    Are you a car singer!?

    I sing loud and I sing proud!

    I am certain that I sound fantastic darling!

    +12  Views: 1245 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    16 Answers

    No but I do blurt out a lot of words when driving. I suppose if a beat was added, it could be a form of rap. : )


    Mouthing the word f..f..friend?

    That and doing the NY wave : ) I'm assuming you can figure out the NY wave ..|.

    Clear picture!

    Moderator assume correctly. 11 (1) 11

    That's what I keep telling everyone; I'm rehearsing my new rap!

    Still sing along...just like when I was a kid!  Sometimes I don't even realize that I'm singing until I get that strange look (or smile) from the car beside me.  (Oops...feelin' silly now.)


    I get such a kick out of drivers singing away...It always brings a smile to my face. Last summer I was having a difficult day ... driving here... appointments there. I was totally stressed. I came around a corner and in a car was this beautiful woman singing at the top of her lungs to her Black Lab. It totally made my day. That woman and her dog were having the times of their lives. Who couldn't be lifted by that?

    Like to roll thw windows down crank up a great song and sing along- yup I still have some tenaer left in me-lol

    Max (dog) and I travel long distances a couple times each month for my part time business. When I get tired and start "singing" up a storm to stay awake, he looks at me really strangely.



    My dogs sing and my last dog talked as well. He really loved to sing. My first dog was far more serious... she had the power of mind meld... she was a genius dog.
    I just love my dogs!

    Totally, i 'll sing till my hearts content, or until some one else is with me..

    Like I wrote earlier, I can't carry a tune in a tin bucket. I don't even sing to myself, just to my cat and he doesn't care......................


    I think you should let loose woman! Sing loud and sing proud!

    Oh my, yes, I am singing all the time in the car.  I also like to roll down the window and beat a rhythm on the little strip between the windshield and the window.  Love the classic rock.


    It just cracks me up... car singing and playing the car... of course you are dancing as well?!

    Bob and Fishlet.... LOL!!!

    The dancing is a little difficult because I am also playing the harmonica and need to keep my feet on the wheel!

    Now that's quite a visual! LOL!!!

    You bet! :D

    Yes and I love driving around in my stereo singing stuff like Zeppelins' "Your time is gonna come" or attempting to sing the traditional lyrics to Black Water Side in time to Jimmy Pages' rendition titled Black Mountain Side and then there's the Raconteurs as well as howling along to "Move it on over" George Thoro-ly-good on smokin' slide guitar!!!Yep...guilty as charged snofficer! Peace.


    I can sing a mean Robert Plant ... too much fun!
    Peace back!

    Don't have a  car, only and old beat up truck.


    Do you sing in the truck... my stereo in my truck is caput because of playing the music way up loud!!!
    La La!

    truck make it own music click clunk racky noise drive one crazy.I can hear music in my head can seem to get it out myself.

    Sometime I'll sing in my bedroom when I'm alone.
    And sing " Are you lonesome tonight do you want me by your side? do you miss me when I'm gone?can you hold me tight,before we get into a fight, La la la. si tu maim com je taim? cole ta betain contre la maine,la la la.

    Is it a GM product?

    Lindilou... That is hilarious!

    No just a 20 yr old Dodge.can't kill it.

    Oh well... Dodge... I had a Dodge Colt... that little car fell completely apart aroung it's Mitsubishi engine that would not die.
    Drive it till it drops! Buy a Dodge!

    Singing loud out of tune and changing all the words....Bennie and the jets, Jennie,Jennie, & the bets all bets are off... yesss Bennie


    I am singing back up... Jennie, Jennie, Jennie and the Bets!

    I get a kick out of the kids coming home from school as their looking at this old buzzard screaming/singing his a** off coming down the street.


    Ha Ha! The girls next door have decided that I am a bit of an odd artist... I sing away in my pottery shed. They obviously don't have a clue who Soundgarden is!

    All in all, it just might be a little scary? I, of course, wouldn't find it unusual at all.....

    I sing while driving on long trips especially. I like Italian opera in my range and the Beatles of course. 


    Oh my goodness... you must be soooo much fun on road trips!

    I don’t usually sing if others are in the car with me unless they get me started. But other drivers notice.

    I let my radio do this for me...


    No... this can't be true.

    WHY NOT?

    You don't even hum?

    IHAL in the car,SL in the car when alone and sleepy, LAL & SST everywhere I am... Solve this one please :-)

    Great.! Has the best acoustics actually. Taught my daughter how to sing alto/soprano etc.. while having dinner in the car in a roadside boutique. At least nobody complains that you may be caterwauling :). Try doing so in the rain. Fantastic dynamics.


    This is true but I can tell you they look at you very strangely at times... My girls are great car singers!

    @fishlet, the 3 must be beautiful to listen to in harmony then :). The trick is to keep the windows closed, here we keep the flies out so the sound in :)

    No. I'm afraid my singing might cause multiple chain-reaction pile-ups.

    Well now they call me the breeze.......I keep rollin down the road...........

    When she gets lonely and longing gets too much........she sends a cable coming in from above

    we don't need no letter at all.                We got a thing that's called Radar Love......We've got a wave in the air...............Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    That is hilarious!

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