    What do you think? Bob/PKB hit 200K!!!!

    +18  Views: 3709 Answers: 37 Posted: 12 years ago

    I like tour new picture, is it you?

    Yep and thank you......

    So glad you made it Bob, this site wouldn't be the same w/o you, glad you are here.............

    37 Answers (31-37 Displayed)

    Earned and well deserved, congratulations


    It will just be a little while until you reach the 100k, lambshank. I will raise a toast to you. :D

    One of Rock and Roller Chuck Berry's greatest hits had the lyrics, "Go Go Johnny Go!".  Well . . . Go Go Bobbie Go!!!  Bobbie is great tonight!


    Rock and Roll is here to stay! Glad you've stayed here, too, tabber! You're a good friend.

    Legend in your own lunch box Bob well done.

    I look for your answers as they are always good.

    "When you are on a good thing stick to it"

     ( Who knows where I stole this from?)


    "Lunch box" is what Mickey Rooney's character called Ben Stiller's character in "Night at the Museum". I laugh every time I hear that phrase! Thanks for your kind words, sweetheart.

    I can't believe I missed you reaching 200k! I saw your karma points yesterday, Bob/PKB.  So, here's a message from me to you...............



    Thanks much, chelleanne. It is always fun to do homework with you....and I appreciate your insight into the "other stuff". That bird is my favorite shade of blue! :D

    WHAT??!  Really?  Absolutely no better person to have here to answer real/personal questions than Bob/PKB.   You won't get a more honest, detailed and sincere answer than what she gives.  She truly deserves all the accolades she will surely receive from her online friends!  And friends I mean, and friends she definitely has........Thanks, Bob, really are special!   ;-D


    I don't know about that, I see a lot of people, here who give well thought out and honest answers. Nice that you're a fan of Bob's but please do not leave out the other members who are just as special in the efforts they put forth here to help as many as they can.

    NOTE: I do not mean myself. I am honest but I am a straight forward speaker. I was never one who could sugar coat my words. I leave sweet to other people. ;)

    It was not my intent to leave all others out, not at all. This is Bob's special honor for reaching 200K and I was congratulating her personally for it, because she, and anyone else who reaches it, deserves it. Yes, there ARE many honest and thoughtful and helpful people here, including you, Colleen, but I was focusing on Bob and her personal accomplishment. I hope NO ONE was offended, absolutely, and the people here are usually so harmonious and generous I certainly didn't foresee any issues with applauding her positive qualities. All the best!

    OK. I do understand why but I know that most all the members read what gets posted and some may feel offended to see one person get acknowledgement like this when they work just as hard. I've seen it happen before (someone being offended). I think a lot of the members give honest detailed answers and I guess I used this to let them know it's not gone unnoticed. ;)

    Colleen, What I noticed is that you ignored when I reached the 100k mark and someone else posted the congrats. You have taken an especially kind and much appreciated gift from michmar118 and been negative toward me. Yes, I take this personally. Why couldn't you just let someone say something nice about me and let it go at that. Posting something about my "work" here on someone else's congratulatory post would be inconsiderate. This was not.

    michmar118, You can't imagine how very much I appreciate your kindness. I love being here and enjoy all the fun and craziness that goes on. It would be so much less without good people like you. Thank you, from my heart. I am almost speechless (and that would be a first!) :D

    Thank you , Bob, from the heart, for your back-up support. I was not a little surprised being called out like when I only meant well to you on your special day. I see your lovely spirit through your answers to others and it stands out to me. I just thought this was a good time to put that forth, as I'm sure many other people feel the same. It was yours, and yours only, a 200K moment here and you deserve to shine for a time, just as anyone would, here or on their birthday or graduation, etc. We all have our individual, special moments in life and I've always felt that that is when you make someone feel special and unique by highlighting what makes them just who they are. I have a hard time believing that any adult would want to deny that to another in a congratulatory time, but , hey, you never know.......Sorry that I wound up unintentionally sullying your 200K, but I think you understand. :-}

    michmar118: I think we both understand. sigh.

    Catching up on this. I actually only posted because a few members had contacted me that day about this and felt offended that it was posted that there is no better person than Bob to answer real/personal questions. I did handle this wrong and for that I apologize. I was trying to cover that they had contacted me about it.

    Bob, I did note your 100K. I made you a trophy.

    Congrats, Bob/PKB!! Great job! 


    :D thanks, Desirae. I enjoy sharing this space with you!

    So what. This is a surprise. That's my lady, she kicks ass.


    :D Have you cloned yourself yet? LOL
    ed shank

    A clone, you certainly are a glutton for punishment.

    Apparently! :D

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