    Do all of us here have an issue with depression, anxiety, or some social disfunction?

    Our answers are so similar when these subjects come up. We mirror each others comments. I'm glad you guys are here, you've saved me tons in shrink sessions.

    +12  Views: 1400 Answers: 27 Posted: 12 years ago

    Actually Ed, you have saved me money. Thanks!

    27 Answers

    I am convinced everyone has something.  I was dealt a salad of somethings.  They are my somethings and something is better than nothing.


    Severe Allergies and their blinding reactions at times.

    Blistering Shyness.

    That is my list!


    Fishy..would you still be shy if we were to meet you in person or is that something that is in the past?

    Probably for the first 15 minutes. I am pathetic! At least I can laugh about it! :)

    I bet you're adorable! :)

    I bet you are as well Ducky.
    I keep thinking there must be some kind of class I can take. I have taken classes in every other subject that interests me, in this little life time of mine.
    I need an anti-shyness group. :)
    I need to go to Anti-shyness University and get a Phd.

    Dale Carnegie course or a course in public speaking (Toastmasters) might be helpful. I know a young man who took the DC course and he said it helped him immensely. He was shy to the EXTREME. You would be perfect at Toastmasters too, because you only need to talk about something you love...your pottery talent of course! Think about it fishy.
    ed shank

    "Blistering shyness" aren't you glad you have us?

    Ed... You have no idea.
    Ducky... I have heard of this before. I am going to look into it. Thanks :)

    Fishlet, shyness I can relate to.I have been like that all my live,but not with family and friends. only strangers.

    Fishlet, after my dog chester died,I went into a deep depression. I kept busy, walked, but nothing seemed to help.Then one day this huge black lab was was on my patio eating sunflower seeds.He seemed friendly and well cared for and we let him in the house and gave him food. He comes often and keeps me company. He is huge, but so gentle. My depression has actually almost disappeared . I know who he belongs to, but they dont seem to care where he goes.

    There is quiet shy, which is attractive; you don't need to worry.
    Loud shy has a problem. I'm working on it.

    I just keep taking the meds, they're free here, keeps me normal"ish".....LOL



    You seem normal "ish" to me...oh well, come to think of it, that may not be saying much! LOL!!

    I haven't been here all day and I see you have hit a special number..Yay ROMOS..I'm off to find the post!!!!! :)

    YAY "ish"
    ed shank

    Normal" ish? Matter of opinion. Just kidding.

    Once diagnosed with clinical depression but it seems to be in the past, for several years now.  I remain always vigilant, however, and I know the signs and symptoms.  I must always be mindful of how I am feeling, as it does tend to return, once you have had it and no one else can be of any help.  You have to do the work (whatever works for you) yourself!

    ed shank

    You are absolutely right. I can relate.

    You and I have the same approach for this subject.

    You can always, or continue to, pick on me !

    Ducka,I am glad, Ed asked that question. You are always so upbeat, I would have never guessed.

    Ann..even people who see me regularly, would never guess as the "early symptoms" are easy to hide (as Ed says...he will want to be alone). I will take immediate action if I feel it coming on...get a friend for lunch, more exercise etc. I also take (no meds now) but natural supplements. Those types of things usually only help for mild to moderate depression but severe and never ending depression needs "real medication". Generally, I AM pretty upbeat and hopefully, the bout that I went through in the past, will stay in the past...but I remain vigilant. Thanks for your comment Ann. :)

    Well, to quote one of my doctors: "You received the shitty genes"  My response was "Well, someone had too" and then hers was "Yeah, I guess that's true"  I started laughing and she just looked at me like I had 2 heads..and then I said "It's not that bad- yet" (She smiled: We both know it's pretty bad but I try to keep my chin up).


    I have "Great respect for you dear friend always here for you . You are sometimes very "Witty !! OOoops nearly said "Shitty Hee.I am drinking "Coke at the Moment.

    Dowsa thank you. We need a good laugh.

    Doo, that was a little unprofessional of your doctor to say that. At least, it looks that way in print. Maybe if I knew her, I would know how to take it.

    I dunno??  i don't think i have any 'social issues'.  In my business I talk to people all day, I'm kinda used to misuse and abuse, I'm in sales.  I think its a myth that all sales people are a bit batty, at least the ones i know are pretty good people and hard workers. There's times that I  say, 'ok! I've had enough!" then its time to recharge with a vacation.  But I don't think I have any social issues, I pretty much get along with everyone and i like to laugh and have fun, not take life too seriously, after all, we don't own our lives, we are only borrowing it and someday we must give it back, so enjoy!!


    Sales people are usually friendly and outgoing and required to be "up" all day, no matter what is going on in their own life. :)
    ed shank

    I like to think that I'm laid back as well, but every so often, I just can't be around anyone. I sit in my man cave or shop for a day or two, and things are cool again.

    sales people can really talk to other people flowingly. My dad was in sales.

    Salespeople are always getting a bad rap, mostly because many try it and don't succeed due to pressure by their company owners. Pay by 'Draw' I think is what makes bad salespeople because of the pressure it causes. Sales is like any profession, it takes skill and YEARS of learning the ropes. I have been in it going on 30 and it has been a bumpy ride but I stuck it out and I can call myself a professional - Skill involves speech patterns, psychology and most of all, compassion for the buyer in understanding their needs, not yours.

    Oh man!  I wish I had the time to be depressed . I certainly have plenty of reasons to be depressed.I probably am depressed that's why I'm responding to this question.Do I sound depressed to you?


    You write sane in my eyes but then, I'm the one who sees a shrink.........
    ed shank

    I'll swap shoes with you, no time for depression? You sound well balanced, keep it up.

    I was extremely busy, when a bout of depression hit me! Most times, people do not, necessarily, have a "reason" to be depressed. It is often a whole combination of factors and it is not fact...for many...unbearable...thus, suicide!

    Below several layers, maybe a bit. You seem more together than not. But you don't let down your guard much, do you?

    Nah, not you Tommy.

    Tom!You still sound so darling!!....are you certain we haven't met??LOL:D

    Tommy, keeping busy helps. So, keep on keeping on .

    Well, here I am in a tree full of cocoanuts and I’m one of the bunch. Aren’t we funny. When I was old enough to know what normal is, I knew that was not me. ADHD, Manic-depression, Alzheimer's seem under control, schizophrenic….yep I’m a wild man and madly in love with all of you.    

    ed shank

    Was wondering when you were going to jump out of the tree.

    i take effexor for depression. i can really tell the difference if i dont take it in a couple of days. my kids notice too. first words out their mouth, mom you took your meds today?


    I have a friend who is house bound because of her severe depression. She can't be left alone at 30 years old. If her husband goes away, someone had to sit with her. It is very sad.
    It is wonderful that you have a medication that works.
    ed shank

    I was diagnosed as a manic depressive at 19. I'm afraid of taking these new drugs with all the possible side effects. (suicide/homocide)

    I do have days when I feel depressed. I Take long walks and I always feel better. but I will not take medication. It scares the heck aout of me.Keeping busy and not watchingTV also makes me feel so much better. Sitting in the sun(if there is one) always changes my mood for the better.

    Ed, I would have never guessed that you are manic depressive. You are very outspoken and it is very refreshing to hear someone tell how they feel and dont care what everyone thinks. I get a great kick out of it.

    I am an asperger person and us  autism specturum people are prone to have mental problems as obsessive compusive disorder and depression because we don*t have ability to prosess the worlld around us. I myself am  people shy but still very very social, paradoxical isin't it? I am realy addicted to akaQA  and you have wonderful sense of humor. Love yuo all @----> <3


    ed shank

    Welcome to our nutty family.

    Pikku, so glad to have you on this site. I have a grandson who is 18 years old and he is autistc. He had early intervention and attented regular school.He has many friends , but sometimes likes to be alone. He loves animals and uses the computer like you do too.He is a great kid who is always helpful and loves to hug.He is very special and we love him and love you very much too,

    welcome, Pik. It's a great bunch here.Post your comments more often

    Thaks! Pikkutiikeri means litletiger in finish I like animals very much too and attended regular school. I got my diagnoosis 6 years ago at 41 ears old.

    I know I do, been seeing shrinks off and on for  35 years. Finally have some meds that work and don't poison me (lithium warning from me.........)...............

    ed shank

    Alcohol kicks my a**. I joke about it alot but I always have to remind myself that tomorrow may be a bad day because of it. I never drink after Thursday if I know I'm going to the track on Saturday. At 190 you have to have your s*** together.

    Julie, thats a long time taken medications for that.I am totally anti-medication.

    I have a long time illness plus I got in trouble with CPS for not taking any meds, lost my son.....

    Julie I am so sorry. I cant imagine what you have gone trough
    ed shank

    Didn't know about your loss either, sorry to hear that.

    Your not alone Ed.........Yep I suffer extreme anxiety mostly accompanied by panic attacks, when my anxiety is at its worse,  oh my god,  the panic attacks that follow  are truly terrifying.Over the years i have learnt to control them, but they are dying to get hold of me again.I find anxiety and depression go hand in hand, if it's anxiety one day it will be depression the next.

    ed shank

    This so true Python. One or the other. I find that changes in the weather also have an effect. My wife who never had any issues, is suddenly experiencing some discomfort (anxiety). Again, only when there's a change in weather. I have always had an "In your face" attitude when provoked due to an adrenaline rush which is not much different then an anxiety attack. Clearing off a few bar stools actually calmed me down, even pain made me feel better. A curse I have no other choice but to live with.

    Ed, changes in the weater affect me too lately, especially when it rains or it is a dreary day.

    I guess I schould feel lucky, seeing what everyone goes through.You of all people, I would have never guessed. You are always so together.
    ed shank

    Ann,I try like hell to keep it together. 99.9% of the time I'm OK.

    When I first came to the US. , I met a very nice woman who also came from Germany one year before I arrived and we both had anxiety attacks together. It was really all about beeing homesick.  I actually ended up in the hospital having a major anxiety attack. It went away on its on eventually, but as friends we stuck together like glue.Sadly she passed away 5 yrs. PA. where she lived. She never told me that she had cancer and even tried to keep it from her children.


    Ann; I had a similar experience when years ago we moved to another province. I was alone most of the time with my girls. Every morning I sat on my back patio after I had dropped the girls off at school. While I did the crossword puzzle and drank my coffee Johnny, the yellow lab from across the street would come and visit me for a hug, a pat and a biscuit. He was lovely and the first friend I made in that city.
    ed shank

    Ann and Fishy, I've moved so many times in my life I can't count them. I never felt homesick or missed my old surroundings. I started to feel uncomfortable again when I returned to familiar surroundings. I'm good today though. The wife was always there when I was down, and she knew it wasn't me, it was the affliction.

    Ann, you are always so kind and I would never think of you as having problems with anxiety. Every answer of yours gives me a feeling of peacefulness...that it is coming from your heart, and that you are a very wise woman.

    Fishy, Animals are always so loving and dont judge. They make a big difference in ones life.

    Bob, I dont have anxiety attacks any more. Thank you for your kind words.

    I am really surprised at all the responses. My empathy to everyone. :o
    As for myself, I have been taking a low dose of anti-depressant medication for over 20 years. It keeps my head above water.    I have been in therapy for depression; during the lowest point (2003), I was almost hospitalized because I could NOT stop crying.  
    My depression is due to chemical imbalance in my brain, just like yours, ed. At this point in my life, I've almost come to accept this is "as good as it gets", but there is that little optimistic part of me that still believes there is something better ahead (pre-Heaven).   
    As I said, my medication "keeps my head above water"; I would really like to get onto dry land.  


    After reading everyone elses responses I'm beginning to wonder about myself.Like I said I have plenty to be depressed about. Oh and you hit it on the head Bob,I don't drop my guard much.LOL. Stay on the meds Bob.Keep fighting it!
    ed shank

    Bob, not sure if sand between the toes would change anything. It seems we all do have one thing in common, we need someone who will listen. In this little "akaqa" world "we" are that collective someone.

    Bob, you went throgh alot. Its no wonder you suffer from depression. As long as the mediccation helps you you schould not worry. You are doing just fine.

    none of the above

    ed shank


    val, someone is actually normal ?! I'm happy for ya. Give us your secret

    Normal is actually a very relative adjective. For those that know me these are no secrets: work hard, work out, walk in the nature, sleep 7 hours a night, go to bed and wake up early, eat four times a day mostly food I prepare my self from healthy vegetables, fruits, litle meat, chese, nuts, fish (mostly salmon, dark chocolate with my morning esspresso doppio, a glass of red wine (mostly Pinot Noir) with every (early, last of the four meals) dinner, a handfull of vitamins and suplements (just in case), love my family, friends and life, being loved by family and friends, respect myself and others, seeing the glass half full...
    I have plenty of bad habits too - I'll keep them inthe closet.

    I am one of the luck one`s. I have a check up with a "Shrink Every four months .Good news "DOWSA He cries!! NO change "You mean I am still a somebody !! "Yes ""O" Yes Still "Mental !! So Ed I am as "Happy as a "Shit In a dry "Toilet .Might stink !! But come up "Smelling of "roses "


    Thanks Dowsa! It is just hare to imagine that your shit stinks ;)
    ed shank

    You two crack me up.

    "OH. It stinks "PERFUME " I wear it as after shave.

    Well now I think something is wrong! I really have no troubles coping with life. However I seldom sleep > 2 hours at a time then very restless.  I guess I just deal with things.  After everyones answers now I'm worried!

    ed shank

    Chill, your doing good.

    You probabably just suffer from lack of sleep. I went through a peripd like that and had a hard time coping. Now I am back to sleeping again and everything is normal. Drink Chamomille tea before bedtime. That always makes me sleep.

    You probabably just suffer from lack of sleep. I went through a peripd like that and had a hard time coping. Now I am back to sleeping again and everything is normal. Drink Chamomille tea before bedtime. That always makes me sleep.

    No need to worry...depression is not something that strikes everyone. I am of the belief that it might run in families but who knows? Even the "experts" keep coming up with different theories.
    ed shank

    Ann, must be a German thing. Everybody in my family drinks that stuff. I like Budwieser, myself.

    Do you feel rested after those two hours?

    To Bob, No I don't Eventually I fall back to sleep, but its been years that I ever sleep for longer than 2 hours at a time. Being as the pattern is so old-probably 30years, my doctor will not prescribe anything.

    Clu, I've heard many people say in the last few years that they have insomnia. Not just here, but in my life .

    I suffer from CRS , i think it might happen to all of us from time to time, now what was i saying...

    Never been depressed. And, I have no trouble giving a talk in public.


    I could be mildly depressed AND speak in the same time...and I have!

    Depression, anxiety, no, I'm shy I guess thats a social disfunction as I have trouble speaking when in groups of people.

    ed shank

    You? Never would have guessed that one.
    Headless Man

    Yea, I talk better with my fingers, but not much

    It seem like we all suffer one thing or another or all of them, for me now that I'm retire feel more useless than ever, there time I start crying for no reason,I come to understand that I'm not alone with this behavior, depression I would call it, did see the Dr. but only prescribe pill and way you go.I believe only make matter worst in my case, just live a day at a time.


    I would suggest that you research a little about ways to overcome can worsen and that would worry me, facebook.

    A bit late, but yeeeppp.

    Good question Ed,seems to me a lot of us appear to one thing or another.Ive had panic attacks before now-absolutely terrifying!!!Anti depressants ive taken on and off(actually more on than off!)for years,dose was doubled a month ago.Plus,as you,know ,im a recovering alcoholic.Other than that,im fine!!!!Joking apart,i AM fine







    Every sober minute is precious, well done, keep it up!
    ed shank

    I am quite surprised how many of us are afflicted with this horrible condition. I do like my beer but I am aware of exactly what my limit is. Too many beers, popping pills like crazy the next day. The routine has been the same or years.

    It is enlightening that so many people share the same problems I do- - - - a long  history of anxiety adn depression. The liquor industry was built on it. I used to keep it quiet that I take anti- anxiety and anti-depression drugs till I found out that everyone else is too- - -- or their spouse is taking them . LOL Those that can't afford them......drink.  Let's face it .......Life is depressing except for little interludes.


    The strange thing was It was the first time I met with her...then my tests came back & I was seen by someone else- I can only wonder what she would have said if I had seen her...

    Ed: You mention Saturday nights and 190 .... Would you care to share the track, how often, and maybe even the car # should I decide to watch?

    ed shank

    Englishtown, NJ, or Island dragway in Independence, NJ. The season just started and I have a new ride that still has some bugs in it. I should be making a few passes in two weeks if I can get it to hook up better. No number on my ride. 212 inch wheelbase, all black. I usually make it to the track three times a month but the cost of upkeep has skyrocketed. I lost two sponsors. We'll have to see what comes along as far as new sponsors go.




    ....actually double-nuts! OOPS!

    Thanks ROMOS!!! x

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