    over 30 years

    Lindy and Michael Chamberlain attending yet another inquest into the tragic death of their daughter Azaria, do you think it was a dingo, or foul play?

    +7  Views: 1428 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    Most Nth. Americans would not know this shocking case as it was in Australia, it did make headlines around the world at the time.

    I recall reading about this story here in Ireland, it was in the news. To be honest, I cant decide.

    Meryl Streep played Lindy in a US movie...but quite a while some of us are well aware. Nomdeplume a few of us do try to keep up with what happens outside of our country!

    17 Answers

    I would like to know how a Dingo can remove a baby from a jump suit without tearing/ ripping it, it is hard enough trying to put one on, ------- one clever dingo. in my opinion, the baby was killed by at least one member of the family, we will never know.


    there was some suggestion about one of their sons some years ago (he would have been very young)

    30 years ago DNA evidence was not available. Now it is, so assuming the clothing worn by Azaria  and the blood specimens in the Chamberlain's car are still available, the DNA evidence should clinch the matter once and for all.


    there were accusations of tampering and contamination of evidence

    Lambshank, it cause a huge controversy then, i guess it will again, the tampering was done by who-- The Park Rangers or The Chamberlains, there was a cover up but by who.

    bulletman, I think that's the million dollar question, when speculation suggested Aidan(the young son)may have been involved as a jealous youngster some papers said the parents interfered with evidence so as not to involve the boy,you may remember there were so many opinions on this, and now it's back again

    The Blood specimen found in the car was proven to be rust proofing.I suppose it was red so suspicions would be aroused.

    I think it was a dingo. Dingoes are dangerous, they have always been dangerous. It was stupid to convict her in the first place.

    This is not a case I've heard or read about, but apparently is the origin of "The dingo ate my baby", which was a comedic line used in a Jerry Seinfeld Show. 
    There are so many parents murdering their children and trying to divert suspicion elsewhere. Even without knowing the details, I'd wager the parents were somehow involved.  
    Sad. Tragic. Sick. 


    Ms BOB, it was a talking point for Aussies for some time. A huge number of dingos at Eyres Rock were killed and their stomaches checked, nothing.

    If Jerry Seinfeld used "a dingo ate my baby" as a comedy line that is enough reason not to watch his so called humourist show, which I don`t.

    There was some inference at the time that one of the young sons may have been involved, though speculation ran wild and this was in the papers for many years here in Aus

    Lambshank. i think they are just going to tidy up loose ends, no one will be charged again, althou Australia doesn't have the double jeopardy law, a person can be tried again for the same crime, except for lindy she was exonerated and subsequently released from prison.

    bulletman, I think the Chamberlains are just looking for complete exoneration, which they,or at least Lindy never recieved

    A Dingo "TOOK" my baby,(With an eccentric Aussie accent) Was a line by Meryl Streep from the movie made on the subject.It has never really been established what Lindy said at the time exactly.But anyway,That's where Seinfeld & company got it from.

    ....It's not funny anymore.

    News to me as well , but certainly comes as no surprise, i think bobby said it right seems like most child abductions are somehow related to the parents, hopefully the truth will come out at justice will be served..


    wasn't so much an abduction, more a question of was it an action done by a wild animal, or the murder of baby Azaria by a person/s

    Got ya.

    The 'Dingo Took my Baby" is in relation to the Chamberlain family Michal the husband Lindy his wife and their young son and baby Azaria.

    They were camped at Ayers rock ( correct aboriginal name Uluroo) when bayb Azaria went missing and the mother Lindy claimed that a dingo (native dog) had taken Azaria from the tent the family was using.

    A wide search turned up Azarias` jump suit but no sign of the child.

    This information is to bring you up to speed on the background and I do not intend to speculte on what might or might not have happened.


    Thanks, you explained it better than I

    PL, that was short and straight to the point, i would have typed an essay. lol

    I could have also but it would be sub judice as there is a continuing hearing.

    I'm not familiar with the story.........

    I looked up the history on line and read what happened.  It is one of those cases where the truth will never be known.  
    How very tragic.  
    In America, we are experiencing more and more cases of parents and/or children killing each other.  I hope it never ceases to be an abomination.  

    I think most of you now know that i don't usually have one line answer more like a short story. if you have plenty of time i will do one ; ACTUAL HEAD LINE------' A DINGO TOOK MY BABY'   it is very interesting like an Agather Christies novel.


    It certainly is, what do you think?



    a beautiful place, called Uluru now, an Aboriginal name

    I just saw that on tv this morning. I remember a little now .


    it did happen a very long time ago

    I have never been able to get away from the idea that there would have to be SOME human involvement. Maybe the baby was mauled by a Dingo But disposed of to cover up lack of parental supervision.Who knows? There is yet another inquest happening right now but I don't believe the real truth ....All of it....will ever be known.

    After reading about the case and seeing the movie I was left puzzled.  Without a body, just the clothing, what are they looking for in the DNA?? Dingo saliva?  Someone else's blood?  Even if they find non blood DNA on the clothing that doesn't prove a thing.  I am truly hoping it was not the son because that is not normal jealous behavior.  It would really point to the son having sociopathic behaviors...which do not stop. He will be triggered by something and Oz will have a serial killer on their hand.


    doo, I agree,and I doubt anyone will ever really know what happened,there are too many irregularities in the evidence and the statements

    I have just read the forensic odontological evidence on this case and there is no doubt that the damage to Azaria's clothing was caused by human agency, not a dingo. The question must therefore be 'which human'?. At this length of time it will probably be impossible to know. The two Chamberlain boys, the brothers of Azaria, are now in their mid thirties, and even if they were somehow implicated it would not be possible to convict them as they were 4 and 6 at the time.

    Not familiar with this.


    read peoplelovers explanation, accurate quick overview

    As usual, Americans know nothing about anything outside their borders.

    I do remember this in the newscast years ago in America. So sad whether it's true or false.


    Azaria's death was true

    lambshank, So sorry to hear that it was all true. Poor little one not to mention the devastation for the parents.

    Answer #2.... At the time I can rember there was a lot of predjudice against the Chaimberlains becase of their "Different" religion. (Seventh Day Adventist). Also witnesses at Uluru said that they had seen the baby Azaria dressed in black the previous day.Black signifying that she was selected for ritual sacrifice.All bullshit in my opinion but that's what they had going against them.I'll say it again....we will never know.


    I know Quite a few 7th day Adventists in the US...a human ritual sacrifice is not a part of their beliefs.

    I know that Doc.But that is just some of the crap that was being circulated at the time.

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