    Congratulations Facebook welcome to the 100K Club!! Woot!




    +20  Views: 2081 Answers: 28 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: 100k club

    28 Answers

    Facebook, let's face it, you had a face off, went face to face, and in the long run, you saved face. CONGRATULATIONS on reaching 100K!




    Thank You!Chiangmai! Let face it I don't deserve to be here, When there are so many brainy people on this site,and you especially are a master on akaAQ. site. Big (*~*) smile.

    This exclusive club is getting bigger every day

    Another valued member joins.

    Well done mate.

    KOTF salutes you.


    Hey! Salutes to you too KOTF. Thank You for your support,a friend indeed!

    Hip Hip Hooray! Congratulations, Facebook.


    Thank You! Country Bumpk !(cheer) and a [[hug]]

    Congratulations @Facebook! Way cool on your achievement........!


    Thank You ! Jhharlan ! I didn't think I was going to make it this far, There is a lot of smart people here and so are you! Love You!

     Thumbs up to you Facebook, congratulations.



                                          Like this 


    Did you wash your hand before you gave me that thumb Thank You ! Pythonlover! TU u2.


                             "Congratulations on making it to the other side!"


    Congratulation to you too Shootah you've just cross over 100K.

    Yippeeeeee Kai Yay and Hooray!!  You made the team all on your own!

    You are great and pretty neat.  That Tiffany blue face is yours alone!

    Your beaming grin and too cool shades say... hey!... "This is Me!"

    We are so glad there is no other place you would rather be!

    ... I know ... the talent is astounding.  It's a gift.  What can I say?



    What did you say? you are a poet and I didn!t know

    Thank You! Fishlet! so nice of you darling! you cheer me up even when I'm down, you make me shine even when sky are grey! Love yah!

    Big (((hugs))) right back facebook!

    Also like to Thank Colleen specially for all her hard work to keep us in order and well manner in Q,A. Also for her tolerance with all kind trouble maker that are out there, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK ! Colleen!!!


    Thank you and I do appreciate your thoughts but this is for you. Enjoy your celebration! ;D

    Well done Facebook! Hang in there!


    thanks ducka,what a cute name.

    YO  Facebook another one making me envious, well done on ALL them thumbs up.


    Big Thank You ! TU u2

    Hey facebook...look at you up there in the 100K club...CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!     :)


    Thank You! Ducka Quack to you...(*~*)

    BOO YA excellent job.....Congratulations...100k Wowser !!!


    Thank You! Daren1 ! don't ask me too catch up to you.

    Good Going facebook! Keep collecting!


    Thank You! Clu ! your well on your way to!

    Facebook your in the Club. THE RAT PACK. Name your drink its on Colleen!.


    I am a poet and I don't show it... at all... le' Sob!
    It's only because the brilliant musical score and beautiful voice don't resonate well in this medium.

    Thank You ! Dowsa! glad to be in the rat race,I will have a drink on behalf of all the AKA 100K member! cheer!!!

    Fishlet I also was a poet bought a bike and couldn!t go about that Here is my musical score. If Iwas an apple up a tree
    I would let you eat me
    just for Free.

    Fishlet Me le SOB my Mum was holy Well her Knickers were so I was told ate to many beans for breakfast.

    thats the way you do it, way to go,Facebook......congrats!!!


    Thank You Wonderer! Soon you be there to and don't be wondering too long, cheer my friend!!!

    CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm glad you're on this site!!!!!!!!


    Thank You!! Doolittle!! glad you're enjoying the site,( cheer ) Best wishes to you!

    and to you!

    Well done facebook.Congratulations.


    Merci beacou! cheer SunnyB !!! Bottom up!!!

    Better 19 hours late than never...

    hip hip hooray! hip hip hooray! hip hip hooray!!!!!!!


    val- youre almost there too!!

    Was that tree cheer? Vair! TU u2 Thank You again have one on me, cheer! it celebrating time!

    facebook, Yikes! Way to go. Congratulations!!!

    Congratulations Facebook!  On a job well done!


    G'day Facebook, Congrats and welcome to the 100Ks club, well done Mate.


    Thank You Bulletman!! all the best too you cheer!! you are in my though and keep up the good work, lot of love!!

    Way to go, 100,000 up and 10000000000000000000000  to come..........


    Oh! almost mist you!Headless Man! Thank You!all the best too you (cheer) I don't think I'll get that far, lucky too have made 100k the rest will be a bonus. Just be happy what I have now!

    Congratulations Facebook, I remember when you first arrived, I think I asked you why you chose the name facebook? Not sure I remember the answer, but I'm glad you're still here. We share a lot of similar views on issues, so keep up the great work here FB!


    Thank You Leeroy! a friend indeed cheer!!! have one me My ans too your question was that I took that name by mistake when I was trying too sign in, my real name is Rolly.

    Woo hoo way to go, conratulations


    Thank You Lambshank! hope your feeling better,have one on me my friend cheer,and God bless your heart!!!

    """"Congratulations facebook!


    Can you hit that fly crawling all over my page ,Thank You Eggy!

    That,s my little Eddy!!!!!
    I was wondering where he went.

    Sorry, missed your B-day. Took a few days off to attend to business. Many more dude.


    Thank You ! Ed Shank! I was wondering where you were,cheer on my friend! it celebration time!

    Congrats, facebook! Awesome job! :D (Sorry I missed it though)


    Thank You ! Desirae! never too late ( cheer )

    """""" well done keep it up xxxx

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