    what would you do to a man who gave you herpes?

    +5  Views: 1396 Answers: 26 Posted: 12 years ago

    26 Answers

    I would reflect on, Why did I allow myself to have unprotected sex with someone I did'nt know so well.

    Walk away.  He just changed your life and not in a good way. 


    The damage is done.

    It is a crime to spread a communicable disease. It is the same as assault and you have evidence so if he has money, that’s yours also and medical bills are all his too. Prosecute the crime.  


    First Class advice !!!!!! Well said !!!

    I agree with you 100%.

    You first will have to prove you have never slept with anyone who has had herpes 1 and 2...yes my friends, an oozing cold sore can cause genital herpes (think foreplay). Sadly, it is almost impossible to do... oral herpes (cold sores) are a dif. type of herpes but the effects are the same.

    Report him to your county health department or even the CDC, if possible.  I would also put up informational posters around town about him and do it anonymously so you aren't subjected to defamation charges.  Other women NEED to know about him as well, as long you are positive it was him that infected you!!   Good luck...................

    Everyone has stated good points and concern for your condition is with us.   But in the old country, the tight communities,  we had ways of dealing with a person like this.  He had to  live with the a torment like the victim.   I  think a  horse with this condition is called a gelding.  Punishment by the law in the USA might be 'The Lindsay Lohan' 100 hours community service and 30 days in jail with 25 suspended.   That punishment doesn't fit the crime. This makes my blood boil !


    Life has lots of difficulties ,this is but one . Both people here had that life changing moment when they realised they had a incurable STD and that life would never be the same again . All should take note here that yes it can happen to you its not always the other guy or gal it might just be you . Wake up and be careful everyone . This could be your news of the day .

    I believe I should calm down before I respond when the question is something that disturbs me.
    Accepting responsibility for being part of the problem is relevent but the man knowingly caused the delema. Guilty !
    Thats the part that deserves ----------------!

    That was really a very rotten thing he did to you. I really don't know what to say in regards to this, other than I hope you talk to someone from a clinic, and perhaps get a referal to talk with someone. Sometimes talking with other people dealing with a similar predicament helps you find your own way through it. It really does.

    Other than that, in good conscience, I couldn't tell you to do anything that would risk getting you into trouble or cause problems later on. Sometimes we also need to look at our own role in things like this, as there were several bad decisions made, and he wasn't the only that made one. Life is what it is, and bad decisions have their costs for anyone who makes one. This isn't perhaps what you'd like to hear at the moment, but hopefully the realization of what I'm saying puts you on the path of healing. I say this, as you need to accept things as they are at this point, leaving you open to finding away to deal with it in a positive way, being able to move beyond this point.

    It's not the end of the world. You'll just have to adapt to a different way of dealing with what your life now presents you with. If there is one thing you can be thankfull for, it would be that at least it wasn't AIDS. I wish you all the best.


    True ,well said ,compassionate ,caring , wise ,to the point ,good council . Sad that the decision of a moment changes a life in a profound way for every single day of the rest of our lives . Long lasting repercussions ,I guess no decision is a small one ,is it?

    Check with a lawyer to see if there is anything that can be done.  No matter what, your life has changed forever, and no amount of money can make you any happier now.  Some mistakes cause a lifetime of regret.

    Better marry him because now you're the carrier.. Maybe you can join a herpes help group? Never know, you might find someone new  

    You really have no one to blame but yourself, why didn't you stop and think that maybe this guy could have a STD, a few moments of pleasure is now your worse nightmare, count yourself lucky it could have been AIDs.


    I totally agree

    When you begin to open a door and some dumdum from other side kicks into your face, and you get a life long injury, are you a victim of malicious intent. Yup. Should the kickee be allowed to kick the ass of the kickor or entitled to some other satisfaction.
    Besides how do you know that it was a consenting happening and a 'I told you so' response doesn't fix a thing.

    Herpes can 'live' on a cervix without symptoms....just an FYI, and something to ponder...could you have gotten it from someone else?


    same situation

    Sort of..but if she got it from someone else she would have given it to the guy she is referring to.

    food for thought

    It's the risk you take when not having safe sex. You have no idea who gave it to you. You could have been infected for years and not have an out break.

    I know it's upsetting,it could be so much worse, be thankful it wasn't HIV.

    Revenge is never the answer.

    If you can prove this person has herpes, and is having unsafe sex, you have a case. Can you prove it? It's next to impossible. Has he infected others? If you spread rumors you can be sued.


    Revenge is 'rotten'
    but it has a sweet taste.

    You are so right!

    Perhaps he didn't know he had it and you could have had protected sex until you got to know him well and eventually have fallen in love with him then you could have had unprotected sex with him and still caught it you can't really win with such a disease can you it's just  an unfortunate chain of events

    I don't think anything legal can be done to him (mental revenge is healing) but, you got caught.  Life lesson and I'm sorry it was learned this way. Educate yourself in dealing with herpes and deal with it.....

    Telephone him and let him know that you have herpes and he should get tested. 
    Don't have any further contact with the guy.
    Learn about herpes and how to control it.
    Advise any partner that you have herpes, he should wear a condom, and/or shower immediately after sex.  Have condoms on hand.  :D


    I think I have an eyesight problem.
    Might be the alchohol perhaps.
    Strobeing is going on here.

    I really don't know how to comment on this issue, other than the consequence of our action is sometime hard to deal with,you need to accept what has happen, and learn from it, It might of been a way of staying away from people with infected illness,worst case could have been AID.

    Take out a 1/4 page add in the biggest local newspaper and announce his disease...


    I smell a lawsuit!

    perhaps your right , ..an1/8 page add might do it..

    Slightly smaller lawsuit! :)

    That would be the last time I shake HIS hand again.

    Dunno maybe run over him with a bull dozer many many times just to watch the wheels go round and round......not gonna happen though.

    country bumpkin

    Missed you on here, Darci. You've been gone way too long.

    Thanks Mickey had too many issues going on thanks.

    I missed you too Darci but I thought maybe it was just me missing you, missing me, missing you...if you know what I mean...and by now, you probably do...know what I mean, I mean. Frightening isn't it? LOL!!!

    LOL got to love my Ducky.......

    ((( <3 ))) heart hug

    ((((((())))))))))))right back at ya Ducky......

    Hold a grudge for the rest of my life, then die old and bitter.

    Kill him! just kidding. The right answer is NOTHING.

    Maybe hire Bobbit?



    You like that Daisy?

    Just witty! I'm non violent.

    Kill him. Not really. Report him to the CDC

    report him to public health.

    "don't Thank him!! He left you a "Gift to remember him by!! "WHAT happened to "Safe SEX"?



    Yes Romos Rangers could with a gift like a honest buyer .My old man will be turning in his grave!!

    It's only safe...ER.

    Sad Ducky in todays living no need for unprotected sex.

    Find someone with aids and fix them up together.

    It absolutely needs reporting to the appropriate health authorities, and should he visit social website pages, I think I may just mention it there too

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