God you weren't hurt!

    Scary. That could have turned out very bad for you.

    You are very brave! Thankfully you lived to tell the story!!

    I wouldn't cross you! a far better friend than an enemy, great job, quick thinking

    How on EARTH did you get the knife out of his hand? Wow!

    No, I wouldn't, Daren. I do feel badly when I pass someone, it always seems to be males hitchhiking but I feel it's just too dangerous. Good question.

    Never....too many people these days, carrying knives and guns and looking for drug money!

    Years ago i would have but now in this day and age .. no way unless of course i knew em.

    It's not safe nowdays to pick up anybody who you don't know. Or you might find yourself in the trunk with him driving  your car.


    I know!!!In God!That was 34 years ago now and I still have no mercy...let them walk!

    I used to. Not anymore


    Ann Colleen got my picture on you will be able to see my grandson he is adorable his name is Frankie xxx

    Thanks, Mel-Off to find it.

    Never ever

    Yes.  Any dog wandering a highway!


    Me too.

    I my immediate area I know nearly everyone. Those I know I do. Other then that, NO.

    I did while I was driving. If I were driving now? I would have to follow my gut feelings............


    I have experience wielding a knife,handguns and long rifles!I grabbed that sucker right by the blade with my right hand.Guitarists have very strong hands and mine measure @500 psi!Used to challenge at knife target throwing for fun!I read this couple so wrong!They looked like a nice pair of granola freaks in need of a ride!I'll tell you he was lucky I didn't aim for his chest!

    Back in 1973, my cousin and I were driving back from Washington to Fresno and picked up a couple of guys who needed a ride to San Francisco.  We had a great time and there were no problems.    Nowadays, ONLY if I know the person.  I would use my phone to call for help if I saw someone stranded on the road, but I wouldn't stop for anyone I didn't know.  Nope, NO ONE!
    The LAST time I picked up someone was back in the 1990's.  She was wandering in the foothills, miles from anywhere.  Opened the van door, she climbed in, laid down by the kids' feet and we took her home with us. 
    We named her Lucy, and she was a wonderful dog.


    Awww, that's so sweet about Lucy! :)

    It was bound to happen after reading this Bob/PKB but...I think I loves Ya!:)

    Picking up hitchhiker's without stopping is much more fun ;-)


    I tend to agree Ed, but a likeable one

    No I don't unless I know the person! I did have a flat tire about 2 blocks from home a few years ago and you would not believe how many people who stopped to offer help! I was amazed!!


    Nice to hear,Clu.

    SORRY TO SAY NO I WOULDN'T.Reason  well with the way society is at this time,you have more chance of picking up trouble for your self.So it's better to be safe than sorry.I am so sorry to be this way but at the age of 59 you seem to be more cautious.

    I always did, we live in the country with very limited public transport (i bus to and from town each day, is also the school bus) but not anymore unless I recognize the person, far too risky these days, and the the local Aboriginals usually expect a "handout" as well,I find this not only irritating and ungracious but they somehow just think it's their hell with it!


    I feel your indignation, lambshank. Really have a hard time with that mentality. From anyone

    ""Sure..."Get out of my dreams and into my car!"


    Clonge, are you sure she is a hitchiker. lol.

    I would never pick up a hitchiker. All the doors and windows of my car are always locked when I drive. Besides in our State it's illegal to pick up hitchikers.


    Eggie, i think most states of OZ it is illegal to hitchike, but you would not know it with the number of hikers out there.

    When I was a teen, 16, in San Francisco, me and my two best girlfriends use to hitchhike everywhere in San Francisco.  I also picked up people going uphill to Cal state Hayward, but not down hill.  Would I do it now?  Heck no. People are much too crazy nowadays.

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