    Is it a curse being good looking.??

    +11  Views: 1974 Answers: 24 Posted: 12 years ago

    It's not called the "Wet Coast" for nothing!!!

    24 Answers

    being beautiful or handsome is a gift from God. it's like looking at beautiful flowers or beautiful buildings.  if one is fortunate enough to develop a stable personality with those good look, great.  beauty is only bad if you are thinking wrong.  hang around positive people that appreciate others, no matter how they look. be thankful for beauty, but don't get crazy and let it go to your head too much.

    Is it ever!!!    When I go shopping, I make sure that I never comb my hair, I always wear old, baggy clothes, dirty worn out shoes, a torn hat....anything to keep away the crowds so that I can just be left in peace.  I wish I were ugly but....oh well, I'll just have to stay strong.


    I Can understand your plight Ducky,
    country bumpkin


    ....caught unawares! ambush Ducky!!!I wish I had webbed feets!!!

    Yes...'tis a curse indeed... this is ones' most common view of me as I attempt to dodge the throngs of adoring fans....Aha!""


    Get some shoes on'll injure your feet while on the run...

    Is it raining,??

    hi, what a beautiful it!!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    It must be. Ruined the life of Brad Pitt.


    Angelina too!

    and a lot of other stars, But that's b/c they didn't handle their good looks respondsibly

    By the way, Dig, How is his life ruined ? He seems to be doing allright to me.

    Sarcasm, mcm. He's doing quite well indeed. SOME curse !

    I have learned to live with it. (Chuckle)


    Just like I have. LOL!!!!!

    We are all dealing with it... You and Ducky especially... It is almost much.
    What a good looking bunch of coconuts.

    Come on now fishy...I've seen the mobs chasing you down the street too! It's tough isn't it? LOL!!

    Couldn't tell you.


    come on i wont tell anyone,Flip,

    Oh the pain!

    Oh the pressure!

    Oh the responsibility!

    Are you abnormally good looking Hector?

    If so... don't use it as a weapon.

    ... and take better care of yourself ... Your dinner tonight was not healthy... That food will give you wrinkles.




    I Have leant to deal with,my afflition,and try ease the pain i must cause others,Miss Fishlet,

    It can be at times yes, especially when i'm taking the little lady for a night on the town...


    But i guess you dont play on it Darren,and treat the lady,as you only can,

    Treat a lady like a ? you know the rest..

    Dont  really know.? My "Wife stop putting up mirrors. Said they  cost to much replacing them !!



    Only when you make an effort for everyone to notice!

    Maybe it is a   problem if people don't look past the good looking to see if there is a good soul inside.  Expectations aren't always reality.   


    oh,that i should look out to deceive,Mark Twain,1879,


    Possibly.   A woman expects an ultimate performance from the best looking guy.  This inevitably leads to disappointments. 

    Too high of an expectation (over promised) = dissatisfied result (under delivery)



    Hm,ill have to look into this,

    won't know til after the surgery !!!!!

    I have surveyed the animals...because, after all, many are much more attractive than humans.  It's tough out there!  The cuter the tougher.  Except for shrews.  Cute shrews tend to have an easier go at it- who knew?!


    Yes...I'm familiar with a few "cute" must take especial care 'round these little shape-shifters!!At least 'tis my experience!:D

    Love the answers. So many different views. I like this saying

    by Kahlil Gibran-

    Beauty in not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.



    that's cute, and it looks so life-like

    This little guy is too cute!

    No it's not, But, if you've been entrusted with being good looking, you should not take advantage of it or abuse the privilage.  You should be nice and friendly to every body, and help them. Like, if they lose their job or something, help them to find a new one. Buy them or make them  some meals while they're unemployed


    Ill buy you a big mac,and an ice cream,when we meet,

    Love you answer.

    Now go help me find a job, entrusted good looker. :)

    I gotta "Ugly down" every time I walk out of the house. The crosses I have to bear.


    Oh, but your beautiful spirit and loving attitude sparkle through no matter what. You can't help but be irresistible. All the akaers are cursed that way.

    My parents said “Beauty is skin deep and ugly is to the bone.” I found that untrue. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and is a quality of spirit that is beyond all things temporary and fleeting.

    Men are usually not attracted to beautiful women because they think she would have too much power, would be expensive to maintain and provide for, thus think they may be a pricey hooker, are already with someone if they have a ring on, are gay if they are with another woman of equal beauty, has a cling-on side kick if with a companion, is gay if the companion is a woman, is a…….most men cannot stop thinking about women even if no woman is around and then they are worried about being gay or that others may think they are gay or that the other guy…..and so forth. And you are concerned about your good looks….in the presence of men…  

    I think people judge you more, but in a very good way. Example , they ask you , do you get a lot of attention from guys.Its as if they know you possibly do get the attention just by looking at you.Emmaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


    Isn't it?! I grabbed it from free images on Bing,you can use the images for free without losing them on the answer forum!This one is by artist Leonid Afremov.Peace.

    You can get unwanted attention too, such as a stalker and ugly men after one thing only. The stalkers are worse, the others you just put in their places - a nobody.

    It used to be when i was good looking..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..Ugly-People


    You have that certain something Terry that is hard to define,,
    terryfossil 1

    Aaaawwwww shucks Dennis,just put your glasses back on..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 

    Its not a curse if you are vain. eludes me.

    Pretty is as pretty does. My mom grated on my self-esteem.....

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