    These seem to be the only ones with a chance to be our next president, who would you want?

    These seem to be the only ones with a chance to be our next president, who would you want from this list.

    Newt Gingrich

    Ron Paul

    Mitt Romney

    Rick Santorum

    Barrack Obama

    +6  Views: 953 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    16 Answers

    Unfotunately, there are too many loopholes in the tax code and Bush lowered the taxes for the rich. He is only taking advabtage of all thats available to him. Everybody does it. I am more upset about GE. making 5 billion dollars and not paying one cent in taxes. HL. we need someone to beat Obama. Ron Paul is the most trustworthy, but not a strong fighter with words. I heard Newts speech after his SC. win and I believe he could beat Obama.


    Speech should not be the deciding factor in voting for a competent and trustworthy president. We all have seen where fancy speaking has taken us. Ron Paul may be a weak orator but what he says without flowery words matters more than grand speech making in my opinion.

    I agree. Speech schould not be the deciding factor in an election. It was however the deciding factor when Obama got elected and he will do the same this time around.All I care about is that Obama does not get a 2nd term.

    Damn there has to be someone better.


    Well, if nominated, I will run. If elected, I will serve. No one owns me yet.

    Oh man tough choice here..i just don't know..

    Great question Randy, thumbs up. I suppose the playing field is pretty thin. I do like Ron Paul, but I'm still hoping the Republican party can come up with a last minute pinch hitter. The choice must be able to defeat the obamanation currently in office. Lol...


    It's not that great lol. A better list might have made it great ;)

    That's for sure Colleen.

    If it comes to the list of names, I'll either vote for OBAMA or WRITE-IN GOOFY for PRESIDENT!!!!

    Headless Man

    Write in GOOFY then please.

    Wasted vote either way. Stay home.

    Maybe, maybe not.

    Yes, PLEASE write in Goofy!

    Well, if nominated, I will run. If elected, I will serve. No one owns me yet.


    : )


    Good one Colleen

    I'm pretty sure it's photoshopped but it's funny just the same.

    RON PAUL 2012!!

    Mitt may not survive the tax thing. ( I won't be sad about it either. Just another Bush and Obama).

     Romney's Tax Returns May 'Kill' Him

    Rupert Murdoch, the conservative media mogul who owns Fox News, tweeted Wednesday that the release of Mitt Romney’s tax returns could “kill” his candidacy.
    “Romney's tax returns might kill his chances. See Republican establishment panic now!” Murdoch tweeted.
    The former Massachusetts governor remains in a thorny political situation. He made more than $20 million income last year and paid only about 14 percent in income taxes.
    But Romney’s own tax plan has called for all Americans to pay a minimum 25 percent tax.
    Newt Gingrich’s plan, however, calls for a flat 15 percent income tax for all Americans. Gingrich has mocked Romney’s plan, saying that Romney wants Americans to pay more in tax than he himself does.
    Romney’s campaign is reeling.
    Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal reported this week that Romney’s posture suggests that his wealth embarrasses him.
    The Journal reported that Romney is thinking of scrapping the so-called “carried interest” provision that has allowed Romney and other venture capitalists to invest and reap profits at the low capital gains tax rate of 15 percent.
    If “carried interest” were scrapped, rates on venture investments could be taxed at normal income rates.
    Gingrich, for his part, says Romney’s plan is folly. Gingrich has argued he would cut capital gains taxes across the board to zero to stimulate investment and create new jobs.
    Romney appears in a box. Shamed by his low tax rates, he is calling for higher taxes for everyone else. As Politico put it, “Mr. Romney remains in a defensive crouch, as if he's embarrassed by his wealth.”

    Headless Man

    Isn't it sad that this country can't find more talented and capable people to run for office.

    Talented, capable and not corrupt or out for #1 only. Trouble is, only the super rich can afford to run for president now and most all of them are corrupt tax cheats.

    NO.   MAYBE.   MAYBE.   MAYBE.   NO.   
    Pretty pathetic pack of possibilities.   


    I cannot believe you went over 100K and I didn't say a thing. I thought I did. My bad!

    Nonetheless, A belated belated belated Congratulations to you, Bob/PKB. Your words and wisdom are truly appreciated by me!

    Jeff Bush


    America couldn't withstand another Bush.

    Let's agree to disagree on this one.
    Headless Man

    But maybe they saved the best for

    ANYONE but Obama will get my money and my vote.



    I would vote for RICK or me.......but Ron Paul  and Mitt are the only ones on the ballot here in Viriginia if they are still running then.....{:D


    You and I can be running mates. We'll be a shoo-in. I'd concede the presidency to you, Mr. Den.

    Ron Paul


    He'd be the oldest Elected, if he'd win which is very doubtful.

    I just saw on the news that Donald Trump is changing his affiliation from republican to "unafilliated" The reason given is that he will run for President in 2012? I dont know if its a hoax or another ploy to promote his show the" Apprentice."

    Headless Man

    Hope not.......

    He has hinted if no one stands up to Obama he may run as third party. I do not think he will, it is getting too late to run.....{:D

    Just what we need to make sure Obama gets to finish us off. Perot of the 21st century??

    I hope not. What a circus that would be!

    If NOODLEHEAD Trump runs Obama's in forsure.

    Ron Paul!!


    hope you are feeling better!

    I can't vote for Ron because of his mid-east policies..............


    Apparently you like wars.
    We do not need to be over there. Ron would defend the USA if needed. He would not be out attacking the world like the Bush's and Obama.
    Headless Man

    When President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Says Iran Is Ready for Nuclear Talks, watch out their getting ready to do something, delaying for more time, when they have the nuclear bomb they will use it.
    Sometimes you have to act first.
    No I don't like wars, but don't like seeing innocent people die either.......

    We have nukes already. If they send one we have a 1000 to send back. White House propaganda to get the American people to back another senseless useless war. Innocent people die in every war no matter who starts it, no matter if we strike first.
    Headless Man

    We have nukes, but do you think we would use them, probably not unless we were hit with one.

    Exactly. That's why I do not worry about Iraq and their quest for the nuke. We have more and we're decades ahead of them in perfecting them.
    Headless Man

    They will send one to Israel first, thats ok I assume?

    I still go for my original vote ---LEEROY  !!!!   and of course Colleen

    Headless Man

    We probably wouldn't be any worse off...........

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